Do not expect too much from me. Afterall, I only do this to kill time. All trespassers will be shot on sight. All survivors will then be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Have a nice day!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
It is time to find a new goal in life
However, on May 29, 2009, when I finally saw the light at the end of my lifelong goal, I was stumped.
I didn't know how to react, it didn't seem real at all. It was all so unrealistically easy and lucky.
I mean, I've had many lucky occasions, the first was being born in this wonderful family, followed by a series of kind souls who made my life such a bliss. My life is so blessed with luck that I hardly have any regrets at all.
But this time, I was afraid of my luck. Despite people telling me that it really isn't luck, since I've put in waaaay too much effort. But when luck suddenly comes knocking on your door just after you've been through so many hardships and turbulence just seems waaaay too simple.
After confirming that I've most probably achieved my lifelong goal, I started going into denial. I didn't dare to admit that I've reached my goal, just in case I'll jinx it.
Last night, TBS Japan, a Japan TV channel, broadcasted Mirotic Concert in Seoul. Today, tonnes of youtube videos and download links are up on the web for me to enjoy. Knowing me, I ditched download quota limitations I set for myself and spammed youtube videos and download links of the concert.
Na had a revelation after watching the videos.
TVXQ sang InSa (Greetings) in the concert!!! They RARELY perform this song!!!!
It's one of my favourites and it always gives me goosebumps (in a good way) when they sing this song!!!
They also sang Tonight
OMG!!! Junsu and Jaejoong!! THEY OWN THIS SONG!!!
And so many others, but I can't post them all.. there's too many.
But at the end of it all, Na only had one reaction to all the performances:
Only days ago, Na has achieved her life long goal: To watch TVXQ live. (Well, not yet.. but SOON!!) And she's is left lost in the maze of survival.
Now, she found a new motivation to keep her engine rolling.
Na's New Lifelong Goal: To watch Tohoshinki's Japan Live Tour one day because they SING EVERYTHING LIVE in their JapanLive Tours!!!!
I can finally face the truth and see that all this of is real.
Concert chasing might turn out to be addictive for me. ((:
Friday, May 29, 2009
Na Yells in Pain!!!
Our dear Jaejoong shii has revealed his new inks on his beautifully sculptured back.
May I present to you:

He's added 2 new inks on top of his originals. 1 is the 'wings' on the 2 mirrored treble clef, and another on his waist. Well, he didn't wanna reveal too much of his body.. so we only get a teaser of the lower tattoo. Yes.. what a pity.
Anyways, I thought Jaejoong was scared of needles. It's shown in 2006 A-nation where they had to take a vaccine jab or something in Japan. Unless our Omma is faking it for fan service... then again.. who cares. Na still Loves Jaejoong Oppa no matter what. =D
Photo credits to allkpop, minsarang@wp and as tagged.
So who would you side?
But what I'm more interested in was the participation of Park Ji Sung in the match.
This makes me wonder... so who would TVXQ, particularly Kim Junsu side with??
Issit Barca with their top player Messi?
or Issit Man U with their SKorean player Park Ji Sung?
Btw, Messi is Junsu's favourite soccer player. =D
Yes.. I know alot about TVXQ. =D =D
I also know that TVXQ loves their country alot.. but I also know that Junsu's mind works like a kid... ARGH!!!
I wished so hard that they are supporting Man U, just like me. *Fingers Crossed*
Okay.. this post was totally random..
And in case u were wondering, I'm quite sure TVXQ stayed up to watch the match.. or at least Junsu would. He's such a HUGE Soccer fan lar!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I really wanna know how big this is
Sunye's imitated adlib part at the end was funny.
The BEST was Yubin's rap at the end that cracked the hell out of me. Suddenly add Kim Jongil into the picture...
Msg to ppl who will misunderstand: Please don't be mistaken. The WGs are S.Korean hor..
And right at the end, ".... and it's always for nobody but cheu"
Well, the girls are studying english really hard right now and there's obviously some improvement:
(Their boss) JYP, aka the dancing gorilla, is trying to push them into Hollywood.
Na says: *tsk tsk!*
Looks like I can only return to Sg to find out for myself.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Na goes back in time
It was when Na steps into the cruelty of GCE O'Levels Year.
It was when Na bounced back from being stabbed in the back with brutal daggers by people and a person she never would have expected and forget.
It was when Na walked out of a relationship that only started because it was the only source of comfort she could get after she was mercilessly wounded.
It was when Na realise what kind of person she was, and how she could see humans with a different light.
And thus, it was when Na changed completely. Not for better, not for worse. Just different.
When Na was experiencing all of this, reaching a turning point in her life, little did she know that somewhere out there, there are 5 hardworking inspired youths slogging through hardships just like Na, just so that one day, they will find their way into Na's life and give her some motivation in life.
Not only did Na grew up and changed to be a different person, these 5 youths grew up healthy and skilled.
Not to mention the inkigayo cameraman also improved tremendously in his filming skills. It totally sucks 5 years ago, and now, they are the best at capturing the essence of every dance routine.
5 years ago, you could connect the heads and draw a straight line when they stood side by side.
5 years later, you'd get a line that depicts the no. of swine flu cases in SKorea.
In 2004, these 5 youths could play the see-saw (3by2) in their normal standing positions.
In 2009, the 3 on the most left will fly into outer space if the 2 on the most right sits on the other end of the see-saw.
I realised that reminiscing plays a huge part of my slacker life; dwelling in the past and procrastinating the future.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Straits Times Need More Hardworking Writers

Sexy Dance!?!?! They haven't seen Wonder Girls' earlier hit 'So Hot'.
Good Tune!?!??! Their most addictive tune is their first hit to fame 'Tell Me'.
THE WONDER BOYS are FAMOUS INDIVIDUALLY in their own Boybands. Some EVEN MORE FAMOUS than the Wonder Girls in the actual Japan Korean Pop Culture.
They are NOT an Overnight Hit!!!!
And it's is NOT Incidentally!!!
The Wonder Boys, made up of members from Big Bang, Super Junior, SHINee and 2AM did their first parody of Wonder Girls' "So Hot" song for a program's anniversary.
It received good response and was requested to return for a year end ceremony of part 2 of their parody performance.
This almost feels like the Japanese going crazy over Taiwan's F4 only recently, when they actually shot to fame like.... 8 years ago???
This Nobody craze is only gonna die down like the Russell Peter and Hard Gay craze.
Well, at least there might be a possibility of increasing Korean Pop Culture fans in Singapore and thus raising the chances of SM Entertainment, YG Entertainment and JYP Entertainment to send their cash cows to the lovely sunny island for concerts.
I wish.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Needs to curb on her spending.
It's only SGD56 if
This is a definite Must Buy when I get back to Sg for vacation.
Gosh. I'm emptying my bank account on this vacation. All my hard earned savings *weeps*
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I sense danger.
Na says: BOOO!! I don't have my concert tickets yet. But I'm still going anyhow. Gives me more motivation to snatch like a crazy woman for the tickets.
I need to keep my mum off my BKK trip. It's not cool for your mother to tag along in ur favourite idol group's concert lor!
I've been waaaaay too lazy to do anything productive at all. If I continue at this rate, I'll be so doomed for the finals. I MUST find a way to oil my engine so that any plane can take off in June at all.
Monday, May 18, 2009
And normally, excessive rain in a drought country means the season is changing.
Oh dear... I sense winter is approaching.
Time to whip out my jeans, trench coat and shoes. I'll have to say goodbye my favourite Tee and skirt outfit for some warmth.
The 10 degrees sweetdreams everynight was a little unbearable at first.... But it's only gonna get colder.
I've been talking to Singapore peeps and family.
EVERYONE is complaining about the heat. Even my mum, the last person I'd expect to be complaining about the heat.
Goodness Gracious!!
Wouldn't I turn into a sweltering pig if I return on my coming vacation!?!?!
I miss autumn already...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Chef Na gets lazy
So, she makes fried rice and glutinous rice balls.
Also, Na has been having ceasar salad for the rest of the other meals when she's sick of eating the things she cooks.
It's not that Na is running out of ideas. But the menu in her agenda is too much trouble for the worn out Chef.
Chef Na probably won't be able to produce any more results until next semester. Let's call this the season finale, tentatively.
Next, Na wants you to take a good look at this photo:
No.. I'm not "zi-lian-ing" and I'm not playing selca at all.
Now Na wants you to watch this:
Changmin!! Your hands!!! *Turns Green in Envy*
See anything in common between the above photo and the video???
This is quite a story.
1.5weeks ago, Na dropped by a korean mart in brissy with a couple of friends.
Rach and I got curious about this packet drink in the freezer together with the ice cream. I mean... milkshake in the freezer?? What? Is this to extend the shelf life of the product??
We contemplated on buying 1 to try it out.. but we chickened out.
A few days ago, Na is back to keeping herself updated with TVXQ's ongoings and found this CF. The first thing that shot my mind was, "OI! THAT MILKSHAKE IN THE FREEZER!!"
And before you know it, Rach and I are back in the Korean mart getting our hands this mysterious milkshake that TVXQ has decided to endorse!!
I must say... I always find myself closely tied to the thoughts of TVXQ. First it was Junsu's shoes, then the laptop Yunho was using, now the milkshake!!
Na says: "Shut up and let me immerse myself in the world of TVXQ!"
Victory is MINE!!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I feel like I'm enlightened.
But after experiencing life in a foreign land, I've seen how things could work differently, and how overprotected Singapore is.
Truthfully, our government is like the perfect nanny caring for a four year old, when in actual fact, we're already in our Forties.
What I'm saying is... Is Singapore over-reacting to swine flu?
I'd put most of the blame on Singapore's press. As the most widely circulated paper in Singapore, just like any other day, The Straits Times published swine flu on it's front page, and all I'm reading in The Australian's front page is the pope and iraq wars.
The swine flu would get full page reports on updates from all over the world. An article for each country in The Straits Times. And all I'm reading in The Australian is a less than a quarter page of it in the last page of World section.
I was required to search for articles for an assignment, which brought me to newspapers from around the world. And it did get slightly better than Australia. The swine flu got a quarter page in The Wall Street Journal for god knows which page of which section.
The Straits Times, like always, in every other matter, is controlling the minds of Singaporeans, making us overly sensitive and overprotected.
Whoever said that kids from broken families and suspicious backgrounds are not good and nice children?
If you haven't noticed, I'm consoling myself for the fact that Thailand just announced 2 cases of swine flu (fortunately, the 2 people have recovered). This is soooo NOT what I need right now.
Singapore's press is making Swine flu sound like SARS!!!
And they're ruining my chance of flying to Bangkok!!!
If in any way am I consoled, is the new news that the Asian summit might be postponed to October.
Na says: Phew! Less political chaos.... but more pandemic epidemic woes!!! *That is IF it really IS postponed*
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Na's coming home!!
Aiyo... I'm not even sure if I have time for everybody when TVXQ is on the top priority. So make your arrangements early... don't blame me for not telling u.
Anyways... Na just watched Star Awards 2009.
Na's thoughts:
Wah! So many pattern this year ah!
And the beeper is super annoying lar.
The best part is when Jeanette Aw never win Best Actress Award, instead Joanne Peh snatched the title from her. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Jeanette Aw should quit the entertainment business.
No respect for Zoe Tay!! Go Zoe!! Shut Jeanette up for being disrespectful and cocky!!
Bel cooked for us on Sunday. It's the first time she used her kitchen this semester. Na has photos to blog about, but decides to not blog anymore cuz she's too lazy to upload them on the net.
*Prays for Bangkok Mirotic Concert tickets*
Friday, May 08, 2009
Insomia for 2 reasons
The first one is probably the most probable reason. I have been sleeping really late, like 3-4am-ish late.
The second one is probably reasonable because I have a presentation in a few hours time. Which is really surprising since I hardly freak out on presentations after so much experience. But it's been awhile since so much expectation is required for a presentation. I've forgotten what it feels like to have the pressure of producing an excellent presentation.
The third is neither probable nor reasonable. It is the MAIN reason why despite shutting her eyes tight, her brain can't seem to rest at all. It's already 8th May but the uni website hasn't updated on the exam timetable.
I know it'll only be released in the morning, but I seriously can't contain the excitement anymore. Within a few more hours, I'd know the fate of bestest birthday present for 2 decades.
How thrilling.
And for the supposedly (self-proclaimed) aged users of Na's Haven, as promised, I've enlarged the font size for better ease of reading.
Oh great... with the excessive photos/pictures and ginormous font size, my blog now looks like a kid's diary.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Na is now too worried to sleep or concentrate on writing her presentation speech on friday.
Now Na has another reason to Never forget 3rd May 2009.
You have no idea how painful it is to watch the fancams.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
The long awaited entry on how Na spent her 21st
What is it like spending a significant day of your life in a foreign land?
It's Na first birthday in Autumn. How sweeet~
First and foremost, the people closest to Na in Brissy were nice enough to make sure Na never forgets this day.
And as usual, the first suspect of the day: Lina
Her task: Fulfill Na's day. (as in literally when the sun is up)
She's been bugging me since weeks ago to think of what I wanna do on my birthday. And she's the only person who showed any concern.
Finally, on Friday, 2 days before the actual day, I've decided that we shall go (flea) market hopping!
2nd stop: Pancake Manor
It was SUPPOSE to be a Market Hop Day.
But Suspect No.1 had to go home to skype with Mummy, so we had to go home.
Na goes: ????????
So Na got home to find 5-6 bags of trash in her kitchen.
Na screams: WTH!?!?! I thought I only saw 1 bag in the morning before leaving home!?!??!
Anyways, Na went back to her room and Lina chills with her.
Na saw Marilyn (Suspect No.2)
Na wanted to greet her, but...
Na thought: hmm.... oh wells, maybe I'll greet later when she walks back.
So then Lina offers to bring the trash down but there's only so many she could carry.
Na went out to help her. There was nobody at home and Na was the last to leave the house. Na locked the door behind her.
Surprise Surprise!!
Everybody + Suspect No.1 & 2 started singing Happy Birthday with Ms Michie Superwoman holding the cake.
Apparently, the kids have prepared a BBQ behind my back and Suspect No.1 Lina was left as a decoy so I'll be out of the building.
Wahahahaahaahahahahahahaha!!! LOVES!!!!
So..... yea... this was how we ended the party: Watching Borat.
After planning for Lina and Marilyn, Na did suspect something from Unit 5, especially when Lina kept probing throughout the week.
In addition, I remember Network Ash noting my birthday in her organiser on Pizza night. And Network Ash is not a person who would miss out on occassions.
I admit. I knew Rach wasn't meeting Joceline and she avoided going Coles with me on purpose. I had to persist to make sure I was right.
And if Rach was avoiding me, Ash would be the accomplice.
Ann and Marilyn's part would only come in at night, after the day activities.
Na was more surprised to find the house pitch black and empty when she returned from shopping.
Lina was texting non-stop in the day. It was as if some1 was spying on my every move and every shift in location. Na thinks it's either the suspects and accomplices or it's just her bf.
When Lina prompted to bring the trash down, I still couldn't figure out why we had so many rubbish, and I never noticed that Marilyn went out of her room but wasn't in the kitchen/living area and disappeared.
BUT! I knew something was about to happen.
Na suspected the bin area at first, but found it quite stupid to surprise me there.
So I thought the trash was to throw me out of the house so ppl could enter and surprise me when I return.
The BBQ pit was an unexpected place for the surprise.
But yea.... Na was expecting a surprise. She just doesn't know where and who's involved.
So yea.... I didn't wanna burst ur bubbles at that time. I guess, perhaps, days after the party is over, the adrenaline and sense of accomplishment gone, I can finally reveal the truth w/o disappointing all those who put in so much effort for Na.
Thanks gals!!!
and Thanks Mummy & Daddy for sponsoring all of Na's activities on this day (:
and Thanks to all who remembered.
Even though it was not how Na had dreamt it to be, it was waaaaaay better.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
After so long of, this is all I get!?!?!?!
And what's more! They had to throw him to a corner, behind the tallest girl!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!
He's totally excluded from Sorry Sorry Promotions, and judging from the situation, he seem to be in solo activities already!!!
Is this LSM's way of secretly disbanding SuJu???
Let the members slowly, individually disappear in the 13 people crowd in a low-key manner!?!?!?
Using my Kibum as an experiment, guinea pig for his original plans of the Super Junior Project!!?!??!
I miss that smile....
보고십어요 기범이!!!!
:::EDIT::: Time Now -- 1:36AM, GMT+10:::
Who's smile is brighter??
Kim Kibum
Kim Bum?
One of Na's traits: Being really loyal to the people she loves.
KIBUM 사랑해!!!
Isn't he the cutest!!!!
I can't believe I spent the first few minutes of Today catching up on my M.I.A. cutie. And the rest of the first hour talking to my parents on webcam.
They make me wanna cry.... ((:
Friday, May 01, 2009
It's getting closer
I'd check so frequently in hope that the release date of the exam timetable would be announced.
Alas! It's been confirmed. 8th May shall be the deciding day of my Greatest Birthday Gift for All My Life.

I know I say this almost every year. Labeling the greatest gift for that year the Greatest Birthday Gift for All My Life. If my memory doesn't fail me, last year's greatest gift was from my lawyer brother. I don't remember if fat brother gave me anything. I've got a feeling he did, but it's not significant enough as compared to the other brother.
In fact, I don't rmb what my both brothers gave me. But I'm pretty sure it's a specially requested TVXQ related present. Oh... then again... last year's presents were super TVXQ related.
In any case, no matter how TVXQ related this year's presents they are gonna be, it'll never get any better than the one I'm giving myself... or maybe getting my parents to get for me...
And if anybody is gonna fight for the first to mail out their presents, don't bother.
I haven't actually officially thanked my 2 brothers for my 21st birthday present. Although not TVXQ related, cuz apparently according to them, it's a waste to buy Korean stuff for 21st birthdays, they are Gorgeous!
I swear I'd cry but I couldn't... cuz otherwise, my eyes will swell in the plane, seriously.
Thank you so much for the Citigems diamond necklace and Swarovski earrings!!
I'm super proud of the gifts and I'll definitely wear them on my Graduation Day!!
Although probably none of you can fly over, I'll wear them and take photos as evidence.
On 2nd thoughts, the necklace and earrings could be your representatives. Wearing it will feel like the both of you are here with me. How Wonderful!!
Oh No... BanFest at IH tonight. The noise and stench of beer is gonna give me headaches soon.