The following entries were written before I’ve got my internet connection in my college:
G’day Mate!
8th July, 2008
It’s my 8th day in Brisbane and I still don’t have internet. I’m writing this in Words so I can copy them later when I finally get connected. It’s like a delayed-publicized diary.
I’m still trying to figure out the weather pattern here in Brisbane, cuz it can rain heavily today, sunny drizzle tmr, and rain again the next day. And it really freezes when it rains!
Oh, and so much for going early to rent a place near school, cuz on the 3rd day in Brisbane, Union College (an on-campus “hostel”) emailed to say that they have a vacant room, but I’ll need to pay more because it comes with an attached toilet and a living hall. *Big Smiles* Perfect.
(Frankly speaking, with my “toilet-comfort-recognition-system” embedded in my ass since I was little, I was once worried about getting constipated if I were to use common toilets.)
So now I’m living like a privileged kid in the college, with my ang-moh girl neighbor (whom I’ve only met twice) gasping at the size of my “room”.
But there are cons that come along because the common toilet is where your neighbours interact and get to know each other, which I’ll miss out and thus, after so many days in the college, I haven’t found any friends to hang out with. They’re all just acquaintance who I’ll meet during meals.
My mom was like, “Haiya! Then you just go idle around the common toilet more often lar!”
Like WTH!? That’ll make me look desperate! And I’m surviving just nice with the laptop and radio in my room. It just gets alittle lonely and awkward when it comes to meal times,but that’s it, it’s really no big deal since I’m kinda enjoying the solitude. :D
When I was on the plane to Brisbane, it suddenly struck me that the reason why I have less (nearly no) excitement about studying in Brisbane is because, the idea of schooling overseas is kinda glued into my head since the day I’ve set my mind to apply for an overseas uni. The fact that I’ve been holidaying every year with my family has kinda numbed my anticipation for travelling, especially when this is my 3rd time in Australia.
I think I’d be a lot more excited if I’m going to places like Europe, US or… hahas… S.Korea (or maybe Japan; depending on where my lovelies are). =D
Speaking of my lovelies, since the day I arrived, I’ve not been updated with their news AT ALL. Other than sab’s sms about Super Junior performing on MTVasia Awards, which I’ll miss (like a lot of other things), no Kpop news at all. I’m hanging onto my TVXQ with the few videos and performances I’ve saved in my laptop.
Oh, I don’t think anyone knows this yet, but to those who strongly disagrees with my TVXQ craziness, you’re in luck, because from now on, Na has a download limit of 200mb per month. This means, no youtube, no soompi, no veoh, no Kpop downloads. Because I need this 200mb for school doc and I’ll have to use whatever I’ve left to keep in touch with my Singapore Sweethearts.
Of course, the school/college is not that cruel as to tie us down with the meager download limit, but if I do want more downloads, I’ll have to pay A$10 for each extra 1gb.
I’ve spent so much this week on stuff for my room, I’ll need to thrift for the rest of the month and maybe next month too. This extra expense will have to wait, and thus my Kpop and TVXQ darlings as well.
I finally realize how fortunate Singaporeans are, with unlimited broadband, wireless at such a reasonable price.
So stop complaining about how expensive your internet bills are because with the amount you download a month, you’ll be spending 10times more here in Brisbane.
Therefore, how can I get excited when I’m separated from my Lovelies, Darlings and Sweethearts? This is more like a grueling challenge I must face in order to grow up and return with confidence. This is my chance to make my parents feel proud of their daughter.
Okays, enough words, but unfortunately the pictures won’t come in so soon because I’m still testing out how long 200mb can last, which means I’d be surfing the net very conservatively. You all will have to wait a little more for the gigantic beautiful campus of University of Queensland.
(It’s really like what you see on TV. The ang-mohs sitting on a grass field, reading and eating kind of environment.)
Enjoy your Sunny Scorching lives in Singapore! (=
I Miss Yunho
9th July, 2008
Still no connection.
Argh! Super Suay (as in unlucky)!!!!
Before coming to Brisbane, I kinda knew that there’s a high possibility that I’m gonna have restricted internet access, thus I downloaded a few stuff to stock up.
I was so busy before departure, so I didn’t check the files and when I finally decided to watch the videos, I found 1 out of sync, and another TVXQ Malaysian Concert Video totally unenjoyable because that’s the concert where Yunho hurt his back and couldn’t dance as much. *Pulls Hair*
I am so deprived of Yunho right now, and I don’t really feel like watching the old videos, because you have no idea how many times I’ve rewatched them.
I NEED NEW VIDEOS!! But I can’t… )=
Erm… yea, since school hasn’t started and my floor (as in the level I’m living on) is pretty vacant, I don’t have much to do (except for cleaning up and tidying my room, which I’m too lazy to), which is why I’m writing these delayed-publicized diaries to kill time.
But like my mom says, “It’s only for these 2weeks, because when school starts, I’d be expecting you to be studying and revising every night.”
Hmm… yea sure. I’m not sure if that’s really gonna happen because in 20years of my life, that has never occurred a single time at all. I mean, I don’t even do it when she’s around, so what makes her think that it would be different when I’m in Brisbane without her supervision? This is absurd. But if it really happens, look up the sky for shooting stars, cuz you’ll know that a miracle is about to appear.
Okays, back to (old) video watching again. Janice (as in Zeewee’s friend, not the TB12 Janice ß I need to make that clear bcuz the 2 Janices are worlds apart) just arrived yesterday, so I gave her time to settle down in her apartment. We’re gonna meet up later and catch up on everything. She’s gonna tell me all the big news in Singapore, and I’m gonna guide her on how to lead an amateur life in Brisbane.
I miss Singapore’s 30 degree Celsius. I really do.
I just wanna stay indoors
9th July 2008
My 2nd entry for the day, and I’m here because it’s just too cold to go outdoors. I brought Janice and Jammie into the campus, made their student IDs and visited the BEL (BizEconsLaw) Faculty. By then, my hands were frozen numb and I couldn’t wait to get back into my room and sit beside the heater.
I actually planned to do the laundry this evening, but it was just waaay too cold to just walk down a few flight of stairs to the laundry room, but I still did it after dinner when I’m all filled up and feeling slightly warmer inside my body.
I realized I actually underloaded the washing machine, because I separated my dark coloured and light coloured clothes. I loaded the dark coloured clothes and decided to stop making mistakes. Oh wells, I’ll just wear more light coloured clothes next week to accumulate them in the laundry.
Laundry is scary… especially when you have no idea if the colour would run on the dark coloured clothings… I feel like I’m experimenting life every second since I arrived in Brisbane.
Australians are super inefficient people.
When people tell me how laid back and slow a life of an Australian is, I didn’t think it would be that bad, until now.
I gave feedback about my lousy old heater to the college office 3 days ago, but nothing is fixed yet.
I submitted my internet connection form 3 days ago, and I’m still not connected.
Just an hour ago, I found out that a girl on my floor who moved in 2 days later than me got her internet up already. WHAT THE HELL!!!!
According to her, she went to the office for help to get her MAC address, and they conveniently set it up for her.
So, she advised me to ask the office tmr about my internet connection status.
This is soooo annoying.
I’ve also been asking around… according to the seniors in the college, the weather forecasted that it’s gonna get windy for the next few weeks, and today is probably the first day of the winds.
Suddenly I feel like I’ve underestimated the weather in Australia. It’s in fact a lot more temperamental than the skies of Singapore.
List of countries my new acquaintances are from:
1. Melbourne
2. Malaysia
3. Thailand
4. China
5. Canada
6. Germany
7. Scotland
Yea, the list gets pretty impressive as the days pass.
Oh! And apparently NOT ALL the shops close at 5pm in Australia.
In colleges, there are usually events and parties during the semester. And according to the seniors, these events and parties are all about getting drunk and thrashed. Yeps, it’s kinda worrying my dear mother. I had to assure and reassure her that I’m gonna practice Heap Loads of Self-Discipline to calm her nerves.
Anyways, normally from Thursday onwards until the weekend, pubs do open till really late, and that’s where everyone hangs out. Believe it or not, there are pubs in the school campus, which gets really packed when school starts.
Erm… if you’re lucky, my sweethearts in Singapore will probably find a new friend who can really hold her liquor when I return. (=