For the longest time, I've been complaining about college kids binging on alcohol, parties and maybe sex.
The thing is, while age is inversely related to wild parties, it is directly proportionate to alcohol (and sex).
Comparative to the people in uni, I'm too old and rickety for the dance floor. To tell the truth, I was hardly ever too fascinated by strenuous sports.
Unknowingly, Na has fallen prey to the addiction of alcohol, starting first with the excuse of keeping warmth in the winter, and slowly turning to Jim and Johnny for solace. I no longer have to yell at myself in my room as much to vent my frustrations and stress because I have Jim and Johnny by my side.
Coincidentally, I've been experiencing irregular side effects every month since I came back this winter. At first I thought it was my body giving feedbacks on the frequent readjusting needs, then I realise it might be the Janes inside me protesting because they can't get used to Jim and Johnny.
I saw the light when it came right after a glass of Absolut since a week of abstinence.
No worries honey, I don't have sex, but I do talk about sex.
It's weird how I always seem to find myself amongst the tamed people who ONLY drinks socially and shy away from sex talk when I'm actually engage in the 2 activities.
Well, I can drink alone, but I can't talk to myself.
Na is currently pissed with a friend I met in Brissy. She's a Singaporean and she gets on my nerves. The reason partly involves in sexuality and talking to Jim and Johnny doesn't help much.
I did a mental checklist of friends I can confide in and found only 1 person I can talk to without any reservations.
I can't reveal much of our conversation in here because the WWW is a lot more public than the bus stop outside your door, but rest assured that my problems with this friend is nothing on cat fights for sex partners and merely on who has a longer vocabulary list in the Sexford Dictionary.
Childish it may sound, but you wouldn't know until you've heard the full story.
Fortunately, at any age and any race, there is ONE thing all uni kids in UQ have in common; Jacarandas.

The blooming of the purple flower trees sends ONE unison signal to the students in UQ; the Finals are coming.
True enough, yesterday was the release of the exam timetable.
And for the last time in Brissy, Na wants to say: "Screw UQ and their timetabling schedule!"