This is the Best chance to teach ALL the Hoobaes what the phrase "Less Is More" really means.
Yunho's performance in Gayo Daejeon's dance battle was expected of him.
But it's only after watching the hoobaes dances that got me screaming and melting in joy.
That silvery guy in a mask (if you cannot spot his few seconds of screen time) is Junsu's bestie, Eunhyuk.
I must say, after Yunho, he's the most impressive dancer on stage. That masked Jabawockees-inspired put up was excellent.
And just when I thought 2PM's Jaebum was pretty impressive as well, I spotted at least 3 Rain's dance moves in his choreo.... oh wait! Those must be JYP's moves imparted to his diciples! Chey!
Yunho's accuracy, precision, sense of rhythm and slick moves is definitely the winner. Even a non-biased passer-by would agree with me.
And there goes Junsu's shortlived moment on Na's No.1 spot.
Do not expect too much from me. Afterall, I only do this to kill time. All trespassers will be shot on sight. All survivors will then be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Have a nice day!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Is Junsu my No.1 now???
Now I know why they chose Junsu for the Piano battle.
Yes! Taeyang!! You WON't Ever Dare to TRY ANYMORE!!!!
Taeyang's reaction after Junsu's performance clearly proved the winner for this battle.
I'm sooooo interested to hear Junsu singing to Taeyang's song.
When Junsu finished pulling the "Everythiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing" note, I'm sure all TVXQ fans would have a sigh of relief.
Na said: That's It!! That's It!! That's the note that makes Junsu Everything!!!!
Na says: Junsu Is My Everything, period.
*Na quivers*
Is it just me, or did anyone else realise the freakily familiar voices in Junsu's background back-up singers' voices??
And our ultimate sexy Yunho
Please don't say his dance is all the same.
He is already the best and yet he is still improving.
Undeniably our Undeafeatable Perfect Yunho shi.
And then we have Wonder Boys Part 2.
Na thinks: Jokwon *Goosebumps*
*Na sees Jokwon* *Na pukes inside mouth*
SoHee was so tickled when Maknae Taemin started singing her line. Classic.
Shindong is Wonder Boy's leader??
But I do love the Macho irony in the entire performance of "Nobody". Hilarious.
Although I'm alittle astonished at how Jokwon looks even more scary in the Macho segment. *Trembles*
Bared-backs!!!!!!!!!!! Jaejoong's Tattoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Muscles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HoSu Dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Na squirms around the world wide web for download links*
And this ends TVXQ's stay in Korea.
*Hears puffs of sigh from all my Dong Bang Comrades*
Which really is a Magnificent note because they proved themselves to be the Undefeatable/Irreplaceable Power Overload Boyband of Korea.
Although Na is still curious as to why Rising Sun had an Concert Tour, O.J.B.H. had an Asia Tour, but Mirotic seemed to end pretty quickly.
And then it dawned upon Na that there are too many reasons to explain the absence of Mirotic Asia Tour:
1. O.J.B.H.'s Asia Tour dragged on for 1.5 years,
2. which probably caused the delay in the release of Mirotic.
3. TVXQ has too much on their hands being at the peak of their Japan career. It's only wise to return to Japan asap before BigEast get sick of waiting.
4. TVXQ is in demand in every country, especially Japan. From previous experiences, LSM must have calculated the opportunity cost of going on an Asia Tour and neglecting the BigEast Money Tree.
5. TVXQ is turning intoBitch of Asia, who is literally Bitch of USJapan, neglecting all parts of the world except the cash/opportunity richer land.
Somewhere inside Na is praying for a Mirotic Asia Tour so that there'll be a slim chance for TVXQ to land on the small Island of Singapore to fulfil my lifelong dream.....
Now I know why they chose Junsu for the Piano battle.
Yes! Taeyang!! You WON't Ever Dare to TRY ANYMORE!!!!
Taeyang's reaction after Junsu's performance clearly proved the winner for this battle.
I'm sooooo interested to hear Junsu singing to Taeyang's song.
When Junsu finished pulling the "Everythiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing" note, I'm sure all TVXQ fans would have a sigh of relief.
Na said: That's It!! That's It!! That's the note that makes Junsu Everything!!!!
Na says: Junsu Is My Everything, period.
*Na quivers*
Is it just me, or did anyone else realise the freakily familiar voices in Junsu's background back-up singers' voices??
And our ultimate sexy Yunho
Please don't say his dance is all the same.
He is already the best and yet he is still improving.
Undeniably our Undeafeatable Perfect Yunho shi.
And then we have Wonder Boys Part 2.
Na thinks: Jokwon *Goosebumps*
*Na sees Jokwon* *Na pukes inside mouth*
SoHee was so tickled when Maknae Taemin started singing her line. Classic.
Shindong is Wonder Boy's leader??
But I do love the Macho irony in the entire performance of "Nobody". Hilarious.
Although I'm alittle astonished at how Jokwon looks even more scary in the Macho segment. *Trembles*
Bared-backs!!!!!!!!!!! Jaejoong's Tattoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Muscles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HoSu Dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Na squirms around the world wide web for download links*
And this ends TVXQ's stay in Korea.
*Hears puffs of sigh from all my Dong Bang Comrades*
Which really is a Magnificent note because they proved themselves to be the Undefeatable/Irreplaceable Power Overload Boyband of Korea.
Although Na is still curious as to why Rising Sun had an Concert Tour, O.J.B.H. had an Asia Tour, but Mirotic seemed to end pretty quickly.
And then it dawned upon Na that there are too many reasons to explain the absence of Mirotic Asia Tour:
1. O.J.B.H.'s Asia Tour dragged on for 1.5 years,
2. which probably caused the delay in the release of Mirotic.
3. TVXQ has too much on their hands being at the peak of their Japan career. It's only wise to return to Japan asap before BigEast get sick of waiting.
4. TVXQ is in demand in every country, especially Japan. From previous experiences, LSM must have calculated the opportunity cost of going on an Asia Tour and neglecting the BigEast Money Tree.
5. TVXQ is turning into
Somewhere inside Na is praying for a Mirotic Asia Tour so that there'll be a slim chance for TVXQ to land on the small Island of Singapore to fulfil my lifelong dream.....
Friday, December 26, 2008
Happy 5th Anniversary
In a blink of an eye, DongBangShinKi is about to step into their 6th year in the entertainment business.
Chukahamnida My Darlings!
26th December 2003 was the birth of Na's Ray of Hope.
Chukahamnida My Darlings!
26th December 2003 was the birth of Na's Ray of Hope.
From pure innocence of 2004,
Trying very hard to portray a masculine image despite having such feminine features.
And as their popularity begin to rise,
In 2005,
They start to lose their baby fats.
Venturing in Japan wasn't all smooth sailing at all.
And 2006 would prove their undying fame in Korea and growing recognition in Japan.
2006/2007 was when they finally manage to breakthrough in their career.
Achieved overwhelming turn outs in their live tours,
And conquering the charts in Japan.
After attaining fame and glory in the land of the rising sun, in 2008, the Gods of the Rising East can finally return home with pride.
And at the end of 2008, their invitations to both countries' major year end events once again proved their popularity in the East.
Before we start counting down to the last second of 2008, they've already stormed Asia with a series of magazine shots due in Jan 2009.
And I'm pretty sure our 5 Gods will stay with us till eternity.
Merry Christmas and Happy 5th Anniversary DongBangShinKi!
Saranghae ^^

Source & Credit: As tagged and
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Best Christmas Present For 2008!!!
SBS Gayo Daejoon is definitely 2008's Most Anticipated Show EVER!!!
Other than Junsu and Taeyang's Piano Battle, there are also Dance Battle of the Bands!!!
TVXQ! BigBang! SuJu! SHINee! WonderGirls! 2PM! Erm.. anymore bands worth anticipating... Can FT Island Dance?
The artiste turn out for that night explains itself.
*Frowns*Bitch of Asia is eating her way back to Korea to eat the Koreans up. Okay, not funny. But her return to Korea to perform in SBS Gayo Daejoon would really mean how Major this event is gonna be.
(I suspect since she's spending so much time being a socialite in Hollywood, she might have asked LSM to let her back for the New Year.. Pfft!)
BUT! Forget about the pint-sized Hollywood star wannabe and FOCUS!
WHAT can SBS bring out to Beat TOP and Hyori's LipLock in MKMF Awards???
Spending money bringing a Kpop Outdated BoA isn't the answer.
If Bringing Kpop's Current Most Influential Boybands TOGETHER doesn't make it to the Headline of the Year, I'll retire from my Kpop Fandom right this instance.
(Na says: I had my legs and toes crossed while typing the last 9 words.)
Thank you Santa for letting me be back in Singapore to catch all the download and YT videos and photos for the event. *Muacks! Unlimited Internet Downloads*
Na says: Oh right! That wasn't Santa's doing... It was my omma and appa's bank accounts. KoMabSeumNiDa Ohmohni! Ahbohji!
*Na rushes off to clear her Lappie's HDD, External HDD, dig out empty CDs and DVDs for SERIOUS KPOP DOWNLOAD OPERATION*
Why do I always watch videos that make me sleepless during bedtime!?!?!?!
---Edit Again---
Where's Daesung in the picture?? Family Outing?? *Scratches Head*
Credit: oilulio@YT
Other than Junsu and Taeyang's Piano Battle, there are also Dance Battle of the Bands!!!
TVXQ! BigBang! SuJu! SHINee! WonderGirls! 2PM! Erm.. anymore bands worth anticipating... Can FT Island Dance?
The artiste turn out for that night explains itself.
(I suspect since she's spending so much time being a socialite in Hollywood, she might have asked LSM to let her back for the New Year.. Pfft!)
BUT! Forget about the pint-sized Hollywood star wannabe and FOCUS!
WHAT can SBS bring out to Beat TOP and Hyori's LipLock in MKMF Awards???
Spending money bringing a Kpop Outdated BoA isn't the answer.
If Bringing Kpop's Current Most Influential Boybands TOGETHER doesn't make it to the Headline of the Year, I'll retire from my Kpop Fandom right this instance.
(Na says: I had my legs and toes crossed while typing the last 9 words.)
Thank you Santa for letting me be back in Singapore to catch all the download and YT videos and photos for the event. *Muacks! Unlimited Internet Downloads*
Na says: Oh right! That wasn't Santa's doing... It was my omma and appa's bank accounts. KoMabSeumNiDa Ohmohni! Ahbohji!
*Na rushes off to clear her Lappie's HDD, External HDD, dig out empty CDs and DVDs for SERIOUS KPOP DOWNLOAD OPERATION*
Why do I always watch videos that make me sleepless during bedtime!?!?!?!
---Edit Again---
Where's Daesung in the picture?? Family Outing?? *Scratches Head*
Credit: oilulio@YT
Like Finally...
The Showdown Begins.
But before I go on, since it's X'mas Eve, Merry Christmas People!
Back to the Showdown.
Since the start of 2008, EVERYBODY has been speculating on TVXQ and Big Bang's rivalry. All along, the rivalry was stirred up by the press and existed only between the fans. Knowing how Angelic the 10 boys are, I'm pretty sure there's only Friendly Competition between the 2 groups.
But finally, Korea's 2 Biggest Boybands are giving the press and fans what they've been anticipating for the entire 2008.
On the 3rd last day of 2008, on SBS's Gayo Daejeon, our lovely Angel Xiah and BigBang'svertically challenged Taeyang is going all out on a Piano Battle.
1st thing in Na's mind: Isn't Micky TVXQ's best pianist!?!?! Or maybe Junsu's frequent computer gaming addiction gave him really agile and accurate key hitting fingers, which I assume, would help in playing multiple notes in milliseconds.
While Junsu practices agile fingers, Na practices crossing her fingers for him, cuz she has absolutely no idea Big Bang's level of piano skills.
P.S. There'll also be the re-appearance of Wonder Boys 2. *2AM's Jokwon.... Shivers/Goosebumps/Shrugs/Pukes/Cross-fingers/arms/legs/toes*
But before I go on, since it's X'mas Eve, Merry Christmas People!
Back to the Showdown.
Since the start of 2008, EVERYBODY has been speculating on TVXQ and Big Bang's rivalry. All along, the rivalry was stirred up by the press and existed only between the fans. Knowing how Angelic the 10 boys are, I'm pretty sure there's only Friendly Competition between the 2 groups.
But finally, Korea's 2 Biggest Boybands are giving the press and fans what they've been anticipating for the entire 2008.
On the 3rd last day of 2008, on SBS's Gayo Daejeon, our lovely Angel Xiah and BigBang's
1st thing in Na's mind: Isn't Micky TVXQ's best pianist!?!?! Or maybe Junsu's frequent computer gaming addiction gave him really agile and accurate key hitting fingers, which I assume, would help in playing multiple notes in milliseconds.
While Junsu practices agile fingers, Na practices crossing her fingers for him, cuz she has absolutely no idea Big Bang's level of piano skills.
P.S. There'll also be the re-appearance of Wonder Boys 2. *2AM's Jokwon.... Shivers/Goosebumps/Shrugs/Pukes/Cross-fingers/arms/legs/toes*
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Singles singled out
Have you seen it yet!!!
I only post updates that deserves to be updated,
and obviously if they involve magazine scans,
only such inviting photos make the cut.
It's a chore crediting the sources, so I'll just up afew to wet your appetitite.
Na assures all TVXQ readers that these are kissable sensuous photos worthy of our time and effort to right click and save every single pictures and stare at each picture for at Least 60 seconds long.
Credit: DNDB and spazzes.wordpress for the links.
I only post updates that deserves to be updated,
and obviously if they involve magazine scans,
only such inviting photos make the cut.
It's a chore crediting the sources, so I'll just up afew to wet your appetitite.
Na assures all TVXQ readers that these are kissable sensuous photos worthy of our time and effort to right click and save every single pictures and stare at each picture for at Least 60 seconds long.
Why is it that the both of us are 20 years old but he looks like a sizzling young man and I feel like a rotting banana on my couch!?
Is Jaejoong pulling a "I'm a Ahjushi rubbing my belly while doing my laundry but I can still look freaking sexy" look?
And of course, in Na's blog, the juiciest meat gets the most attention.

Junsu's solos are in his birthday post and Yoochun.... let's just say that I don't like breast meat.
YunJae Sarang ^^

Credit: DNDB and spazzes.wordpress for the links.
I owe Junsu a Birthday Post, and it's been 6 days since his birthday.
Sorry Dear Xiah!!
Ever since Yunho rejected birthday presents, the Cassies have subconsciously decided on the TVXQ birthday gift tradition.
It's not a bad idea at all. In fact, it's nice seeing how fans are setting good behaviours because of the men they worship.
I'm starting to love kids too ^^ I just met my 2 nieces today (3 years old and 1 year old nieces) and I attempted to have fun with them. The 1 year old toddler couldn't be bothered to entertain me, but the 3 years old girl was a success. I wanna be like Yunho Appa!!
Now that I'm writing Junsu's post, Yunho's Cassie Birthday Party Promotion Video is already up and spreading in YT.
And looking from the professionalism of the video, an amateur TVXQ fan could have been tricked into thinking that it's organised by LSM himself.
Cassies do make TVXQ proud.
Credit: Various Users from Soompi and DNDB and as tagged, anybandfanz@YT, withyoonhodotcom@YT, dbsker.blogspot and
---------BACK TO EDIT---------
Just found this and it really needs to get on this post.
A rare sight/performance for all to remember in our hearts
May I present, the Unidentical Twins
If Changmin really DID grew taller, then he'd be as tall as Junho. That is how tall Junsu's hyung is.
Credit: 15ambot15@YT
Sorry Dear Xiah!!
To my dearest Xiah:
And Junsu's dearest hyung, Kim Junho:
Our Charismatic Xiah Junsu
Who always tries so hard in front of the camera.
But we all know how cute you are in reality.
Even if you are the owner of such a physique,
You still can't hide your innocence from all of us.
And because of your pure-ness,
Your innocence shines through even when you're not trying.
Chukahamnida Xiah Junsu!!
*Na Grins Widely*
This is why we love Junsu so much.

But we all know how cute you are in reality.

Ever since Yunho rejected birthday presents, the Cassies have subconsciously decided on the TVXQ birthday gift tradition.
It's not a bad idea at all. In fact, it's nice seeing how fans are setting good behaviours because of the men they worship.
I'm starting to love kids too ^^ I just met my 2 nieces today (3 years old and 1 year old nieces) and I attempted to have fun with them. The 1 year old toddler couldn't be bothered to entertain me, but the 3 years old girl was a success. I wanna be like Yunho Appa!!
Now that I'm writing Junsu's post, Yunho's Cassie Birthday Party Promotion Video is already up and spreading in YT.
And looking from the professionalism of the video, an amateur TVXQ fan could have been tricked into thinking that it's organised by LSM himself.
Cassies do make TVXQ proud.
Credit: Various Users from Soompi and DNDB and as tagged, anybandfanz@YT, withyoonhodotcom@YT, dbsker.blogspot and
---------BACK TO EDIT---------
Just found this and it really needs to get on this post.
A rare sight/performance for all to remember in our hearts
May I present, the Unidentical Twins
If Changmin really DID grew taller, then he'd be as tall as Junho. That is how tall Junsu's hyung is.
Credit: 15ambot15@YT
Saturday, December 13, 2008
One Last One
Before I fly off for my vacation:
Yeonah is a Korean figure skating champion. No idea why they have to cheer for her... is she not doing very well?
But my Yunho's face is so Cuteeee!!
The ENDING!!!!
I'm suppose to go to bed, but I think I just laughed too much.. can't rest my mind anytime soon.
1 more week of TVXQ-less. T_T
But at least I can shop for more Winter necessities for my next Winter in Brissy.
Bon Voyage to Me ^^
Yeonah is a Korean figure skating champion. No idea why they have to cheer for her... is she not doing very well?
But my Yunho's face is so Cuteeee!!
The ENDING!!!!
I'm suppose to go to bed, but I think I just laughed too much.. can't rest my mind anytime soon.
1 more week of TVXQ-less. T_T
But at least I can shop for more Winter necessities for my next Winter in Brissy.
Bon Voyage to Me ^^
Friday, December 12, 2008
Under My Skin Sky
It's definitely ALL over the internet already, but I still have to emphasize on it!
(Just in case, so that I won't give up on this entry if I only get to my blog after I'm done flying.)
We've been seeing so much Identical/Uniformed Wardrobes from TVXQ recently. Erm... Aren't they a little old for that? But then again, if it's the stylist's idea of reminding us that they ARE Still a Thriving Boyband.
I thought TVXQ's Golden Disk Award's Wardrobe was slightly too imbalanced. Their red carpet suits were identical, which is odd for senior boybands. And to make up for the uniformed appearance, their performance wardrobe was Drastically Different.
It's like you can line them up according to their revealing-ness.
1. Jaejoong
2. Yunho
3. Junsu
4. Changmin
5. Yoochun
Which may also be the ranking of how buffed the members of TVXQ are.
(Although I may hear several arguments about spot no.1 and 2, you get my point.)
Anyways, they sang "Are You A Good Girl"
and "Mirotic - Clean Ver."
Na says: Pfft! <-- to the 2nd song. Listen also Buay Song.
(Yes. Na has been accustomed to Singlish already. No choice lar, got rubbish brothers will have rubbish sister 1.)
Well, the lyrics didn't change much, but the most defining phrase of the song "Under my SKIN" was changed to "Under my SKY". It kinda sounded like a different song sicne we've heard SKIN for 2 months already.
But the choreo in "Are You A Good Girl" is definitely applaudable.
Several shots at ShinEE during Mirotic and 1 particular shot at Rain which sturred up the Cassies. I have no grudge against Rain, I don't don't like him, neither do I don't like him. But when I saw Rain's expression during Mirotic, I feel like throwing a punch at him. I'm totally clueless, don't ask me, I have no answers for you. I'm baffled too.
Lastly, a heart warming scene:
Yes, they won Daesung.
Yes, Yunho was praying to get the award.
Yes, they look Hot.
Yes, they are super Happy.
But it was the Group Hug at the end that got me melting.
This is why they've worked so hard, and this is why we (I) are (am) also trying very hard for a moment like this.
Na says: Please lor! The Mirotic they played when TVXQ won the award is still the old version singing "Under my SKIN" lor!
Credit: lalakiki1030@YT and farahmicky@YT and annahero26@YT
(Just in case, so that I won't give up on this entry if I only get to my blog after I'm done flying.)
We've been seeing so much Identical/Uniformed Wardrobes from TVXQ recently. Erm... Aren't they a little old for that? But then again, if it's the stylist's idea of reminding us that they ARE Still a Thriving Boyband.
I thought TVXQ's Golden Disk Award's Wardrobe was slightly too imbalanced. Their red carpet suits were identical, which is odd for senior boybands. And to make up for the uniformed appearance, their performance wardrobe was Drastically Different.
It's like you can line them up according to their revealing-ness.
1. Jaejoong
2. Yunho
3. Junsu
4. Changmin
5. Yoochun
Which may also be the ranking of how buffed the members of TVXQ are.
(Although I may hear several arguments about spot no.1 and 2, you get my point.)
Anyways, they sang "Are You A Good Girl"
and "Mirotic - Clean Ver."
Na says: Pfft! <-- to the 2nd song. Listen also Buay Song.
(Yes. Na has been accustomed to Singlish already. No choice lar, got rubbish brothers will have rubbish sister 1.)
Well, the lyrics didn't change much, but the most defining phrase of the song "Under my SKIN" was changed to "Under my SKY". It kinda sounded like a different song sicne we've heard SKIN for 2 months already.
But the choreo in "Are You A Good Girl" is definitely applaudable.
Several shots at ShinEE during Mirotic and 1 particular shot at Rain which sturred up the Cassies. I have no grudge against Rain, I don't don't like him, neither do I don't like him. But when I saw Rain's expression during Mirotic, I feel like throwing a punch at him. I'm totally clueless, don't ask me, I have no answers for you. I'm baffled too.
Lastly, a heart warming scene:
Yes, they won Daesung.
Yes, Yunho was praying to get the award.
Yes, they look Hot.
Yes, they are super Happy.
But it was the Group Hug at the end that got me melting.
This is why they've worked so hard, and this is why we (I) are (am) also trying very hard for a moment like this.
Na says: Please lor! The Mirotic they played when TVXQ won the award is still the old version singing "Under my SKIN" lor!
Credit: lalakiki1030@YT and farahmicky@YT and annahero26@YT
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
It's not Just For Laughs
We've heard Tohoshinki BigEastation (Radio) skits a million times. But have you heard TVXQ skits in Korean?
Junsu can NEVER contain his laughter.
Yunho's Ahjumma voice,
and JaeHoMin's sound effect from Yoochun's sound video.
*Please watch until the end for the moral of the story. Kamsahaeyo!*
ENU 2008 Best 10 Wansonam that captivated us
Credit: darknoonthirty@YT & tvxqwgshineelove@YT
Junsu can NEVER contain his laughter.
Yunho's Ahjumma voice,
and JaeHoMin's sound effect from Yoochun's sound video.
*Please watch until the end for the moral of the story. Kamsahaeyo!*
ENU 2008 Best 10 Wansonam that captivated us
Credit: darknoonthirty@YT & tvxqwgshineelove@YT
Sunday, December 07, 2008
BigEast Wins...
Aptly explained by this TVXQ Enthusiast, our DongBang Boys chose to accompany BigEast this year, despite neglecting the Cassies for 1 year and 7 months.
What's the difference for an international fan like me?
I may love TVXQ in any country and any language, it is undeniable that our Dong Bang Boys are most comfortable in their homeland, so, I'm on Cassie's side.
(Which is also why I chose to take Korean classes instead of Jap classes.)
But I worry that SM's decision to choose BigEast over Cassies is because of their accelerating fame/success in Japan and the rising competition in Korea might cause disappointment and embarrassement in the 3 Gayos.
In addition, Tohoshinki's first appearance in Japan's "Red White Festival Thingie" that only high achieving mega stars are invited would mean more future "Kaching" for LSM. Afterall, Japan's music industry is more robust than Korea. Isn't that why the Korean singers are trying to invade that market?
Oh wells. You win some, you lose some. TVXQ had their share of success in Korea. Now it's time for the limelight to go to Japan. Let's the hoobaes trail behind TVXQ's breadcrumbs and gloat at what TVXQ had already "been-there-done-that".
I don't actually think there's an outright competition among these bands/singers. So I wanna make it clear that I'm not targeting at the probably non-existing rivalries among the artists themselves but more at the firey exchanges between the fans' heart, mind and soul.
To brighten up the atmosphere a little, here's the video I've been searching for 3 consecutive weeks:
Is it me or is Changmin restricting his dance moves in case the shirt opens up and shows too much skin?
Anyways, one fact is undeniable. Changmin definitely has inherited Yunho Appa's ManBoobies! Way to go Maknae!
And this is the FIRST video that had my eyes glued to Changmin for EVERY SINGLE MILISECOND Just Because... *nosebleeds before Na can finish her sentence*
I didn't even notice Jaejoong also had his shirt unbuttoned until the 2nd time I played it. And Junsu's black Andre Kim Spacesuit pants and over accessorised outfit deserves a WWE Heavyweight Championship belt for a perfect finish.
P.S. This means that I no longer have the urge to go Korea. Let's see if I can psycho my mom to go Japan during her one week long "clear" leave period.
Wish Me Luck!
What's the difference for an international fan like me?
I may love TVXQ in any country and any language, it is undeniable that our Dong Bang Boys are most comfortable in their homeland, so, I'm on Cassie's side.
(Which is also why I chose to take Korean classes instead of Jap classes.)
But I worry that SM's decision to choose BigEast over Cassies is because of their accelerating fame/success in Japan and the rising competition in Korea might cause disappointment and embarrassement in the 3 Gayos.
In addition, Tohoshinki's first appearance in Japan's "Red White Festival Thingie" that only high achieving mega stars are invited would mean more future "Kaching" for LSM. Afterall, Japan's music industry is more robust than Korea. Isn't that why the Korean singers are trying to invade that market?
Oh wells. You win some, you lose some. TVXQ had their share of success in Korea. Now it's time for the limelight to go to Japan. Let's the hoobaes trail behind TVXQ's breadcrumbs and gloat at what TVXQ had already "been-there-done-that".
I don't actually think there's an outright competition among these bands/singers. So I wanna make it clear that I'm not targeting at the probably non-existing rivalries among the artists themselves but more at the firey exchanges between the fans' heart, mind and soul.
To brighten up the atmosphere a little, here's the video I've been searching for 3 consecutive weeks:
Is it me or is Changmin restricting his dance moves in case the shirt opens up and shows too much skin?
Anyways, one fact is undeniable. Changmin definitely has inherited Yunho Appa's ManBoobies! Way to go Maknae!
And this is the FIRST video that had my eyes glued to Changmin for EVERY SINGLE MILISECOND Just Because... *nosebleeds before Na can finish her sentence*
I didn't even notice Jaejoong also had his shirt unbuttoned until the 2nd time I played it. And Junsu's black Andre Kim Spacesuit pants and over accessorised outfit deserves a WWE Heavyweight Championship belt for a perfect finish.
P.S. This means that I no longer have the urge to go Korea. Let's see if I can psycho my mom to go Japan during her one week long "clear" leave period.
Wish Me Luck!
Monday, December 01, 2008
Take a break!
Feeling stressed out?
Reaching your limit?
Need a break?
Dedicated for all the muggers out there:
Na's side note: HaHaHa! All my terrors for this year are finally over!
Taken from mickytoho@YT:
"So, finally! The mystery is no more! The NoKy Brothers HAHAHA Song is part of Samsung's campaign for spreading encouragement - to share laughs & smiles - during these hard times.
So its not a commercial, but a public msg campaign.^^ Very unexpected hahaha! How interesting!^^
I think the message is "when going gets tough, tough gets going! so cheer up!"^^
The NoKy Brothers and DBSK did make me (and all of the viewers) laugh and smile, and made my day, so the campaign has already worked!!!^^"
I spot Taemin (SHINee) among the four dancers... which means, SM is using their trainees again as extras.
Sigh, my Yunho's been there, done that.
Not as hilarious as the 2U's 1st 2 versions, but it still bring smiles to everyone's faces, which is the whole point of the video and that's all that matters.
Jaejoong's back with Changmin sticking the strip of hair on his face.
Yoochun's comical adlibs again, and Junsu's swimming in the studio.
Yunho *grins* is running all over the place. =D
Na says: Yea! Jaejoong! A team needs to be 5 members! TVXQ FOREVER!!
5 Members on their 5th Anniversary. The coming 6th year will be a joyous fruitful year for My Darlings!
Credit to mickytoho@YT
Reaching your limit?
Need a break?
Dedicated for all the muggers out there:
Na's side note: HaHaHa! All my terrors for this year are finally over!
Taken from mickytoho@YT:
"So, finally! The mystery is no more! The NoKy Brothers HAHAHA Song is part of Samsung's campaign for spreading encouragement - to share laughs & smiles - during these hard times.
So its not a commercial, but a public msg campaign.^^ Very unexpected hahaha! How interesting!^^
I think the message is "when going gets tough, tough gets going! so cheer up!"^^
The NoKy Brothers and DBSK did make me (and all of the viewers) laugh and smile, and made my day, so the campaign has already worked!!!^^"
I spot Taemin (SHINee) among the four dancers... which means, SM is using their trainees again as extras.
Sigh, my Yunho's been there, done that.
Not as hilarious as the 2U's 1st 2 versions, but it still bring smiles to everyone's faces, which is the whole point of the video and that's all that matters.
Jaejoong's back with Changmin sticking the strip of hair on his face.
Yoochun's comical adlibs again, and Junsu's swimming in the studio.
Yunho *grins* is running all over the place. =D
Na says: Yea! Jaejoong! A team needs to be 5 members! TVXQ FOREVER!!
5 Members on their 5th Anniversary. The coming 6th year will be a joyous fruitful year for My Darlings!
Credit to mickytoho@YT
Na's Theory and Consolation
First up, a almost flawless "Wrong Number" performance on the recent Inkigayo.
If you've finished watching it, that last second with a note of a song playing belongs to Big Bang's "Sunset Glow". Na admits that she likes Sunset Glow, but I shall stop talking about the rest of that episode of Inkigayo before things get too ugly.
On a brighter note, I'm imagining the backstage interactions between TVXQ and Big Bang.
Yunho and Junsu's new friend Daesung, and the highlight of TVXQ and Big Bang's relationship: Jaejoong and TOP.
Seriously, Na thinks that weird people have weird friends.
Jaejoong (was it Jaejoong? or some1 else from the gang?) once claimed that Jaejoong, Yoochun, HyunJoong (SS501/Hwangbo's Shinlang) and TOP are very close and when they gather, they'll invite no one else.
Na says: Oooo! Weird Pretty Boys Unite! (Exclude Yoochun please.)
TOP is the one with the beautifully intense eyes and a mask.
Watch it directly on YT to read the translations on the side panel.
They all have weird humour and are very straight-forward. They hardly think before they talk.
And you probably don't feel that way about TOP because the rest of his band mates are weirder, which makes his condition look mild.
Hyunjoong's weirdness is evident in We Got Married. That show pretty much explains Hyunjoong's share of humour with the rest of the BFFs.
So, Na came up with a theory of why Jaejoong wants to rap so badly.
Noticed all the BFFs are rappers of their band EXCEPT Jaejoong?
In fact, Jaejoong is the lead singer and the best singer among ALL of them. I dare say, NONE of the rest of the BFFs are excellent at holding a tune live.
Well, that's not the point.
Since all his BFFs (and his Yunho) are excellent rappers who ALWAYS get the rap lines, it's no wonder Jaejoong's got the urge to be like his friends.
Just because all your friends rap doesn't mean you have to rap. Then again, they are people with (and I mean this in a good/cute/funny way) illogical minds.
Na tells Jaejoong: Good Attempt.
Therefore, Na's theory on Jaejoong's urge to rap concludes to: Peer Pressure.
If you've finished watching it, that last second with a note of a song playing belongs to Big Bang's "Sunset Glow". Na admits that she likes Sunset Glow, but I shall stop talking about the rest of that episode of Inkigayo before things get too ugly.
On a brighter note, I'm imagining the backstage interactions between TVXQ and Big Bang.
Yunho and Junsu's new friend Daesung, and the highlight of TVXQ and Big Bang's relationship: Jaejoong and TOP.
Seriously, Na thinks that weird people have weird friends.
Jaejoong (was it Jaejoong? or some1 else from the gang?) once claimed that Jaejoong, Yoochun, HyunJoong (SS501/Hwangbo's Shinlang) and TOP are very close and when they gather, they'll invite no one else.
Na says: Oooo! Weird Pretty Boys Unite! (Exclude Yoochun please.)
TOP is the one with the beautifully intense eyes and a mask.
Watch it directly on YT to read the translations on the side panel.
They all have weird humour and are very straight-forward. They hardly think before they talk.
And you probably don't feel that way about TOP because the rest of his band mates are weirder, which makes his condition look mild.
Hyunjoong's weirdness is evident in We Got Married. That show pretty much explains Hyunjoong's share of humour with the rest of the BFFs.
So, Na came up with a theory of why Jaejoong wants to rap so badly.
Noticed all the BFFs are rappers of their band EXCEPT Jaejoong?
In fact, Jaejoong is the lead singer and the best singer among ALL of them. I dare say, NONE of the rest of the BFFs are excellent at holding a tune live.
Well, that's not the point.
Since all his BFFs (and his Yunho) are excellent rappers who ALWAYS get the rap lines, it's no wonder Jaejoong's got the urge to be like his friends.
Just because all your friends rap doesn't mean you have to rap. Then again, they are people with (and I mean this in a good/cute/funny way) illogical minds.
Na tells Jaejoong: Good Attempt.
Therefore, Na's theory on Jaejoong's urge to rap concludes to: Peer Pressure.
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