I cant sleep. Worrying about tmr's trip, did I bring enough luggage? Wat is the weather like there? Will my ears be affectd on the flight? Will this trip be eventful? Will I leave anything behind? Have I fotgotten to pack anything? Did I pack enough?
Tons and tons of questions flooding my mind... I am also worried about zhiwei's birthday... All those in JCs are having their exams, so alot of the guys cant make it to celebrate. Yunshan wanted to juz have a simple dinner on that day and leave the big celebration for the weekend. I was thinking, the more the merrier, so I called alvin and chengwei along. Cant think of anymore pple who are free, and i have no time to think cuz i'm leaving town soon. come to think abt it, although zhiwei's birthday is no longer during the exam period for her, but for others in JC, nothing's changed. So it doesnt make much of a difference. Poor thing.
Feeling quite excited. This is the first time i am going on a holiday ever since my poly life started. my 1st trip abroad on my 1st sem break, wahaha! I can realli link things together and make it my 1st. lolx
Just now when I was searching my drawer, I found a small cookie tin. I dont rmb wat's inside(cuz i've got too many small winnie the pooh cookie tins) and i cant be bothered at that moment. Just a few minutes ago, I noticed it on the table. I checked the contents and all of a sudeen, memories flooded me. U must be curious abt the contents, but i cant say. haha. i'll juz mention that it is v impt to me and it brings back sweet memories that i longed to for. If only i can turn back time.
I will be gone from tmr night onwards to sun night. the plane is leaving at 745pm tmr and is arriving at 10pm on sunday. So u dont have to come to my blog for this period of time. It will not be updated. (comment sense la ya). Sweet dreams and Bon Voyage to myself!
Do not expect too much from me. Afterall, I only do this to kill time. All trespassers will be shot on sight. All survivors will then be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Have a nice day!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I am not in a good mood now... something horrible happend last night... I am now pleaing for forgiveness... sigh
Tmr i will have to start packing... leaving at 5pm on thurs... haven ask my mom when i will return but most probably on sun night, mon morning. This is exciting... so many things i wanna buy, cant wait to get there and start spending. i've been controlling myself recently whenever i go shopping. i cant buy anything cuz i might start regretting when i reach thailand.
Oh yeah. Hafta list out the things that u guys want me to get for u. Yunshan and Kah heng want me to buy shoes for them but if I buy shoes for them then i wont have space for myself in the luggage! My mom only gave me a small one, so I must plan wat I wanna bring there. I need all the space I need. Ooo.. sounds like a mission... lolx
When i return, i will make it just in time for zhiwei's birthday! That means i have to buy souveniers... cant go to her bday empty handed when the ppl know i've been to thailand. sigh. That means less space for myself. Nvm... tats wat friends are for...
Tmr i will have to start packing... leaving at 5pm on thurs... haven ask my mom when i will return but most probably on sun night, mon morning. This is exciting... so many things i wanna buy, cant wait to get there and start spending. i've been controlling myself recently whenever i go shopping. i cant buy anything cuz i might start regretting when i reach thailand.
Oh yeah. Hafta list out the things that u guys want me to get for u. Yunshan and Kah heng want me to buy shoes for them but if I buy shoes for them then i wont have space for myself in the luggage! My mom only gave me a small one, so I must plan wat I wanna bring there. I need all the space I need. Ooo.. sounds like a mission... lolx
When i return, i will make it just in time for zhiwei's birthday! That means i have to buy souveniers... cant go to her bday empty handed when the ppl know i've been to thailand. sigh. That means less space for myself. Nvm... tats wat friends are for...
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Bernard thinks I am dieting the wrong way! I dont care! I hate exercising and I love snacks! So I'll have one meal a day plus a whole load of snacks. Its far less than what I used to eat, 3-4meals a day plus a whole load of snacks.
My phone stinks
Today, I went to orchard... Singapore is getting realli boring... Anws, I had to get a present, so i asked yunshan along... Sb, Cw and Kh tagged along because Sb wants VCDs and Cw wants to borrow Sims2... then, Tim joined us and we went to find Joshua... The guys(excluding Sb) are working as surveyors and had to report at PS at 645pm. As usual, Sb psg(pang seh gao-dog) us after receiving his VCDs... wonder where was he heading to, no more dating... oh wait... mayb go find AP... wahaha!
Oh.. my dang phone is faulty!!! The sound system, or as bernard calls it, the speakers are broken!! BooHoo!! It wont Ring! I am now using the Ericsson k500i which stinks! Nv liked Ericsson... I need a new phone, but my didi also wants a new one... I feel guilty asking my dad to get me one... wat should i do.. and I wont get it myself... cant afford la... Oh my Oh my Oh my... This panasonic X70 has been with me for ard 2 years... I love it... The camera is good, I am used to the msging style, I like my ringtones and my wallpapers... I like all about it... well, mayb except the scratched cover and faulty vibration.. Sigh... wat should i do???
Oh.. my dang phone is faulty!!! The sound system, or as bernard calls it, the speakers are broken!! BooHoo!! It wont Ring! I am now using the Ericsson k500i which stinks! Nv liked Ericsson... I need a new phone, but my didi also wants a new one... I feel guilty asking my dad to get me one... wat should i do.. and I wont get it myself... cant afford la... Oh my Oh my Oh my... This panasonic X70 has been with me for ard 2 years... I love it... The camera is good, I am used to the msging style, I like my ringtones and my wallpapers... I like all about it... well, mayb except the scratched cover and faulty vibration.. Sigh... wat should i do???
Friday, September 23, 2005
Today, I went to town with bernard and kah heng!
It's been a long time since i went out with ber. Somehow, I forgot how much he uses his legs, hmm...
Firstly, kh and ber agreed to meet up at 1200 to eat wanton mee. Most of the time, when ber agrees to meet at a certain time, he actually means "u arrive at 12, while i will be late." I didnt wanna eat, so I dragged alittle and tried to appear after 12.
To my 'surprise', when i arrived at 1240, they just made their order! that is alittle too late!!! Nvm...
It was pouring eversince i left house. the rian didnt stop when ber and kh were done with their noodles, so ber sugested to stop by his house until the rain stops. I tot it was a good idea until i found out that ber's Da Ge is at home... Horror... His Da Ge is looks intimidating, just like his dad, nv smiles. Nancy is alittle better, only that she looks nice on the outside, but cunning on the inside... Brrr...
Ber challenged Kh to a game of chinese chess which ended in an instant cuz ber was juz too lousy. Oh and I am starting to hate MAGIC! 1st it was dota, and now MAGIC! argh! btw, the both of them couldn stop playing magic spite the rain has ended!!
After so much torture, we finally got to orchard. Ber chose to watch at Lido. shockingly, they dont screen "One More Chance". It only occured to me at that moment that cine doesnt screen it either(checked the listings the night b4). Apparantly, according to e guys, this is all my fault. I am the one to blame when these 2 cinemas do not screen local productions. Dammit.
Worse come to worse, Ber wants us to walk from Lido all the way to PS. At his speed of walking, I cant do much shopping!
After the movie, we had to walk back to Lucky Plaza, ate Esteler and played pool.. other than sitting for 2hrs in the theatre, my feet barely restd.
Freakingly tired.. shant use the word shag... its evil.
It's been a long time since i went out with ber. Somehow, I forgot how much he uses his legs, hmm...
Firstly, kh and ber agreed to meet up at 1200 to eat wanton mee. Most of the time, when ber agrees to meet at a certain time, he actually means "u arrive at 12, while i will be late." I didnt wanna eat, so I dragged alittle and tried to appear after 12.
To my 'surprise', when i arrived at 1240, they just made their order! that is alittle too late!!! Nvm...
It was pouring eversince i left house. the rian didnt stop when ber and kh were done with their noodles, so ber sugested to stop by his house until the rain stops. I tot it was a good idea until i found out that ber's Da Ge is at home... Horror... His Da Ge is looks intimidating, just like his dad, nv smiles. Nancy is alittle better, only that she looks nice on the outside, but cunning on the inside... Brrr...
Ber challenged Kh to a game of chinese chess which ended in an instant cuz ber was juz too lousy. Oh and I am starting to hate MAGIC! 1st it was dota, and now MAGIC! argh! btw, the both of them couldn stop playing magic spite the rain has ended!!
After so much torture, we finally got to orchard. Ber chose to watch at Lido. shockingly, they dont screen "One More Chance". It only occured to me at that moment that cine doesnt screen it either(checked the listings the night b4). Apparantly, according to e guys, this is all my fault. I am the one to blame when these 2 cinemas do not screen local productions. Dammit.
Worse come to worse, Ber wants us to walk from Lido all the way to PS. At his speed of walking, I cant do much shopping!
After the movie, we had to walk back to Lucky Plaza, ate Esteler and played pool.. other than sitting for 2hrs in the theatre, my feet barely restd.
Freakingly tired.. shant use the word shag... its evil.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Astroboys (and Girl!)
Chengwei reminded me that i haven't mentioned astroboys in the entire blog. The astrob0ys were alot of fun and somehow brightened up my life in the polytechnic.
It started with yongjin(yj) asking shengbao(sb or dog) to join the Ngee Ann Astronomy Club. His reason was: Astro alot of chiobu (and sb was a despo kia).
They asked chengwei(cw) along and then spread the word to kah heng(kh).
Kah Heng have been a fan of outer space. He has been logging on to NASA with glamis, his pri sch classmate, after the Os.
Knowing that I love stars, chengwei invited me to join them, and so i did.
On the first day of astro, nothing much happened. yj brought his classmates to join the fun. yj and sb's bball friend adrian tagged along. This is how the Astroboys (and Girl) was formed.
The name Astroboys (and Girl!) was created by cw. One day, he went like, "Us boys joining astro would, like, make us.... Astroboys! wahahaha!!!!" Well, obviously he somehow forgot my existence. Either that, or I've yet to decide whether to join them anot... Anw, that's how the name Astroboys (and Girl!) came about.
May I present to u.. Astroboys (and Girl!)
Chengwei reminded me that i haven't mentioned astroboys in the entire blog. The astrob0ys were alot of fun and somehow brightened up my life in the polytechnic.
It started with yongjin(yj) asking shengbao(sb or dog) to join the Ngee Ann Astronomy Club. His reason was: Astro alot of chiobu (and sb was a despo kia).
They asked chengwei(cw) along and then spread the word to kah heng(kh).
Kah Heng have been a fan of outer space. He has been logging on to NASA with glamis, his pri sch classmate, after the Os.
Knowing that I love stars, chengwei invited me to join them, and so i did.
On the first day of astro, nothing much happened. yj brought his classmates to join the fun. yj and sb's bball friend adrian tagged along. This is how the Astroboys (and Girl) was formed.
The name Astroboys (and Girl!) was created by cw. One day, he went like, "Us boys joining astro would, like, make us.... Astroboys! wahahaha!!!!" Well, obviously he somehow forgot my existence. Either that, or I've yet to decide whether to join them anot... Anw, that's how the name Astroboys (and Girl!) came about.
May I present to u.. Astroboys (and Girl!)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I am now downloading Episode 16 of "Wang Zi Bian Qing Wa". well, its the first time i am downloading it. It used to be Yining who downloads it and send it to me through thumbdrive. Because its a torrent file and only she has the software to dl it, and the file is too big to send it through msn... Sigh.. Since now its the hols, I might have to wait for another 6 more weeks before i can watch... that will be 6 episodes! I cant wait that long!
Now i have to go download bitcomet, a software that enables me to dl torrent files b4 i can start dling my FrogPrince! Dling bitcomet software wasnt tough... but dling the torrent file using bitcomet is tough... It dammit slow la!!! I've waited for 2hrs already and it has only dl'ed 40%!!! Freaking shit!
I am suppose to go watch the movie "one more chance" with bernard. I am asked to ask more pple to go... I approached some friends but apparently nobody wanna go... Boohoo... Fortunately, kah heng wanna watch it badly but he cant make it today.. then, bernard msged me last night saying that he cannot make it today because his camp will end late... hmph!
So, we hafta watch it 'early afternoon' tmr... super early afternoon! We are suppose to reach orchard by 11am! No shops will open at 11am la! wateva...
Its the 3rd day of the hols already and I've yet to leave home! This is insane.
Now i have to go download bitcomet, a software that enables me to dl torrent files b4 i can start dling my FrogPrince! Dling bitcomet software wasnt tough... but dling the torrent file using bitcomet is tough... It dammit slow la!!! I've waited for 2hrs already and it has only dl'ed 40%!!! Freaking shit!
I am suppose to go watch the movie "one more chance" with bernard. I am asked to ask more pple to go... I approached some friends but apparently nobody wanna go... Boohoo... Fortunately, kah heng wanna watch it badly but he cant make it today.. then, bernard msged me last night saying that he cannot make it today because his camp will end late... hmph!
So, we hafta watch it 'early afternoon' tmr... super early afternoon! We are suppose to reach orchard by 11am! No shops will open at 11am la! wateva...
Its the 3rd day of the hols already and I've yet to leave home! This is insane.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
1st Day of hols
This is my first semester holidays... i wanna make it like how all holidays should be: mega slack. Firstly, i will have to sleep reali late into the morning...wahaha so, i slept at 4+... and then, i will hafta wake up realli late into the afternoon, and so, i woke up at 3+. So if u use a calculator, some addition and subtraction, u will see that i've slept for 11hrs the most, which isnt a good start of the hols! i was aiming for 14hrs! nvm...
A few months ago, way b4 the hols started, my mom planned for me to work in me daddy's office... she wanted to implement some new salary scheme for the workers, which might require additional help for the accountant.
I worked there once. I realise that in any company, a small typo error can lead to a major mistake and result in huge problems that are not solvable overnight!!! Well, i did just that and caused unwanted problems, making my dad work harder and more
stress because of my silly little mistake...
So far, since that day, she has yet to mention abt me going back to work, i sure hopes she forgets (which isnt possible). wth.. i am leaving for a holiday in thailand with my mom and her collegue next thursday... i've counted... if i were to work, mom promised me 2 weeks of break... so far, i've yet to work, so, 2 weeks later, when i return from thailand, i would most probably be dragged to office... But lets hope my dad doesnt welcome me there... its realli stressful working, especially when my dad is ard...
A few months ago, way b4 the hols started, my mom planned for me to work in me daddy's office... she wanted to implement some new salary scheme for the workers, which might require additional help for the accountant.
I worked there once. I realise that in any company, a small typo error can lead to a major mistake and result in huge problems that are not solvable overnight!!! Well, i did just that and caused unwanted problems, making my dad work harder and more
stress because of my silly little mistake...
So far, since that day, she has yet to mention abt me going back to work, i sure hopes she forgets (which isnt possible). wth.. i am leaving for a holiday in thailand with my mom and her collegue next thursday... i've counted... if i were to work, mom promised me 2 weeks of break... so far, i've yet to work, so, 2 weeks later, when i return from thailand, i would most probably be dragged to office... But lets hope my dad doesnt welcome me there... its realli stressful working, especially when my dad is ard...
Monday, September 19, 2005
Mid Autumn Festival
Oof! had steamboat for dinner... tonight's moon is super duper preeeeeeetyyy... its said to be the roundest eva! Double OofOof! never have steamboat on a mid autumn festival.. feel like puking now... mooncakes + steamboat = overload.. wahahaaa!!
played lanterns on the porch with my little bro aft dinner... our objective was to burn down all our old lanterns... but we only managed to burn down like say 5? there were 8 of them btw... one was down to ashes... the rest juz had holes in their asses... wahaha...
Oh yea.. cut my hair... kinda like it... check it out when u next see me ya... TaTa
played lanterns on the porch with my little bro aft dinner... our objective was to burn down all our old lanterns... but we only managed to burn down like say 5? there were 8 of them btw... one was down to ashes... the rest juz had holes in their asses... wahaha...
Oh yea.. cut my hair... kinda like it... check it out when u next see me ya... TaTa
Friday, September 16, 2005
I need to warn u guys not to expect too much from me.. i dont have the patience to keep this blog going... juz turn up once a week for the first 4 weeks, once a month for the next 4 months and once every four months for the future ya... Wahaha... I am definitely bored to the verge of following this trend la... WooHOoo
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