Do not expect too much from me. Afterall, I only do this to kill time. All trespassers will be shot on sight. All survivors will then be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Have a nice day!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Five In The Black is Out In Stores NOW!!!
Five in the Black is finally sold in Sg!! I've been waiting, checking the stores every now and then, reading the forum, looking out for any news on the new album. A few hours back, Qp msgd to inform me that it's finally out in stores! Hooray!! I'm so Excited!!!
Suppose to meet Qp today during break time to borrow her collection of TVXQ Videos. I was so Excited until she msgd in the morning to postpone it. Nvm, 2 more days and I'll get my hands on her collection.
Wahahahaha! Best Birthday Present Ever!! More DongBangShinKi!! Irresistable!
I had trouble finding some1 free to buy the album with me tmr.
[Apparently Alvin is free, but he ruined my Rising Sun MV during KTV and I'll never forget that! So, I'll not ask him. LoLs!]
The truth is, I needd more time to pack my room. Zw is free aft 7, which gives me time in the day to packup. Just nice. I LOVE U ZW!!! Just for this moment. hee (:
I was saying in my (much) earlier post that I'll start my 19th year on earth differently, Not. Delayed. Vacations + Dinners + Bz Parents = Only bought my bed last week
= Delivering this coming week = No new room on the start of my 19th year on earth.
Aniwaes, my kor is going Taiwan (*I'm so Jealous*) and apparently he refuses to buy TVXQ items. I dont know if he's joking or not, cuz he's always really cheeky/cunning/sly/smart/etc. But I trust that he does Love his one and only Sister and he Does rmb my birthday(how can he not w so many reminders), which he will miss cuz he'll be in Taiwan, so he has to make up for it.
No matter what, I'll keep reminding him to buy TVXQ stuff, which I know he'll only buy it if he sees it and will Never go ard looking for it cuz hiss one and only sister asks him to. Grr...
But something he said made my day. One day when he return home, I askd him to buy TVXQ merchandise when he goes Taiwan.
He said, "No, I won't buy any Shuai Ge stuff for you."
"I want DongBangShinKi CDs and DVDs and Posters!" I replied
"No! No Shuai Ge for you."
"So you're admitting that DongBangShinKi is Shuai larx!!!"
He stares at me blankly, stumped for words.
I won Round 1! Wahahahaha!!!
But I lost the remaining rounds. *Frowns*
Friday, April 20, 2007
Komashinki = [Mini]Dongbangshinki
Remember the Balloons MV by TVXQ I showed earlier?? The one where TVXQ were dressed in animal costumes together with one kid assigned to each member.
Guessed as much, You SKIPPED the video. Here it is.
Alright, so they got on a variety show in Korea recently and the kids appear once again w/o the costumes. This time, I got a better view of them.
In order of appearance:
Uknow Yunho - Uknow MoonBin
Micky Yoochun - Micky ChanHyin
Choikang(Max) Changmin - Choikang DongHyun
Youngwoong(Hero) Jaejoong - Youngwoong SungWoong
Xiah Junsu - Xiah InHyaen
Yunho and Micky's kid were less cute. In fact, boring.
Changmin's DongHyun was SOOOOO Shy!! Adorable larx! The way he introduce himself with that pose was to die for!
Jaejoong's DongHyun not only look like JJ, the kind of impression he portrays is also exactly like JJ. The way he picks up the book is just like how a toddler can never hold a peace sign correctly. And if you watched the Balloons MV, Now I know why he refuse to act cute w JJ at the end of the MV - He is like that de.
i.e. The kid who yearns to reach adulthood asap.
Junsu's InHyaen is the youngest of the lot. And he is the show stopper, stealing all the limelight from the rest of the Komashinki and mayb even TVXQ themselves. HE IS SO ADORABLE!
Zhiwei! This is the kid you must look out for. He is the last to introduce himself, so mayb you'll have to wait, or fast forward. For a longer video of this kid, watch the (2nd) 9mins vid.
He is totally clueless and innocent and pure! I think it's partly caused by the setting, I mean, there're so much going on during a shoot, he must be confused.
Actually I'm not sure if InHyaen is a He or a She cuz there's some1 in YouTube who refer to InHyaen as a She but I'll stick to a He until further notice.
This is the 4mins vid on Komashinki - just the kids giving intro on themselves.
This is the 9mins vid where Komashinki performed a little in the front. The mid of the vid aft the performance is the same as the one above and then abit more performance at the end.
In the 9mins vid when the kids first appeared from behind the curtains, Mini Micky had to help Mini Junsu walk to the stage (because as mentioned above, he was clueless). Then they showed a clip of Micky and Junsu's reaction and Micky was like shaking Junsu's leg. Junsu must be worrying about Little InHyaen's performance.
Junsu even had to guide little InHyaen in front to do solo performance when dancing to Balloons, the others didn't need instructions, it was more like the Big TVXQ trying to follow what the Mini's were doing (like in Micky's case). Lols!
And after the ending pose is done, Mini Jaejoong had to ask Mini Junsu and Mini Changmin (the 2 youngest) to stand up and stop posing. Ahhhh!! ROFL!!!
And lastly, I know most of you will skip this, but I still must add it in. It's Yunho's BREAKthrough dance. Lols. Awesome BreakDance!
This dance makes me fall in love (w Yunho) all over again.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
죄송합니다 ChweSongHamNiDa
The DVD is not out in Taiwan yet. It's only coming out in April.
Ytd when I was on my way home, there were 5 Japanese boys, probably around the age of 7/8.
4 out of 5 have hair the length of Hero Jaejoong or maybe the length of both the Princes' hair in Goong. Layered, no slope, a-symmetrical or fringe to the side. It's the kind of hair boys are dying to get when they're done with their O/A Levels. And the thng is, when local boys grow their hair, something seems wrong, but these jap kids can wear the hairdo and fit in it.
Back to the jap kids.
One of the 4 boys in long hair caught my eye. He looks like the kind who will probalby grow up to become a teen pop idol. okays, mayb i've exaggerated a little but just that few minutes and you can see that maybe he really has it in him.
He looks really good for a boy at whatever age he is in.
He's taller than the other four.
All the boys have the voice of a kid, hig hpitched and loud. He has a rather coarse voice for a kid.
He's sitting in the centre of all the boys and when he talks, the others listen. He does an action and all will react to it.
He lets all alight before him.
Even after alighting, at the bus stop while waitng for another bus, he sits in the centre.
Thus, he's obviously the leader of the group. He's name is Daiki (written on the back of his football jersey, which they were wearing).
The image of these 5 jap kids remind me of a jap band KAT-TUN.
In addition (my main objective of posting this), Daiki reminds me of some1. Somebody from my past whom nobody who knows this blog has ever seen him and only a handful knows his name.
He reminds me of Calvin Cheong.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
U made my (rest of the) day =)
During my visit to MISE, I saw alot of TVXQ MVs and there was a similarity in all their vids. They got their mvs from cable ch51's J&K Pop music programme. Only then did I realise how many MVs I've missed.
Since then, I've been a loyal audience, faithfully waiting for that TVXQ moment to arrive. The weeks of dozing off finally paid off. Today's episode is on KPop Day! Meaning, there'll definitely be TVXQ, without a doubt!
The Rising Sun Concert DVD is out in Taiwan and the VJ unwrapped the contents in the DVD, showcasing the items in the package. *Drools* I WANT ONE!!!
It was then followed by 'O' Jung Ban Hap MV, shown once in one of my previosu entries. My Plasma Screen and the Home Theatre System make all the difference.
Better Pictures, Better Audio Pleasure.
I've been anticipating for this since last night. Thinking about it the whole day in school, can't wait for classes to end, head straight home and wait for 7pm to come. Time seems to be dragging her feet today.
Mayb tmr or fri or somedy next week, the VJ will be showing some short clips of the DVD. Didn't really catch when is it gonna be cuz I was too busy trying to catch my breath. But I'll jsut have to catch the show every night as usual to find out. More waitng and anticipating to be expected!
My mom is making plans for our next trip. She wants a stress free weekend short vacation. Like she can ever be stress free considering the fact that she's always on her toes, unwilling to settle down and slack on the couch for more than an hour.
We are total opposites f each other.
She can't stand mess. She'll start cleaning up until she's satisfied as long as she can find time to do it.
I can't stand mess either, but I'll rather not clean up. I'll only budge when the mess affects me, despite all the time I have.
She's fast and efficient. She walks on her toes (except when it comes to shopping).
I'm slow and clumsy. I'll drag whenever possible. (explaining why I'm alwys late =x)
She's hardworking by nature. I always thought she should be born in the year of the bull instead.
I'm totally Lazy. she used to say i've no self-disciplien, but now it's Lazy.
ANiwaes, I conclude that her stress free trip will not succeed unless she learns to let go, which I doubt will ever happen.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Day One
Bad start for my final year.
Slept late.
Missed bus.
Took cab.
Late for Lt.
Not attentive.
I've done everything that shouldn't be done on Day One.
A new class. New faces - literally. New Lt group. New tutors/lecturers. New modules.
Step nearer to a new phase of life.
Fortunately, there're no tutorials on Week One = no class on Day Two.
About the trip..
Genting was *yawns* (x2) - literally, seriously. (u know wat i mean...)
Only ride worth taking was the spacedrop (freefall). Everything else is just cheap thrills. Thank god we didn't stay long, it'll bore us to death if we stayed any longer.
But KL was quite a fruitfu trip for the 3 of us. Shopping was FanTasTicAh! Haven't shopped like this for ages!
Not much, but not much time aniwaes. Of cuz there were more stuff I wanted to get, but considering the size of the luggage I brought.... we were suppose to be budget travellers.
Browsing from shop to shop, mall to mall, with potential shopping buddies.
Lets do it again next hols! This time, lets go somewhere where we can really go *Kaching* w/o worries.
Monday, April 09, 2007
I've found a Dong Bang Lucky Charm
I am a Happy TVXQ Girl Today!
Found the shop in Cine that Quiping told me abt. (Found it last time but it was closed.) I am Blessed. LoLs. Nothing much inside except for photos. No point buying the photos. But might consider buying the A4s one when I get my new room. Pinning it up my new Powder Pink Walls!
*Blush* (Literally)
Since I'm going KL, and they were there for a concert, I should expect TVXQ merchandises there. Bear with me girls, if we do see any, please don't stop me from getting my hands on the merchandises. Unless I start screaming my head off... save my life.
P.S. If you want souveniers, I only buy TVXQ souveniers, so unless you wanna share my joy otherwise don't even think about it. (Maybe Qiuping can tag me if she reads this in time.)
Oh dear, in a blink of an eye and my holiday is ending! Third year ariving and I'm not even prepared for my adulthood. One more month and I am another step nearer to the BIG 2! (Note to the gamblers: Big 2 does not refer to Daidee). And to think that I have no right to scold primary school kids when they call me Auntie, cuz I am by then twice or almost twice their age.
And considering the type of conversations I'm having with the girls, Argh!! Food, Recipes, finding a place to sit down and chat! It's like we're subconsciously training ourselves to be TaiTais. Our topics are getting more and more boring, things that we've never expect ourselves to dwell into. Very soon we'll be calling each other out for High Tea and start gossiping. Our target will no longer be our schoolmates - upgraded to our Neighbours.
Imagine this,
"Ytd I saw Blk 62 7Floor the Auntie's son with a girl. The girl look quite chio."
And then this,
"Did you know the Blk 3489 Auntie with the red hair divorse her husband?"
To this,
"What school did your son get into? You know the Blk 642 18 Floor Auntie's daughter got into XBPS (XXX Branded Primary School)?"
Die larxxx How to prevent this from happening?
Hope and Pray.
Friday, April 06, 2007
I want FiveIneBlack! Shite. Hafta wait longer for that. Grrr...
But aniwaes, finally manage to get hold of all the albums, tats all tat matters.
I can finally go Genting as a(n) (almost) Happy Girl.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
I shouldn't be blogging about this, but Elaine gave me reasons to. I'm going Genting right before sch starts. It's odd that I have 2 groups of friends going Genting, one this week and one next week. Both asked me on Saturday. The one departing this week asked on Sat morning, the other one on Sat afternoon.
I rejected the earlier one straightaway, w/o even considering. My reason was: Go Genting!? So Boring!
But naturally, when the second friend asked me in the afternoon, I was ready to accept the offer. (But the earlier rejection made me reconsider my options).
Sigh, Sb and gang, please don't condemn me for this, I'm going Genting with Shan, one week after your trip.
I've got valid reasons to join Shan instead of you guys. Hear me out.
- I'm much closer to Shan and gang.
- You are all guys larx! I don't wanna be stuck playing male dominated games (although I grew up doing stuff like that, but I am still afterall, a girl - please don't forget that.)
- Shan's parents are joining us, so my mom feels safer.
- Our trip includes Shopping in KL! Which sounds more interesting than Genting.
- Oh! All of you are guys larx! How to share room!? I am very particular about my sleeping arrangements de horx!
Okays, I have more reasons, but I think it's enough to save my life. Hope you guys have fun this weekend w/o me.
Wonder what can a few desperate grown men survive on Genting. Can totally imagine the kind of stuff they'll be busy with.
Part of my doesn't look forward to the trip. The fact that I have to leave my laptop for 3days, losing all connections with TVXQ updates sucks.
No vids, and latest news.
I can only find pleasure in the pictures and songs I have (in my phone and mp3). Argh!
Ytd, zw asked me, "All TVXQ members can sing mehx?"
I replied, "Yah, their Acappella is like damn good larx! I feel embarrassed about singing Acappella after hearing them larx!"
TVXQ - Sample of Acapella - Begin
TVXQ - Hug
Didn't want to show this vid, cuz it's like their 1st single, 1st of everything. Seriously, the stylist for this MV doesn't look very skilled - either that, or they must have a budget for upcoming stars. I prefer just listening to their voices, but whatever it is, it's a really nice song. Really.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Yays! Boos!
Went Kbox with ZW, Fel, Alv, CW. Sang for 6.5hrs. I think the best part was that...
*Drumroll* THEY HAVE TVXQ's RISING SUN MV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alvin had to ruin the song the 1st time I played it. So I reordered it.
When it was finally Rising Sun again, some1, I have know idea who (because I was too Excited,) skipped the song. Grrrr....
But some1, dunno who (cuz I was too disappointed), reordered it for me.
Yays!!! TVXQ again!!! So Suave!
My YunHo!!!!!!
Btw, for those who were not there to watch Rising Sun, and have no idea why am I making such a big deal,
May I present to you,
TVXQ - Rising Sun
So hot! Yunho is so sexy!
Just finish painting my room. It looks like a baby doll's room with the powder pink walls. My (future) room has quite a complicated ceiling. I painted half white and another half lilac. The lilac 1 is higher than the other, did that to do some illusion, make that ceiling look lower, wanted to cover up and balance out the ceiling, but my mom finds the method of doing it unsafe, so i'll have to stick with the original ceilings.
Nope, I'm not as determined as Shan. I can't possibly paint my room. My dad brought 2 workers home to get it done for me. Next week, we'll probably buy the furnitures, get it delivered and I'll move in in 2weeks time. After that, all the furnitures in my current room will be removed and another round of painting will be done.
By next month, May, my home will feel different from what I have for the past 10+ years.
1 less person,
1 more room.
Even my dining room feels emptier.
So much for doing something that will have a great impact on my life before I pass 18 years old. This is a great impact in my life, only that I didn't wish for it to happen, neither did I cause it to happen.
Sometimes I wonder if I am the right person to move into that room.
Out of the 3 siblings, my elder bro spent the most time with her, he was the only grandson whom she brought up with her own effort.
Among all her grandchildren, I'm the only 1 who didn't make her proud, cuz I ended up in Poly, every1 else is either a graduate, undergrad, or in top sec schs, JCs.
But I feel relieved that I did learn to treasure her in the last few years of her life. At least I was the only one who knew her thoughts and her past (in details). Thanks to the time I spent listening to her, accompanying her, knowing that she hates loneliness.
I want her back.