Do not expect too much from me. Afterall, I only do this to kill time. All trespassers will be shot on sight. All survivors will then be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Have a nice day!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Back from Australia
They are just friendly to the yellow people.
This time, I sat Qantas Airlines. I miss SIA, but there were no more tickets when my mom tried to book them. This is the first time I felt weird where the white people serve the yellow people. At first, you thought they were nice and friendly, just like the stewards in SIA, but as time passes, I saw how bias they were towards the white people.
Maybe I'm just sensitive, but I feel that most of the time, they discriminate against us.
This discrimination doesnt just apply to the white steward(ess). On my return journey, there was a yellow steward, most likely an Aussie. After serving my mom tea, he turned away to serve a white guy before my mom could ask for a packet of sugar. My mom called him back but he didn't response. He paused to turn around only when my dad tapped his shoulder. He asked my mom to wait a moment and while turning back to the white passenger, he rolled his eyes with a frown. Bloody Hell.
Also, whenever any of us yellow people ask for a favour or some service, the steward(ess) seems to be in a hurry. But they are always patience towards the white passengers. I approached a stewardess for directions to the toilet, she quickly rubbed off the smile on her face, pointed the direction and excused herself before I could say thank you. What The Hell.
That's why, I will Never Ever immigrate to any white people country.
Firstly, you will no longer be the 1st class citizen. You will be seen as an immigrant and be despised on.
Secondly, white people expect you to take up blue collar jobs. Promotion is only possible if all the white people are dead.
Thirdly, you will have to work doubly hard to make it big in white people country.
Why give yourself so much trouble to be like the white people? Stay in Asia and become the priority. And when the white people come to Asia, they can no longer make us kiss they feet because majority wins.
Why suck up to them when you can spit on them. This trip changed my impression of the white people.
Pictures will come another day. Let me have some rest from all the travelling first.
Friday, December 08, 2006
I'm not done with HRM revision. Test is 0830hrs tmr. 12hours left. No sleep for me tonight.
They are not acting cute. Stop asking them to act their age, because they are our age. Condemn them only if you've stopped acting cute. They need fans who are really cute (and young).
Apparently, they are not happy with the current market share they are having, trying to expand their market share by invading the market of groups like Hi-5, Barney and Sesame Street.
Clueless? Here's why.
*****Technical Error*****
Due to some technical insolvency, I'm unable to show you the video of what i'm talking about. But if you were wondering, here's the link.
or if you are still unable to view it, here's another one.
Lastly, if you still didn't manage to watch the vid, go fix your computer before returning to my blog.
A note to the readers (who are wondering): The vid shown above is rgd my previous post. Enjoy.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
New Lover

Saturday, November 18, 2006
I am KJH crazy! (KJH Part 2)
He is like freaking hell smart larx.. He's been to so many game shows and he's never failed to win! Especially those mind games.. he's fast, quick-witted, flexible-thinking, smart, careful... I'm impressed... totally!
My next target: A poster close-up on him! Attack HMV and the music stores!!
Target 2: Life Size Poster of him!!!
Final Target: Meet him in person!!!!! Ultimate!!! I'll hang myself to death if I really get to meet him, as there's no more dreams worth fulfilling... unless he doesnt mind making friends with me and date me and probably get married, and live to ripe old age...
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
MY Kim Jeong Hoon!!
- Smart! Helluva Smartass! IQ of 145
- Voice of an Angel
- Prince Charming Face
- Rich (with all the contracts and ad deals he'll be signing on)
- Tall, altho he looks short beside the ugly prince, tats bcuz tat ugly prince is 189cm tall.
- Wonderful acting skills
- Was a Dentist-to-be
- Fluent in English!!!!!
- Single, NO girlfriends!
- Shy and reserved... Awwww......

Sunday, November 05, 2006
Nope, I'm not dead yet...
Too lazy to blog and now i'm gonna do a really long one.
Ended ITP, back to school. In fact, it's the 2nd week into the new semester and I still miss working for ITP. Not that I miss work, I just miss the people and the slack-like-hell job.
Just made my 3rd year specialisation decision. Made up my mind on no IAP. Chose Marketing 1st choice and HR+Marketing for 2d choice. Some say it is much easier to score in IAP, but nothing is for sure, especially my patience. How long can I last in a job? That's a tougher job than maintaining my GPA for another semester in school.
Went to celebrate Adrian and Sb's bday last night, So happened that I wasn't feeling well. At first, I was contemplating on whether to turn up anot, but I'm not sure when will I next see them to pass them their presents.
To Sb and Adrian: Be honoured. So bigshot larx! I sick still go have dinner with u!
Only yesterday did I realise how naggy Yj is... The entire night he's been crapping and nagging about Sb being a retard all his life, how miserable he's been living his life, how pitiful he is, and I should give him a birthday hug or else he will never return my handphone.
The thing is, Yj is really the pathetic one. Do you think I believe that you will never return me my handphone? Ahahaha! Stupid!
Now I must prepare for my kor's bday and Yj's bday.. so busy larx... 3 weeks later, my parent's and didi will be going overseas, that's when I can go really wild for the 1st time! WooHoo!
Going to Australia this Christmas, this is the 2nd time I'm going. Last year's X'mas present was Japan, this year it's Australia. Next year I want it on Hokkaido.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Goddess of Mercy
By left, I have 1 more week to go.
Today during lunch, my boss just told me tat I can "clear my leaves" on my last week. So unofficially, next week is my last week.
Also, the sch doesn't gives me any break, but my boss does, and they'll still mark me present on my attendance sheet.
Only an idiot will turn down such an offer. *Big Grin*
You wanna know how the Goddess of Mercy looks like?? Wahahahahaha!!!!!!!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Till this day, I still cannot forget.
Although you won't be reading this, Happy Birthday to you, Gerald.
Life goes on. Why live to hate, when it's possible to forgive and forget and live life with no stress. I've learnt the best method of forgiveness - Ignorance.
If he hates you, pretend he's not there. You'll be slightly affected, but life goes on.
If you hate him, stay away from him. This is not avoiding the problem, it is just solving it with a less troublesome process.
The key issue: Time. With adequate Time-Out, both parties will forget and forgive w/o even realising it. By then, when they next meet, all issues resolved and you won't even remember why you fought.
I still insist on letting go and let time heal all wounds.
Friday, September 22, 2006
The Exhibit: My Office/Company

Here, u see 2 tables. The left one belongs to my 1st Boss. The left 1 belongs to my right. As u can see, there r alot of chairs, papers, wires and books. Its smaller than my room and its messier.
The point is, they don't sweep the floor, they don't clean up, only the cleaner who cleans the "house" comes in every morning to empty the bin. Sad.
But, who's complaining when I only have 3 weeks more to go.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Now I need new slippers. My pretty slippers don’t last. Goddammit! Nothing is right la!
No wait. Maybe not.. One thing is right. Shopped online and asked my didi’s friend to buy some clothes for me. It came today and all the sizes were perfect! Hahas.. I think I’ll go get my own card and do some shopping myself.. I’ll ask my didi to gimme the link and I’ll post it here for all to visit.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I think in my 2nd bosses’ eyes, I’m inefficient. Who cares? I’m not directly under him and he won’t be the one writing the comments of my performance. Plus, I’m not graded for this, I’m given credits as long as I complete it smoothly with no mistakes in between.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
My apologies.
My dad broke his promise again. He couldn't find time to go buy new phones. I'm almost too used to this.
My mom has a part to play too. My dad came home early today, but I have no idea where does my mom wanna bring my dad to. They only came home in time for dinner and it's off to supermarket for the daily stuff.
Last week she was guilty for troubling me almost everyday because of her office stuff... apparently she has forgotten about my needs now..
I blame her for everything that I don't have. She's to blame for everything that I am denied of.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Guess what I'm doing now.
Freaking shite! He just inform me this morning that I'll be presenting in the meeting later today. Presenting to his clients. Big risk man! Meeting at 4 @ Raffles City. Panic Panic!
It's undeniable that I'm given abundant exposure in this job, but I'm hell not prepare for this! I will be alone with my boss and the clients watching! My buddy collegue is with the other boss at another meeting! Bloody hell! Why can't I just do minutes! Argh!
Ok.. I'll go get some snacks now to munch on.. so bored here without my buddy collegue... tata
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Day Two of Intership
Firstly, the place is so inaccessible. I won't be surprised that the students are always late.
Secondly, the building is obviously above the gound, but the levels of the building are all labelled as basement. It's really confusing as to which is upstairs and which is downstairs. I was at B4 and wanted to go up, I pressed B5. Grrr.... The achitect has a really weird logic.
Third, the rooms look like a hospital. The staff rooms are like staff A wards, each staff one ward. The classrooms are like the class B and C wards. There's a funny feeling when I'm trying to navigate.
Some of you might be wondering, isn't my co. suppose to be in NUS? Yea.. u're not wrong, but NTU is a client of my co. and I was there for a meeting. YEap, 1st day and I'm required to meet clients and take minutes of meeting.
But so far, there's alot of data entry work to do... I suspect after I'm done with this, I will be asked to do telemarketing, or whatever it's called. Market my company's products to potential clients by calling one by one by one by one by one by one by one... which will take forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.............
Sunday, August 27, 2006
It's not that I blaming anyone, but I was promised a new phone quite sometime ago. I know my dad's really busy and everything, but it has been awhile. This temp phone I'm using is really cranky. Sometimes it works, sometimes it decides to turn off. Especially when I'm talking on the phone! Grrr...
Monday, August 21, 2006
Lappie Down
I feel super handicap now. No handphone. No laptop. What's next? Grrr... That's why I insist on durability when it comes to gadgets.
I might be setting up a charity drive. Donate money generously! All the proceeds will go to the sheena-needs-a-new-laptop organisation. This is a goodwill organisation that will organise an event to purchase a durable laptop with up-to-date technology. This is a very meaningful event, as it will eventually contribute to the mind of Sheena, who will inturn contribute to the society. Your kindness is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
National Geographic Live Show
The relationship between this couple is complicated. Let me explain to you in details.
Once upon a time, Mother was strolling on the road when a stranger approach her. There were sparks between them. The stranger got horny and aroused Mother. They begin to have sex in the middle of nowhere.
Mother forgot to practice safe sex, and accidentally gave birth to a few babies. She regrets her mistake and abandoned the babies. A nearby resident took pity of the babies and decided to feed them, take care of their daily meals.
A few months later, the babies grew up and are full fledge adults. Due to lack of education and parentless discipline, brother and sister were not taught family planning.
Just 20mins ago, both got horny and decided to have sex. Sister saw me approaching and became very shy and stood up and hide under a car when the brother was still humping her.
I freaked out.
My neighbourhood will have a new little of kittens, and soon, this place will be flooded by cats and I'll be prepared to call the catbusters to eliminate them one by one.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Costa Sand Resort - Downtown East
I am quite sure I've gained back all the weight I've lost and more. But just a little more, because I worked out! Yes! Went swimming for an hour. Enough workout to start my exercising ball rolling.
Well, visit here to check out the details of my study camp: -- Shan's blog.
And here for a little bit more peeks of our trip: -- Zw's blog.
Then after the camp, we stopped by elaine's house for more mugging! and Uno! lol! Well, the main reason was for the Uno, cuz we played it from Kembangan station to Redhill station, to the bus stop and then to the bus. Everyone had their eyes on us, watching our match. Elaine didn't have much luck, despite her popularity with the red cards. Maybe its because Zw wasn't there to intercept her cards and pass her some luck - so she says.
We still don't have enough fun, so we decided to go to elaine's house for one last hour of Uno and then back to hit the books.
I fell asleep while reading, but woke up just in time at 5pm for chU.
So, I'm finally home, took a super duper Uber long bath.
There will always be 2 things I'll definitely miss when I leave house for long.
1. MY bed
2. MY toilet - Shower
- Toilet Bowl
- Basin/Sink
Yeap.. I can't sleep well on other beds, not even my mom's bed or my brother's beds. I'm too attached to my bed. And if my mom ever buys a new bedsheet, it'll take me awhile to get used to it, so all my bedsheets are rather old ( i refuse to get them changed).
I can't live without my toilet for too long. Everything I need is there. And my tushi recognise only my toilet bowl. It doesn't accept any other toilet bowl, not even the one in my mom's toilet. I cannot live without it. I think its very much the environment I am in.. my tushi likes the toilet bowl in my toilet.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Death - 安静
I wondered for the first time in my life, if life was worth all the work it took to live.
What exactly made it worth it?
What's so horrible about being dead forever, and not feeling anything, and not even dreaming?
What's so great about feeling and dreaming?
I rmb when I first hear you cry. We were talking, you've met ur competitor. You were listening to Jay's new album and you loved it. This was your favourite song, or the song that touches your heart as it says what you feel. You emphasised on the last four words. You wanted to do what the song says, u felt that i was drifting. I'm not.
Your appearance hurt me once again.
The first time you 'stabbed' me was when you admit about her existence through the phone.
The second time was when you turned and left outside the HOD room, leaving me to tear for all to see.
The third is when you reappear with another girl and ask to be friends again.
I can't let go. I forgave you, but some things should be left untouched. You do not know the seriousness of you. I couldn't see the impact of you. I thought the tears washed it away.
I need to get a life. I cannot go on like this. I need a break. If only I have the courage to leave this place, then i'll fly to somewhere far, somewhere where I won't be looked down on, somewhere where everybody is like me, they all like me, noone despise anyone. I need a place where all those who were hurted will gather and share all their woes.
But I don't have the courage. I don't have the strength. I don't have a destination.
Since zw shan and i are preparing for our exams, and we meet out often to study, why not do it in a chalet where we dont have a limit and we are not in a homely environment.. i'm not sure if laine is having her exams also, but no harm inflicting our study mood into her..
Well, I dont feel so good about this chalet.. I can't help but think that we are just going to play.. thankfully zw and laine is coming along.. only with the presence of the both of them then will shan and i concentrate fully..
I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I left out something in the previous entry.
Except that this time, the relationship between this nephew and I is rather complicated. So, how should I start....
Ok. Many Many years ago, before my ah ma left indonesia for singapore, she gave one of her daughters to her sister for her to adopt. So now, I have an auntie who has 2 mothers - 1 adopted mom(grandaunt) and 1 birth mom(my ah ma). My ah ma came to singapore and left my aunt and grandaunt in indonesia. My aunt no longer calls my ah ma 'mother' anymore.
Many years later, my grandaunt passed away. My aunt comes back to reconcile with my ah ma, but my aunt's documents still states that my grandaunt is her mother. Officially, my ah ma is her aunt.
Confusing? Take some time to digest.. that is if u're interested...
So now, this nephew is this aunt's grandson. Which makes him a close relative by blood, by not by heart.
Well, some may say that even if he was a distant relative, he'll still be blood related.. which is not in this case. Another complicated story...
My ah ma and my grandaunt have different mothers. My ah ma was my greatgrandfather's 1st child. My greatgrandmother died when my ah ma was 4 or 5 years old. My greatgrandfather remarried and had a few more daughters. This grandaunt was one of them. So my ah ma was raised by a stepmother and raised a bunch of stepsisters for the rest of her life.
I wouldn't have known so much if I didn't spend time with my ah ma. Her life is really very complicated and she still hasnt' finished her story. From what I know, this family has alot of secrets hidden from my generation(3rd generation). The 2nd generation knows things that we are not suppose to know, but my ah ma slipped her tongue when we chat. These secrets are deadly and can hurt someone's heart if leaked out.
Shite. If only my ah ma didn't tell me.. but I guess she forgot that she told me... I'll just pretend I know nothing...
Having a Headache.
Then, it so happens that there's an old man celebrating his 70th birthday too. He reserved almost the whole restaurant. Well, thats not the point. The point is, that (big) family invited the lion dance people to dance for the occasion. I was really interested at first, but until I realise how loud it was. It's kinda embarrassing to be having a lion dance troupe in a shopping centre in town! And the thing is, this lion dance troupe danced for an Hour! From 8pm to 9pm! The restaurant isn't exactly very big, and it's not very empty. In fact, its totally packed with tables. There're not enought walking space in between chairs too.
Imagine this. The lion dance troupe and the drummers, percusionists, all in the centre of the restaurant. All of us within four walls, and the ceiling is not very high. Imagine the noise travelling in the confined space. It was as loud as standing beside the troupe.
I couldn't eat well last night.
Oh! One more thing! I saw my little niece last night too! She's so adorable. Totally stole the limelight from my ah ma, but she's not complaining. She's my ah ma's 1st great grandchild. If I'm not mistaken, she should be about 6months old. Really cute!!! wait till i get the photos of her that night, then i'll show it to u how pretty that little thing is. Little Jazreel, tat's her name, but she doesn't seem to react to her eng name as much as her chinese name. As usual, this habit runs in the family. So, she only looks at me when I call her yanyan - which is still not her full name. She doesnt turn her head when I call Kaiyan - which is her name. Teaching the baby wrong things.
I am thinking.. she's like a puppy now.. she only reacts to the name she thinks is her name - yanyan. When her real name is really not yanyan. It shows that she's not trained properly.
So then, Lesson #1. When u have a newborn, call her/him by her real name. Do not give her/him petnames to confuse her/him.
Friday, August 11, 2006
News Flash #
Warning! Side effects may occur.
Side effects:
- Thinking that it's okay to overeat.
- Forgets that reality still applies.
- You'll want to fall in love even more after being single for decades.
- Your favourite food now are cakes, and kimchi.
- Daydreaming and talking to yourself. (inflicted by the Samsoon character.)
- etc...
On to further news...
Went for the ITP briefing. Glad to know that at least something is right for my internship. My liaison officer (L.O.) is very nice. In fact, too nice, very much like a mother hen. She spoonfeed us alot, which is a good thing. She worries too much, which gets alittle stressful for me. She prepares more than enough for all of us, which is what I would love to have.
How does she do all that you may ask. Well, she printed all the required form for us, and printed extra copies just in case. She wants our telephone no. written onto her list even though the no. is printed on the list already. She keeps repeating herself just in case we didn't get her or she missed out something. She keeps reassuring us of all our queries. She's even got the abscence form printed in bulk and handed us 4 copies, just in case. She insists that we take down everything she says. She ensures that we are comfortable with our assigned companies and double confirm that we are happy.
Too motherly. I'm not complaining, finally something good. Hope this goes on.
我懂我也知道, 你没有舍不得。
为什么要我用微笑来带过。 (我没有。)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I've never felt so embarassed.
Watched 'Click'. The more I watch his show, the more I love Adam Sandler. He's really good.
Anyways, as usual, don't believe the critics. This is a cross between comedy and tragic story. At the start, things go wrong, nothing is right. And then, Adam Sandler tries to find a remedy. Things go smoothly, better than expectations. But no good things come for free. Things get messed up and nothing can turn back what's lost. Thankfully he's given a 2nd chance.
But do I have a 2nd chance? Apparently not.
Watched Miao Shou Ren Xin III (Healing Hands III) on cable ch55. There's this doc who opened a clinic and fell sick. He refuse to face his illness. Strongheaded, stubborn and refuse to admit defeat. But all things come to an end one day and everyone forgives him. He's given a 2nd chance at the hospital.
But do I have a 2nd chance? I don't think so.
I see where I've gone wrong. Too stubborn for my own good. I'll learn to change, I promise. But I don't want a 2nd chance anymore, not that I'm given any.
My mom never gave me any 2nd chances. She still doesnt trust me. I've learnt to be good but she still doesn't believe me. No matter what I do, what I say, she still doesnt see my point. I've learnt my mistakes (as a daughter), she hasn't (as a mother).
I love my family. but i hate my mother. she's too stubborn. I don't wanna be like her.
2nd chance? Not given any, at all.
Monday, August 07, 2006
I live in the past
Maybe that's why I can't let go. As the future I fear most approaches me, the more I dwell into history. Forgive me.
I can't erase my past like what you did, because I prefer my past to my present. It is childish to think that what's done can be undone. It's even more childish to try to undo it. All I can do is to mend it. Do you hear me?
Sunday, August 06, 2006
I was wrong
Well, I wasn't able to receive or make any phone calls as my phone went mad. I didn't realise until very much later... Luckily the director waited patiently.. otherwise I would have gotten into a serious trouble.
Watched the Lake House.. The movie critics sux big time!!!! LakeHouse is a wonderful movie!! Besides the actor who is rather stiff, the script was brilliant! Right from the start, the audience were pulled into the story, engaging everyone's mind.
The ending was the unexpectable. Although halfway through u wld have probably guessed half of the ending, but the ultimate ending was to die for. Did she make it to the mailbox in time? Did he get the mail in time? We were all curious.
It's like a grown up fairytale with a twist, so obviously the feline species will enjoy it more. Definitely not a chickflick as no chicks are involved. I would say its not a mushy love story as not much physical interaction was involved either. But the touching content will be quite disappointing, in my point of view. Evidence: I didn't go all emo on this one, there were no tears.
Guys out there, bring ur gals to this movie. She'll love it, I'll vouch fortat.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Does this mean I can be late for work too?
But I wont be surprised if he is stingy or thrifty.. My mom told me that this company must be a really small one and the bosses’ action shows it. He is willing to come down to NP just to interview me shows that the company do not need an extra burden. He really needs a person who is worth the money.
Shite… pressure.
Continue waiting? Maybe I shall call 1st…
I will update on the interview.. Hope nothing goes wrong…
I wish for a slacker job in my internship company.
Why do I say so?
My ITP (internship) for this holiday is screwed up.
Firstly, I never receive any notification about my internship. Everyone else has news except for me. I panicked.
Out of nowhere on a Friday evening, the director of a company called to ask for my resume. I have no clue as to what was going on so I took down his particulars and promised to reply him on Monday as soon as I’ve checked with my school. I sent my resume anyway, thinking that there’s not harm to it.
I went to the BA office and as usual, they have no access to anything. They always have no access to anything. The woman in the office took my number, student no. and told me to wait for her reply. In the evening, once again, I got her call and she said that the letter of notification has been sent and that I have 2 choices: 1. Wait patiently for the letter to arrive. 2. Go to Blk 16 to retrieve my letter manually. Pissed.
The next day, I talked to KPT about it. She couldn’t help me either. The director of the company called again. This time, he requested for an interview. INTERVIEW!!! WTH!!
So I went to look for Mr. Ong, the lecturer in charge of ITP. He dutifully printed my letter and advised me on the interview. I was told to proceed and do as the director requests. Grrr…
The director arranged to meet in NP canteen 1 for the interview at 2pm today. It’s approximately 12.30pm now, my class ended at 10.30am. I’m waiting alone, writing this, watching the lunch crowd for today. I’m so nervous. He wants to see my work on dreamweaver because I wrote in my resume that I know some basics on macromedia. Hope he doesn’t like my work.. then I wont have extra workload during my 8weeks of internship.
Now I hope that after going through all these trouble, I really want to spend my internship life peacefully and smoothly. No more problems arising, be it a mistake or deliberately (by the boss).
Friday, July 28, 2006
Na News Now 28 July 2006
Kor came home from Thailand on Thursday morning.
Kor left for Genting today evening.
My burden has been lifted off.
Yeps. My kor went to thailand, came home and rested for 1 day and head str8 to genting. nobody knows when is he coming home. You see the irony? My mom doesn't even bother about my kor's whereabouts, when she is not letting me go. I feel like a dead bird in a cage. She must learn to let me go! Argh! Even shan's dad is starting to show some sign of improvement. He don't seem that strict anymore. I am not a kid anymore!!!!!!!!!
You want to know why?
I have had 2 traumatising relationships. 1 I feel too deeply into and never managed to climb out for good. Another which I once scurringly tried to get rid of that left a scar for both to remember. From then on, I grew up, matured and knew what I wanted, at least I thought I knew.
I have physical requirements and psychological. Physical requires one to reach 1.7m and above. Looks wouldnt matter because the rest is all psychological. I thought I knew what I wanted, until now. It's all different, it's not what my mind tells me. I thought I could remain a firm stand for all my beliefs.
I tried to convince myself that maybe all this will work out fine, maybe it's not as bad as I think it might turn out to be. But he came along, with his gal, and everything changed. I started to act tempremental. Things became emotional. Logics didn't make sense anymore and I was obviously jealous.
And when things around me start to mess up, I made a wrong move and caused myself agony. I wasn't thinking straight when i did that. All I knew was that it's suffocating me and I needed to let some air in. I emptied my feelings and before I knew it, I regretted.
Now I hope that we can all pretend nothing happend, but you can't. I wanna forget about it, but you refuse to let me. I emptied my bottle but you filled it up again. Now I don't feel relieved at all. What should I do?
How can I convince you to think logically that this will not work? It's like North Pole v.s. South Pole. It's like the sparrows have never met an octopus.
Sometimes I find you annoying. Sometimes I think you're really cute. Sometimes I want you dead. Sometimes I want you here.
You're right. I'm weird. I can't figure myself out. I am a girl who's hard to figure. Nobody can really handle me.
This is what you get when you put Stubborn, Willfullness, Logic, Spoilt, Silent(as in one who hides emotions), Cunning, Soft, Tough, Insensitive, Bossy, Fickle, Indecisive, etc. all together.
I do tell ppl my secrets, but never the whole full story with the real truth. Is this what you are looking for? I seriously don't think so. You just think you are looking at the girl a few years back. But please, look again.
Holy shit. I feel much better now.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
He just spoke to me, he initiated the conversation. The conversation only lasted 3 minutes, but it was like hell for me. I am nervous, excited, happy, scared and disappointed.
I saw his her. I hate myself for bloating. But I really don't understand his choice.
I am waiting for his promise - to call for a drink.
But wait, should I?
I am no longer the same person. I am someone who hates myself now. I have long moved the hatred upon myself and my physique.
Why should I show how frail I've become. Why should I prove that I've lost.
I've lost straight from the start. I've never won. And now I'm giving him a chance to see my defeat.
I feel like digging a hole in the ground and stick my head into it. I feel like drowning myself in carbon monoxide. I feel like filling my cup with lizards' poo.
I just realise how obvious I've made it.
-Yunshan, u're thinking of the right person this time. There's no one else with this much impact on me.
Friday, July 14, 2006
I don't feel so good.
Recently, my life is back to square one - a mess.
Maybe I'm just assuming. I hate it.
Things happened and I'm yet again speechless.
I am so tired.
Commit Suicide? I'm scared of pain and death.
Maybe I'll just try and stay in the safe zone for the time being - home.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I so wanna slim down.
He has changed so much. I have changed so much. I don't dare to show my face, I felt so embarassed to let him see me, I don't know what will he think of me now.
He has changed for the better, or at least he looks like he did. I've changed for the worse, and I'm very sure I did.
Shit, I hope this is the last time I see him. I can't face him anymore, I can't let him see me anymore. I am so ashamed of myself.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Lecture on surfing my blog
The basic rule to navigate in this blog is to type "home" and the menu of the blog will appear.
The few pages you will visit are "blog", "links" and "tagboard". Note that "links" has an 'S', it is nOt sInguLar.
If you want to read my profile, type "profile". The rest of the menu can be explored in "home".
Hope this lecture can help you go through my blog smoothly and reduce the number of complaints.
Thank you and Have a Nice Day! :)
Saturday, June 17, 2006
It has been a while.
I am so busy recently. There were no breaks before tests, no rest during breaks cuz of deadlines straigth after breaks. So busy. No time for play. Blogging is not one of my priorities for now.
To update on my exciting life. The first being the least recent, and the last being the most recent.
- I suspect an uncle pissing while seated at a bus stop. His back was facing me and I just saw slightly coloured water with bubbles flowing in my direction from under his seat. I didn't see him piss, but I saw him buckling his belt.
- I dyed and highligted my hair. Dyed brown with streaks of gold. It's an ah lian look. Regretted not choosing a slightly darker colour for the hightlights.
- My glasses broke for no particular reason. I was trying to take it off and the metal just broke. I was blind for half a week.
- Trip to Malaysia (or was it Indonesia) was cancelled. No plane tix and we didn't wanna take budget air.
- No study break before tests, so more stress this term.
- IEF stinks. The rests are not any better.
- Projects. Projects. Projects.
- Went sentosa again, but this time without the sun. Everyone was bored, so we left really early and headed to Geraint's house. Had pizza and played his Gamecube. He has ps/ps2/xbox/xbox360 but we chose gamecube cuz us girls are not very exposed to geraint's games on the ps/ps2/xbox/xbox360.
Thats about it. I have less time for myself this break. So don't expect anymore time for this blog.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Stupidity mistaken for Nobility
Mary and Peter have known each other for years. They shared a stable relationship that many envy. One year ago, after they changed schools, they broke up for no particular reason. Peter's attitude and character just changed overnight, he initiated the break-up. Mary was devastated and clueless. There was no problem with the relationship at all. All was going well and smoothly.
At the beginning, Mary was desperately trying to save the relationship. She tries to find out the problem, tries to communicate with Peter. What was Peter's problem? He turns hostile towards people and outcast himself from the human world. So... Depression? Mental disorder?
Three months later, Mary surrendered. She conceded defeat. All she wants is to salvage the friendship. One day, when Mary was shopping around in a mall, she spotted Peter with some of his new classmates. He looked happy and like he's enjoying himself. Wasn't Peter depressed? Wasn't he rejecting any human contact? Mary's assumptions were wrong, Peter has issues.
Another six months later, Mary has started inconsistent conversations with Peter. Their friendship is still on the rocks and Peter is still throwing occasional tantrums. This time, the only old friend Peter is contact with is falling out with him. The cause: Girl - Money.
Peter and John are long time friends. After Peter's "depression", John is the only person Peter talks to. Jane turns up one day and stepped in between Peter and John. The two boys started a silent war and finally, this volcano can no longer keep it hush. They shifted their rivalries to money issues. The arguement: John owes Peter a large amount of $$.
Mary found out about the 'John and Peter' arguement. She takes out 50% of her pocketmoney for that month and pays the debt off for John. Peter doesn't know about it and he's not suppose to know. For the rest of the month, she has to live with only 50% of her pocketmoney.
It may seem like a noble act, but she's not from a very well-to-do family. In fact, her parents struggles to keep the family going. Her parents are hawkers who just moved their stall. Their business is struggling at the moment as they've lost quite afew old customers after the shift. Her monthly allowance is to cover 3 meals, transport and miscellaneous costs daily. She thinks by sacrificing her parent's hard earned cash to save her exboyfriend's friendship, is nobility.
People who hears about it think that it's such a sweet and noble thing to self-sacrifice for a friend who has issues. These people only look at the surface of problems. All I see is stupidity and sympathy for her parents. They will be so hurt if they find out how Mary is using her allowance.
Peter's problem should be settled by himself. Nobody else can help him if he refuse to accept anyone's support. He is the one who is creating problems for himself. He is the root of all cause. Mary has sacrificed enough. Give her a break.
To Mary, learn to let go. Time will heal all wounds. Trust Time. Trust Peter. Trust your friendship.
..Let go..
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Book Review no.2
Author: Mitch Albom
Also written by Mitch Albom: Five People You Meet In Heaven
People say that if you've read Five People You Meet In Heaven, you wouldn't enjoy Tuesdays with Morrie as much. I disagree.
"Five People.." keeps readers in suspension from the start until the very end. The suspension hangs in the air as soon as you pick up the book and reads the title. Who are the five people you'll meet afterlife? What's the author's analogy? Who is first? Who's the last?
Whereas in "Tuesdays with...", the author actually shares his last moments he's had with his most respected teacher. The book might get a little dready in the middle, but the ending of the book is really enlightening.
All the lessons I've learnt from "Tuesdays with..." is far better than the entertainment I've got from "Five People...". Both are self-enriching, but "Tuesdays with..." offers readers with more food for thought.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Irritating People
However, sb (aka psg) didn't want it during the breaks. He refused to tell me what time is his break on tues and wed. He insisted that I should come out today to pass him the txtbks. Both of us were persistent on our stand and none of us would give in.
For some particular reason, he complained to yj, and yj came to bug me. Yj really annoyed me with his acting cuteness, but he's not as irritating as sb (aka psg). So, sb said that I should turn up today because he wanted to pass me something. Actually, they wanted to pass me something. The 'they' consists of Adrian, yj and sb (aka psg). In the end, I surrendered to yj's acting cuteness and sb (aka psg) irritating me.
Then today at around 1pm, sb (aka psg) msgd me to say that he is not feeling well, so he's not turning up today. I won't have to bring the txtbks anymore, but I'll still have to meet yj and adrian. I was like "Question Mark" larx!
Sb (aka psg) keep reminding me since last night that I cannot be late. So today, I reached 5mins after 3. So I was a little late, but yj and adrian were later. Damn psg! Then, Adr and yj tell me they have no idea why are we meeting up. The organiser, sb (aka psg) is not here and he never tell adr and yj anything.
I was starting to boil. My phone was running low on batt, so I used yj's 'new' phone. It's bloody soft la, cannot hear anything de! I called sb (aka psg) to ask what's going on and if it's all a prank. According to adr and yj, I was suppose to scream at sb (aka psg), I did. After screaming and hanging up, I was exploding.
Just as my volcano was about to erupt, adr pulls out a bag and says its my bday present. They pretend to not know anything earlier just so that I will call sb (aka psg) to scold him.
They used me to 借刀杀人. But since they were so nice, meet up specially to give me my present, I shall forgive them. But they were really sweet la... they really bought me something. Pretty touched I must say.
I wonder who wrapped the present, he/she must have alot of scotch tape. He/she practically taped up every single slid/opening he/she can find on the box and the wrapping paper. I think that's almost half a roll of scotch tape. That person took the effort to tape up all the openings, making me tired of slitting apart every single opening taped up to find the opening.
Still, it was really sweet of these 3 gentlemen. They were really annoying, but really really thoughtful. Hahas.
Btw, I kept emphasising on sb (aka psg) because he psgd us. PSG = Pang Seh Gao. He lives up to his name, The PSG. Once again, he pang seh us.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I've got alot of things to complain about.
Shengbao keeps irritating me! He used to irritate me with chengwei. He said cw likes me and I like cw, but he realise that we are too close have any rumours, so he gave up on cw. Then it was yongkang. This one lasted for very long, then it slowly died out. Now, it's kah heng! Irritating larx!!! He like very scared I nobody like lehx... keep pulling strings for me. I CANNOT TAKE IT LE!!!
No. 2
There's nobody to accompany me to IS class!!! I'm all alone larx. Stress lehx! It's a lousy class and I'm all alone. Die liao larx!!
No. 3
I haven been eating junk food for 5days le!!! I cannot take it anymore. But if I start snacking now, I won't fully recover from my illness and it's getting really annoying.
No. 4
I got no time to watch 'Love Contract' anymore! School timetable is so tight, I'm so tired and one episode is so long.
No. 5
School has started, that means I need to work doubly hard this semester. BooHooHoo!! I haven't holidayed enough! Tutorials are coming le, Homeworks are coming in le, Common Test is also coming le. Stress again!
No. 6
I've got alot of things to buy, alot of things to do. But I got not enough money. I wanna do my hair. I wan a new Handphone, I wanna do manicure/padicure, I wanna buy a new laptop case, I wanna buy new jeans, I need a new wallet, I need a new bag, I need a new bottle of face mask.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
It all started last week during BAOC. I screamed my lungs out 3 days in a row just to cheer. The hardwork paid off and my grp won the best cheer award.
BAOC ended on thurs. Friday morning, I met up with cw, elaine, zw and ber to hang out in sentosa. I haven't bared my skin to the sun in a very very long time, so I sort of 'scalded' myself. After sentosa, I rushed to meet kh and glamis for boon tat's performance. By the time I got home, it's nearly midnight. I was dead tired.
Saturday morning, I was running high fever and my eyes were swollen. My mom rushed me to the clinic and the doc gave me a stupid injection that has no effect at all larx!
So my fever came and gone for these 4 days. And finally, last night my fever hit all time high at 39degrees! I was so afraid that all my braincells would be dead by the next day larx! Then in the morning I still had fever but I still struggled to school. Finally, after all the medication and water and toilet visits, my fever has resided and I feel so much better already.
Monday, April 17, 2006
And so...
Hmm... thinking if there's anything to update...
Oh! I just bought a new external hard drive. It's 80Gb only. My brother tells me to not buy a hard drive that is too big, otherwise if it dies, ALL my data will be gone with it. Eh... the price? It's ard $250+... Considered decent pricing.
Went to check on youtube, still not loaded. Wonder how long more do I have to wait. Nvm, Rainie Yang is on tv now. She's like sooooo Ke Aii. She looks damn cute even without make-up on larx! You can go check it out on her blog (find it yourself!) ;-p
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Finally, I learn how fragile the human body is.
When he was 1st warded, his right eye was partially blind. Now, only his left eye has sight, but it's only partially visible. He has nearly lost his sense of sight.
The doctor suspects that there's an infection in his lungs. They are giving him antibiotics to fight the infection.
The worst of all, he suffered from stroke on his right brain in the past. Now, it has hit him again on the left brain. He was slightly diabetic, but it's pretty serious now.
Why did it turn out so bad, you may ask. He hasn't been taking his medication for nearly 9months. Reason? The fault lies in all of us. Nobody bothered, or showed much concern. No one monitored and reminded him. We assumed that he would have known, we assumed that he should know his condition, we assumed that he understands, but we made an Ass out of ourselves and allow him to suffer.
To our surprise, my hokkien ah ma, who was the one who's more 'immatured' in her thoughts, learnt to be good and takes her medication daily without fail. She does not know how to do chores, she has been spoilt since young and my dad and his siblings were brought up by my grandaunt. She has been like a child all her life, so she never liked to take medication when she's ill. However, we found out that she's more obedient than we thought.
I went to visit my ah gong just now. They put him on drip, making him drowsy. My ah gong can't recognise me and my voice. The doctor says it's due to the drip, but i'm still not convince, i'm still worried sick.
I almost fainted when I see my ah gong. He has lost so much weight. I never knew my mother's side (Teochew) ah gong. He passed away when I was 2, so I can't feel much. I am turning 18 in less than a month. This is the first time I felt so worried.
I feel so guilty. I feel I've not been filial. I feel like it's all my fault. I feel I have not shown enough concern. I feel helpless. What have I done to my ah gong?
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Does the Dentist scare you?
In primary school, we were taught to visit the dentist every 6months. Now, it has been so many years since I get my teeth checked. I've got my mind set to visit a dental clinic today after meeting up with shan and cw.
I don't know why, but cw and shan doesn't seem to care about their teeth at all. They don't seem to be bothered about the "health" of their teeth. They don't see the need to do regular check ups for their teeth.
And there I am, worried about the condition of my teeth because I haven't been doing check ups for a very very very long time.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
My long awaiting SuperBand's Big Jam
The all malay group who sang a contemporary acapella song in mandarin. I really admire their courage to compete in a total foreign language. They can't even comphrehend what the judges are trying to tell them, it's so hard for them to improve.
Their performance would be impressive for malays to sing in mandarin. But their aca skills needs polishing.
The only all girl group in the competition. According to the magazines, this girls can't sing and dance to standard. I presume they are the best of the worst.
Their performance was weak. They have yet to decide the lead singer of the group, making the voices a little messed up. Their dance moves lack strength and attitude.
The so called imitation of Energy. Their costumes are really boyband-ish, but a boyband requires the looks, not just the moves. Oh, Campus Superstar's finalist, Renfred's brother, Alfred is in this boyband. Try spotting him, the prettiest face but rather small build compared to Renfred.
The performance was really hot. They are goddammit Hot dancers, Very sweet moves. I wouldn't comment of the voice. Let's just concentrate on the moves.
The last performance for the night. Everyone except the lead singer is malay. They are also the only band who uses turntables, Excellent.
It was totally Impressive. It's alot like Linkin Park. 2 vocalist, 1 DJ, Guitarist, Bassist, Keyboard. The lead vocalist, a chinese, had decent rapping skills and voice. The 2nd vocalist, a malay, had trouble remembering the lyrics. They had the most rapport. I would say the scratching really gained alot of points for their performance.
My favourite band at the meantime.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Movie Review
Parental Advisory. The following content contains matured writings. Please do not hesistate to stop reading and proceed to the next entry, "IS Module Enrollement System is such an ASSHOLE!!"
Movie Title:
1. American Pie
2. American Pie 2
3. American Pie: The Wedding
4. American Pie: Band Camp
5. Patch Adams
1. American Pie
It's all about 5 high school senoirs, with one horny non-virgin bastard, who needs to have sex by their Prom night, due to peer pressure. They cannot go to college still a virgin.
First, they plan on how to get a date on Prom night. Then, finally prom comes, and the big night comes. Everyone manage to lose their virginity that night and are all ready for their new college life.
2. American Pie 2
The continuation of American Pie. These 4 college newbies finally finished one semester in their own respective College. They finally get together during the summer holidays. They discussed about...(school, yea right~)... their sex life in college. Well, they needed something really happening to increase their reputation in the college, so they planned on a by the beach chalet party bash to let people notice these 4 dudes' existence. They can't afford a big cool party, so they invited the horny non-virgin bastard, Steven Stiffler, who will provide the $$$ for the party.
One of the dudes, Jim, found who he really love, a band geek, Michelle, and the movie ended with a really sweet ending.
3. American Pie: The Wedding
The continuation of American Pie 2. Jim and Michelle decides to tie the knot. The 3 friends help Jim to give Michelle her perfect wedding. Steven Stiffler once again is the clown of the show. In the end, Jim and Michelle is officially married and Steve Stiffler turns out to be a thoughtful bastard.
4. American Pie: Band Camp
The cast of this "American Pie" is no longer the 4 friends. This time, the spotlight is on Steven Stiffler's younger brother, Matthew Stiffler. Matt is like a younger version of Steve in high school. One day, Matt gets into trouble for playing a prank on the seniors' graduation band performance and gets punished by joining the band camp.
In band camp, Matt wanted to gain Steve's approval by filming "Band Geeks Stripping". He gains the trust of the band members and falls in love with the band major and his junior high 'friend', Elise. Elise found out about the "Band Geeks Stripping" video, Matt ruin her chances of getting the scholarship by accidentally pranking the band in the competition.
Matt was enlightened, he no longer wanna be like Steve, he tries to win Elise back. Happily Ever After.
5. Patch Adams
I watched this show to wash the sex and naked breasts out of my brains. It's this guy named Hunter Patch Adams who was one day enlightened by a mentally disabled patient. He wants to become a doctor to touch lives and help people. He goes throught ordeals in the School of Medicine. Finally, he graduates from the school and help enrich lives.
My Thoughts
I realise that in the American Pie series, it's always the girls who strip. The guys only show their ass. Thank god, there's no genitals shown in these movies.
The first 2 series are really lame. The story line revolves around sex. It's really childish.
The 3rd one has a decent storyline. The body is boring, but the ending is really sweet.
My favourite one is the last series. The Band Camp. It's very much like a Teen Flick for guys. Not much nudity, alot of 'turn over a new leaf' kind of scenes. The actor has pretty eyes. There are sweet innocent love scenes for me to drool over. Girls like me love sweet innocent dating scenes.
Well, I needed something more intelligent. So I chose Patch Adams. Derived from a true story, about enlightening others and great deeds.
IS Enrollment Appointment System is such an ASSHOLE!!
My appointment is from 12nn to 1.30pm. I thought I have like all the time in the world, like 1hr30mins to choose the modules. And then, I realise that the modules are disappearing everytime I leave and return to the page.
At 12.22pm, I am left with the suckiest modules ever. In the end, I am left with "Service Innovation" and "Self Expression:Drama and Poetry". I have no interest in these modules at all!!!
Service Innovation - teaches you customer service skills. Bull!! I am sick of customer service!! I am a decent customer service officer even without this course. You talk to me about customer service!! I am a Customer Service Officer Myself!! Crap!!
Self Expression:Drama and Poetry - as the name suggest, it teaches you drama and poetry. I'm expecting acting, role playing, writing and composing, rhyming, etc...
I'm expecting 2 outcomes:
1. The female Shakespeare(did I spell it correctly?)
2. An Asian Female Rapper(I learnt rhyming, didn't I?)
Later frm 10pm to 2am there will b another chance to change my class. This time, I will be in there at 9.45pm!! I'll log in on 9.30pm and start selecting at 9.45pm. I'll select at the strike of 10pm!!
My alarm has been set. I'm ready to attack again. This time, I Cannot Fail!!
Friday, March 31, 2006
Final Day.
I consoled myself when I woke up this morning.. This will be the very last time.
Calls keep coming in, but I don't feel like moving on.
Since this is the last day, there seems to be no more drive.
Tolerate for another few more hours. Just a few more hours longer.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Like Father, Like Daughter.
Well, I'm saying this because he's just changed a new car.
His OLD car is a Cefiro. His NEW car is a Cefiro. (The new Cefiro)
He has asked for our(the 3kids and wife) comments. Our comments were:
Mom - Get the cheapest possible car. No point spending so much on a vehicle. (She must be thinking about her shopping money falling by 50% after buying this new car.)
Kor - I don't approve of a new car. I don't few safe driving it, unless u keep the old one for me. Otherwise, I don't want to change the car.
DiDi - Get a Sportscar! A Merc, A BMW, Get a convertible!! (totally senseless for a family car)
Me - Well, my dad considered Camry, Lexus and Cefiro. I've always Loved Lexus, so I voted for Lexus.
My dad's ultimate choice(He's actually made this decision at the point when he wanted a new car, but like me, he needs others to reconfirm his choice) - Nissan Cefiro.
The whole family went through the process of considering, thinking, discussing for nothing.
Actually, situations like this seems quite familiar in my life. Hahas. Maybe that's where I learnt it from, my Dad...
Excellent! Now I know who to blame when I encounter situations like this.
It's born in me. LoLx!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
It's such a Small Small World.
It was my Hokkien Ma's birthday dinner and I was sitting on the same table as my uncle and aunt. They asked me where am I working for my holidays, I told them, "Samsung, picking up calls".
Today, 3days after the dinner, I started work as usual, feeling moody. At approximately 11am, an uncle called. I took down his particulars and found it familiar. Is he my uncle on the other end? Or is it just a mistake? Because there is just too many uncertainties.
Doubt no.1 - My cousin's sirname is 'Huang'. This uncle is 'Ng'.
Doubt no.2 - Is my uncle's house unit no. the same as this uncle?
Doubt no.3 - I've never heard my uncle conversing in english and his tone sounds different through the phone.
So, I decided to give my mom a call to confirm. My mom was talking to my aunt on the other line Just before I called. Like the very next sec my aunt puts down the phone, I called.
Confirmation complete. That's my uncle.
I was like too elated to pick up more calls. Zw and shan could sense my excitement. Zw quickly set the appointment for me so that I can call my uncle (to confirm the appointment time) and calm myself down.
I dialled the numbers and waited...
I spoke as usual, "Hello, SHEENA calling from samsung customer service."
He didn't budge.
I act nothing happened and did the official stuff first.
After official things done, I spoke again, "Hello, 伯伯,我是小颖。黄洁颖。"(The 2nd word in my name is wrong, it's a rare word and i cant find it in this chinese dictionary, so i'll make do with this one.)
He was surprised. We chatted for a while and I had to go pick up more calls.
How small can this world get?
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Sunday Times, 26 March 2006
There should be enough communication between parents and their child. Sex education and talks should start at a younger age, when it is more teachable.
Then I thought to myself, did my mom actually teach me these sexuality things or did I discover them myself? I discovered them myself. She only taught me what was virginity, and it ends there.
So how come I am not sexually active like what the paper says? Do I consider myself as a matured kid? But if I am a matured kid, why does my parents still refuse to trust me?
Ok, dads aside, i think my mom is a selfish woman. Even to her children, she is selfish. She would be frugal on our clothes, our shoes, our gadgets but she would splurge on her clothes, her shoes, her kitchen gadgets.
Her clothes fill 3 closets. Her shoes fill 3/4 of our shoe cabinet. There's space in the house to keep her kitchen gadgets, but no space for our gadgets.
She says we will have to buy our own luxury items with our pocket money. My kor did that. She still spends for my didi even though it has been so long since his operations. I can't afford luxury items, because I pay for our daily necesseties (shampoo, soap, etc.). She doesn't appreciate my sacrifice.
She dotes on the one who sacrifice the least. She trusts the smartest. She neglects me, the one who tries the hardest to compromise.
Thank god my dad listens. He tries his best to make up for what my mom. So I am consoled.
They should be the one who should be thankful for my maturity. I taught myself to love and respect my own body. My mom has no effort in this at all.
Don't blame the teens on their behavior. It usually starts from the adults. It is especially so if your child is weaker to the wicked society and parents still fail to teach them well.
I hate parents. Maybe that's why so many people don't wanna be parents anymore.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Life as an Operator
Old lady-Janet
Me: Gd aftnoon, Sheena speaking, how may i help you?
Janet: Yes, Hi Sheena. I am having problems with my handphone.
Me: Ok, so what is the model of your handphone?
Janet: Oh, wait ah, I'll have to check. It is
Me: Sure
(After a few seconds)
Janet: It's X640C.
Me: So what's the problem with your phone?
Janet: When I talk on the phone, the person on the other line is very loud. I've tried to make the volume softer but it doesn't seem to work. How do you actually change the volume?
Me: I see. When you are answering a phone call, press the "-" button on the side of the phone to turn the volume softer.
Janet: Yes, I did just that, but it is still very loud. It is very embarrasing you know. Everytime I pick up the call then other people can hear what the other person is saying, it is very embarrassing you know.
Me: Hmm.. yes I know how you feel. The method I taught you is the only way to change the volume. I suspect there's a more tricky problem to the phone. You'll have to send the phone down to one of our service centres. We have 4 service centres. They are Plaza Singapura, Century Sq, Causeway Point and Toh Guan Rd. May I know which service centre are you nearest to?
Janet: Century Sq. But I am a very busy lady. I can only get out on Sundays because I need to take care of my mother. How to go there ah?
Me: Stop at Tampines MRT Station and you'll see Tampines Mall. Century Sq is just behind Tampines Mall.
Janet: Oh.. MRT ah? Do you know what are the buses that goes to Century Sq so I don't have to waste time. Because only on Sundays can I go out, and I'll go to the church, then go and clean my house and then cook for my mother and take care of her. I need to make this trip a fast one you see. Are you able to help me?
Me: There's a bus interchange at Tampines. I'm not sure what are the buses available there.
Janet: You don't know ah. You don't live near there izzit? Where do you live?
Me: I live in Pasir Panjang
Janet: Oh... I live in Marine Parade. Is Pasir Panjang near the coast?
Me: Yes. It's actually near Sentosa.
Janet: Wow! Sentosa. Oh.. I just remember I have a bus guide with me. Sigh. The words are so small, I this old lady eyes are bad lah, cannot see clearly. What time issit ah?
Me: It's 2pm.
Janet: 2pm already ah.. I tot it's 1pm, because I never wear my glasses, I am old and the clock is so far away.. My mother is sleeping now la that's why I can call. Otherwise she will keep bothering me and kaypo what I do you know. She's very bossy. Last time when I was young, I like to climb tress. I will climb trees secretly because my mother don't like me to climb. Do you know how to climb trees?
Me: No. I'm afraid I will fall.
(And she continues to talk about her life story and her trips to the church on sundays and her mother and etc. etc. etc.)
Approximately 20mins later....
Janet: I am not holding you up, am I? Are you very busy now?
Me: (trying not to be rude) No. Not at all. It's my pleasure to help you Mdm.
Janet: Good. I am so afraid I am disturbing you.
(Tried to continue with her stories...)
Me: (Immediately after she paused) So Mdm, you know how to get to Century Sq. am I right?
Janet: Oh yes. I am able to get there now. Thanks so much for your help. You are so helpful, luckily you are able to help me, otherwise this old lady will be so lost you know.
Me: You are welcome Mdm. If you need anymore help, just call back this hotline again and ask for me. My name is Sheena. I will try my best to help you in anyway I can.
Janet: Thank you so much, Sheena.
Me: Thank you Mdm, Thank you for calling. Bye.
Janet: Thank you Thank you. Bye Bye.
(And finally she puts down the phone.)
It took me 2days to get this entry done. Simply it's too time consuming. I've decided to cut the conversation short. Interesting lady, reminds me of my own Ah ma...
Finished on 24/03/06, 9.08am.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
I was watching a taiwan talk show on cable just a moment ago. The talk issue was about girls dating gangsters. So there were like 10girls who rejects bengs and 5 who are dating bengs.
Then it struck me. Will I date a beng?
Ans: Never. I don't even think I can date anyone who has a public nightlife (as in a latenight party boy).
Yea, although I am no early bird but not sleeping doesn't mean I have to be out(not that i dont wanna be). I dont function in the mornings, but I am not allowd out at night, so that makes me a home girl.
Boring. But I'm used to it, in fact, Im loving it. My mom says I'm a lazy girl, but she has her own fault in making me lazy. Im not trying to push blames to others but think abt it, if she'd let me out more often, I wldnt be lazing ard at home and getting used to the freeloader life I am leading now.
ok.. I'm out of content.(I failed and eng compo test once in pri sch bcuz of out-of-content. blehx.)
So, abt beng bfs, i dont know how bad is a beng in taiwan, but i find it embarrassing to be with one in singapore. It's pretty degrading. Mayb this sounds like a sweeping statement cuz mayb there are bengs who dont look or act like bengs, who are more civilised, but i haven met one yet, so i'll stick with my belief.
To bengs out there, don't be pissed. I don't mind beng friends, you guys can be really loyal. but cut down on the sticks and spit, it's for your own good.
Friday, March 17, 2006
I am Temping
What am I working as? Ask Zhiwei.. the same as her. Pick up bloody calls from Samsung Customers and take bloody messages.
To all the Samsung users out there, I realised that it's not the product's problem but it's the system in the call centre. The customer service sux! I'm not directly involved, cuz I just take messages and let the seniors solve the problems.
It's only natural for products to have faults here and there. There will never be a perfect batch of goods in every company. So, the customer service hotline is set up to makeup for the shortcomings.
However, Samsung has horrible customer service hotline system. They have half of them taking messages, and another half solving problems. It will take the seniors a long time to solve the accumulating problems, especially when taking it down is easier than solving it.
For example, customer A called at 9am asking for an appointment to be made to check what's wrong with his refrigerator. I'll take down his details, the refrigerator details, and his problem. I'll pass this to one of the seniors. At 4pm, customer A calls up again for the same issue and complains that he has yet to receive any calls back from the service centre.
Now, imagine a whole load of this situation occuring within a day. Who wouldn't hate Samsung?
Example2, customer B wants to order a spare part(rubber tube) for his vacuum cleaner. Somebody will take down his details, the vacuum cleaner details and the specific sparepart customer B wants. She will pass it to the Manager and let her handle it. One week later, customer B calls the hotline again, questioning why hasn't she received any response from the service centre. All I can do is get customer B's details and the vacuum cleaner's details and the sparepart again and submit it to my Manager. Tragic.
So if you were to blame anyone, blame the call centre. But you will soon be pleased to know that this system will change by April. So if you have any problems, try and hold on to it till April. Because this call centre will get you nowhere.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
1st Sheena's Haven Awards Awards Show*
Introducing, the 1st Sheena's Haven Awards Awards Show. 15th March 2006.
Today, we'll be doing The Movies Awards.
The Best Teen Flick Award goes to: What A Girl Wants by Amanda Bynes and Oliver James.
It has the least studpid storyline and the prettiest casting.
The Best Comic Book Series Award goes to: Spiderman and Spiderman2 by Tobey Macguire and Kirsten Dunst.
It has the best effects and a very realistic Peter Parker.
The Best Special Effects Award goes to: Lord of the Rings Trilogy by Elijah Woods, Viggo Mortensen, Ian McKellen and Olando Bloom.
You won't object if you've seen it for yourself. You'll love the cute elf in the trilogy too.
The Best Mandarin Film Award goes to: Initial D by Jay Chou and Edison Chen and Shawn Yue.
Who says only women can model for cars. I think Ed makes a good car model for female buyers.
The Best Animated Film Award goes to: Shrek and Shrek 2 by Mike Meyers, Eddie Murphy and Cameron Diaz.
Both films are different. The 1st one is more for kids, and you'll see more realistic jokes in the 2nd film.
The Best Local Film Award goes to: I Not Stupid by Jack Neo, Xiang Yun, Huang Po Ju, Joshua Ang and Shawn Lee.
Hilarious and enlightening. It touches the heartlanders and students.
The Best Movie Award goes to: Harry Potter by Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.
Nobody would hate the cast. Take the editings lightly, they need to change the story to suit the screen.
*Disclaimer: All the above awards are personal opinions. If you have any objections, please ignore the above entry and scram off. Do you have any suggestions, please tag me and I'll see if they are to be considered.
Thank You my Guest. Enjoy yourselves for the rest of the day.
Until next time, tune in to Sheena's Haven for more Awards Awards Show.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
No more 甜孙爷爷.. :'(
Sunday, March 12, 2006
My Very First Niece!!

Little Jazreel is like my niece from my mother's side of the family.
Well, my dad's side of the family will not have any 4th generation anytime soon. The eldest grandson is my Kor(22yrs old) and the eldest grandchild is also 22yrs old(just a few months older than my kor.
Unless either of them have unprotected sex soon, otherwise I'm not expecting any babies at all.
Jazreel is my Mom's sister's daughter's daughter. Yep.. pretty distant if you really wanna ask..
But still my 1st Niece! I don't have any Nephews.. Not that I know of..
In around August, I will have a Nephew coming to Earth!! wahahaha.. sound like welcoming an alien. This time it's my Mom's (same) sister's son's son.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Are all ♀ fickle?
I keep changing the skins, I keep changing the song. I get bored at it really quickly.
Don't think so? I'm currently looking for a new skin and I found a new song to load into my template.
Heyhey.. but come to think abt it, my crushes (or infectuation) all(the main ones) last for At Least TWO Years.
So, am I fickle?
Mayb it differs on different issues.
Aching All Over
I went to play badminton yesterday. I've not exerted my muscle (or otherwise some say fats) for too long. Fortunately, I've been jogging, so my legs aren't tired.. but my right arm and right shoulder blade are suffering.
This won't stop me from working out.. I'll continue playing.. but this time with a lighter racket. Erh.. I really hope Bernard and friends will get prepared when I change to a lighter racket. I need to train ya know..
Btw, for all those wondering, I've been using a heavy racket cuz whenever I use a lighter one, the racket will fly.. yea.. lousy..
Yunshan, Zhiwei! I've got my mind set to go swimming!! Tell me if u girls are going!! I wanna go too!! Although I find it uncomfortable to crash pools.. I WANNA SWIM!!
I'll rest today.. not excercising so frequently. I wanna lose Fats! Not BodyBuilding! so i'll spare my upper right bod for today..
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Women vs Girls
Diamonds are Women's bestfriend. A Girl's bestfriend? Chocolates. That's my opinion.
Women Love Diamonds, but they are too expensive.
Girls Love Chocolates, but they are too rich.
You Disagree? I think it makes perfect sense.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
My new commitment

Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I am just another spare.
I'm only called upon when others are not available.
Is it because I do have enough EQ? or am I just another boring friend?
In all 17 years of my life, I can't seem to handle friendships very well. In fact, I can't handle humans very well.
Maybe it's because I think too much into something, making me a dull girl.
Any comments?
oh wait, if you are one them who treated me like a spare, I would rather you forget me as a friend. Don't even bother calling me up anymore. It just hurts me more than when I'm branded a bitch (by a non-existent human).
Monday, February 27, 2006
So Excited!! Exhilarated!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!
YES!! EDISON CHEN!!!! 陈冠希!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some of you may say that it's probably a fake, but there are his life photos! his details of the interviews he just did!! his life events!! his friends!! how real can this get!!! He talks about his fans, his friends!!!
It's just all too real!!
I will visit that blog everyday!!! Drool at his everyday events!!!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
And so the debate starts here...
Results? Nobody won, Nobody lost.
But my mom lost the lawyer in explaining herself clearly. My kor and I end up not understanding what she was trying to say. She was also going out of point. Shows that she's losing. We ended there.
My kor's point of view- every1 has their own moral values. Do not use your own moral values to judge other's, because the other party might not think likewise.
- If you want to comment on others, you are just plainly KPO.
My mom's point of view- Moral values is set by the people. As long as you step out of the box (of morals), you have to be prepared to be commented.
- she agreed with my kor that other than black and white, there are grey areas. But when I ask her to give examples of her version of grey areas, she can't name any.
My kor's version of grey areas- abortion. Some people don't mind abortion, some find it a sin.
- So if a woman goes for abortion and finds it ok, why should the others who find it bad use their own believes to judge her?
My stand? I agree with my kor, but we will never be able to stop the people from commenting. They will never see his point.
because I wouldn't want others to do the same to me, especially if I think what i did was alright.
Friday, February 24, 2006
My Most Memorable Worst Day Ever!!
3am: Round up my macro revision. Watch one episode of 恶魔在身边 to calm my brain.
4am: Lights out. Can't get to sleep
5am: Finally slept for less than an hour.
6am: My phone hanged while the alarm sets off. I spent 2mins to dismantle the batteries to stop the ringing. Try and get back to sleep
7am: 2nd alarm went off just when I manage to sleep. Layed on the bed until 7.41am. Rushed to the toilet.
8am: Rushed out of the house at 10mins past 8. Did a 400meters sprint to catch bus 151 at 8.31am. Reached school at 8.50am. Exam doors closed for reading time.
9am: Exam doors opened for latecomers(me). Take macro paper.
11am: Can't decide whether to go to elaine's birthday dinner because I have another paper at 9am the next day and I never had a proper rest for the entire night.
1st bus 151 was full. I had to wait for the 2nd one. 2nd bus 151 was almost full. I am the last passenger that manage to squeeze into the bus. I was swearing and cursing the NUS students.
1pm: Finally reached home, can't get to sleep.
3pm: Studied until falling asleep. I was crouching on my sofa hugging not my notes, not the cushions, but my laptop. I have no idea how my laptop became my pillow. This shows how tired I was.
4pm: Alvin called to tell me that he was going to Elaine's birthday dinner. Discussed with chengwei and alvin(conference), decided to turn up. Talked to yunshan/zhiwei/elaine and chengwei (all at the same time) on what to get for elaine.
5pm: continued studying for my paper tomorrow.
6pm: Got dressed up and left home. Peak Hour Jam along Pasir Panjang Road(where I live). Bus143 was packed. I managed to squeeze in, swearing and cursing much more this time. Manage to get a seat in the mids of the journey to PS. Tried to study onboard.
7pm: Reached PS Manhattan Fish Market (I think I got the restaurant right). Said hello to Felicia Chengwei Elaine Xenia Shuying Alvin Zhiwei Yunshan Joseph.
I went bonkers in the restaurant from the moment I stepped in until we leave(@9pm)
9pm: Left PS. I realise how fast I walk when I am tired. My legs can't seem to stop walking cuz when I stop, they will tremble. Broke my record walking time from PS to the HawParCentre(beside Spore Shopping Centre beside Park Mall) bus stop.
Bus143 home was also packed. Manage to get a squeezy seat. Lazy to change seats. Studied onboard.
10pm: Reached home. Started writing this.
Conclusion: Lack of Sleep, Horrid Bus (6)Rides, Emotionally Unstable.
Swear and curse.