I am dead tired, but I'll pull myself together for 1 more entry before I head to bed for whatever sleep i can get before the BKK flight.
Just updated myself and HOORAY!! Yoochun chopped his curls. Although not enticingly short, but at least it's closer to his Mirotic days.
Next, RIP to Michael Jackson. He's been a great inspiration to my Darling Yunho and many other people out there.
Despite being the ultimate Hollywood freakshow in the last few years of his life, MJ is undeniably the Legendary King of Pop.
Let's just all remember all the splendid songs he sang and the iconic dance moves he created that pathed the way for all mainstream popular music right now.
His classics will always be missed (Even if it had been reminisced even b4 his death.)
Do not expect too much from me. Afterall, I only do this to kill time. All trespassers will be shot on sight. All survivors will then be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Have a nice day!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Shocking Revelation that goes "HOORAY!!!"
I've been so busy with moving, exams and packing, I've only JUST realised it was 24th June yesterday.
What does 24th June means??
Well, in Na's life, 24th June 2009 would mean that she Can Drive Without a P Plate.
Yes, it's been a year since I am professionally declared a non-life-threatening "road hog". Note that I used the word "road hog" in quotes because of the sweeping statement: "Women are bad drivers".
Despite passing the test on my first trial, I wasn't trusted behind the wheels. It might have been because of what a klutz I've always been, or issit really?
On my part, it was more like discrimination of feline on wheels.
Now a year later, all the confidence I once had was long out the window. In fact, I feel so much safer on the wheels with the P Plate standing out of the windscreen even if it MIGHT be illegal to use it when you don't have to.
C'mon! I'm pretty sure there aren't any chapters in the Driver's Basic Theory Textbook stating the consequences of using a P Plate after probation.
Anyways, why do I even care. It's not like I'm allowed to drive the "new" merc when i get back. Although Daddy didn't explicitly say "No", being 4th in line to the inheritance of that "new" piece of moving metal, I am in no place to enjoy its services when the crown prince (that's my brother) doesn't even dare to roll down the window shades of the car, in case he scratches the glass on Daddy's precious.
Going totally out of topic, today is probably the 2nd coldest day I've felt since the start of winter. How exciting. Imagine sleeping in the coldest winter night so far in Brissy right now and plane down to (maybe) the hottest day in Sg almost immediately. I can't, but I'll keep you updated about the possible carnage, that is if what's left of me includes my fingers and my brain.
What does 24th June means??
Well, in Na's life, 24th June 2009 would mean that she Can Drive Without a P Plate.
Yes, it's been a year since I am professionally declared a non-life-threatening "road hog". Note that I used the word "road hog" in quotes because of the sweeping statement: "Women are bad drivers".
Despite passing the test on my first trial, I wasn't trusted behind the wheels. It might have been because of what a klutz I've always been, or issit really?
On my part, it was more like discrimination of feline on wheels.
Now a year later, all the confidence I once had was long out the window. In fact, I feel so much safer on the wheels with the P Plate standing out of the windscreen even if it MIGHT be illegal to use it when you don't have to.
C'mon! I'm pretty sure there aren't any chapters in the Driver's Basic Theory Textbook stating the consequences of using a P Plate after probation.
Anyways, why do I even care. It's not like I'm allowed to drive the "new" merc when i get back. Although Daddy didn't explicitly say "No", being 4th in line to the inheritance of that "new" piece of moving metal, I am in no place to enjoy its services when the crown prince (that's my brother) doesn't even dare to roll down the window shades of the car, in case he scratches the glass on Daddy's precious.
Going totally out of topic, today is probably the 2nd coldest day I've felt since the start of winter. How exciting. Imagine sleeping in the coldest winter night so far in Brissy right now and plane down to (maybe) the hottest day in Sg almost immediately. I can't, but I'll keep you updated about the possible carnage, that is if what's left of me includes my fingers and my brain.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Speedster Na
After much experience in packing/unpacking and moving, I've finally mastered the skill of quick pack & unpack. Within a day, Na moved all her assets from the old sunlight infested room into her new spacious and cold room. Not only was all her possessions moved, it was nicely unpacked and arranged by 6pm.
The brisk move was mostly motivated by the fact that Na has her most feared paper due at 8am tmr, and in spite of aiming only for 16%, Na isn't confident of achieving even 10%.
Now, before I fly off, let's begin the tour.
When you first enter Na's new bedroom. You're welcomed by her forever unmade bed.
Of cuz I had to Dongbang-fy the room. It isn't Na room if it isn't Dongbang-fied.
The desk. Hmm.. never noticed how messy it is until checking out this photo for the first time. DO Note that I've only just moved in and I still have to mug for 1 more night.
Do you see TVXQ Wall Calendar on my wall?? Sexy Jaejoongie!! Can't wait for Yunho's month.
As you probably can (or cannot) tell, this room is at least 1.5times the size of my previous room. Na is actually super not use to the space since both her rooms in Sg and Brissy were pretty compact. It's so big that I've actually no idea what to do with all the extra space.
In my opinion, this room is everything Na wants, except the part where it's pretty tiring for a lazy woman to be walking up and down the room to get from her bed to her desk.
The brisk move was mostly motivated by the fact that Na has her most feared paper due at 8am tmr, and in spite of aiming only for 16%, Na isn't confident of achieving even 10%.
Now, before I fly off, let's begin the tour.
When you first enter Na's new bedroom. You're welcomed by her forever unmade bed.
In my opinion, this room is everything Na wants, except the part where it's pretty tiring for a lazy woman to be walking up and down the room to get from her bed to her desk.
Na needs to move in 1 day
It's been confirmed. Na can move to her new room earlier than the contract stipulated date. But the catch is, I need to move in within a day. So Na chose today, 24th June, the day before her final paper to move. Really... aussie are pretty inflexible people, I have no choice.
On top of that, I've also partly given up on this paper. I've calculated and I only need 16% to pass the overall, still, I cannot be conceited and totally ignore the books. I did read 2 journal articles and I'll make myself read 2 more articles and 3 more chapters tonight for tomorrow morning's last fight.
Then after, it'll be down to the city for some Krispy Kreme before heading back to Singapore where good doughnuts don't exist.
I do have a feeling that I'll be able to provide a few more entries before my immigration frenzies.
But in case I don't, friends and family, Na is super worried about going home. The weather is so gonna kill me. It was horrid the last time when I return in spring. Now that it's winter here in brissy, going home would be asking for my life. Rach says it's tolerable, we'll see.
Last night while Na should have been studying:
Everything seemed professional until half way through when Junsu and Taec decides to vie for attention. But the best part is that nobody actually bothers about what's going on in the foreground. At least all I was watching was Wooyoung stuck onto the wall, Junho looking pissed but still self-conscious and Khun... umm... neither interested to join in nor amused at his hyungs and dongsaengs. Awww~ poor Khun Wooyoung and Junho. They've probably been practicing the whole night thinking that this might be their last round and the boys had to mess it up because of their own egos.
Still, Khun at 2:22 is Delicious!!
On top of that, I've also partly given up on this paper. I've calculated and I only need 16% to pass the overall, still, I cannot be conceited and totally ignore the books. I did read 2 journal articles and I'll make myself read 2 more articles and 3 more chapters tonight for tomorrow morning's last fight.
Then after, it'll be down to the city for some Krispy Kreme before heading back to Singapore where good doughnuts don't exist.
I do have a feeling that I'll be able to provide a few more entries before my immigration frenzies.
But in case I don't, friends and family, Na is super worried about going home. The weather is so gonna kill me. It was horrid the last time when I return in spring. Now that it's winter here in brissy, going home would be asking for my life. Rach says it's tolerable, we'll see.
Last night while Na should have been studying:
Everything seemed professional until half way through when Junsu and Taec decides to vie for attention. But the best part is that nobody actually bothers about what's going on in the foreground. At least all I was watching was Wooyoung stuck onto the wall, Junho looking pissed but still self-conscious and Khun... umm... neither interested to join in nor amused at his hyungs and dongsaengs. Awww~ poor Khun Wooyoung and Junho. They've probably been practicing the whole night thinking that this might be their last round and the boys had to mess it up because of their own egos.
Still, Khun at 2:22 is Delicious!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I'm more lazy to study than to blog
It's Michie's 21st on the 22nd. So we brought her to the Casino for a buffet dinner.
With our long time no see "unbalanced ying yang" college friend.
"Unbalanced Ying Yang" college friend is a 100% decent guy. I just call him that because he always find himself in an "unbalanced ying yang" dinner table in college - No, it's not a table filled with gays, but more like a table filled with girls.
He has this thing about having a balance in genders on a table, but I see no reason for him to complain being surrounded by girls. Some guys never get that randomly lucky in college.
We headed down to the broadwalk to clear our sins from the buffet table.
It's quite amazing because it's this XXXkilometres long of (seriously) floating road on the Brisbane river. The most sua gu part is when the cat (citycat a.k.a. ferry) passes the bridge at high speed, sending waves to the bridge, making it feel almost like we're on a stationary boat on the river. Well, technically if you think about it, it IS a Ginormous piece of float(ing device) that's keeping us off the water, instead of across the river.
Plus, it has a magnificent view of Brisbane's CBD skyline.
The birthday girl wanted some1 to give her a piggyback on photos, so I offered.
If you can't tell from her neverending legs and porturding head in group photos, she is waaaay taller than I am. More specifically, she stands at 172cm, the height of an average Singaporean dude. I had trouble lifting her legs off the ground.
As you can tell from above, Brisbane, despite being near the city, don't spend alot of $$ lighting up their streets. Aussie is nothing like Singapore's "Deepavali lights festival" every night.
So, our "unbalance ying yang" friend invites us to his super cheap but super good view place for a some photo taking action.
Imagine waking up every morning, sitting up on your bed and all you see is this view through the full length, from 1 corner of the room to the other corner of the room, windows.
We had to go out to the verenda/balcony to take photos, BUT! our dear friend doesn't own any outdoor lights on the balcony. So this is as good as our faces are gonna get.
Finally, despite moving for every semester I'm gonna spend in UQ, she's gonna be Na's neighbour for ALL her UQ life. And Na loves that because we're also the Dong Bang Friends of Brisbane.
He has this thing about having a balance in genders on a table, but I see no reason for him to complain being surrounded by girls. Some guys never get that randomly lucky in college.
We headed down to the broadwalk to clear our sins from the buffet table.
As you can tell from above, Brisbane, despite being near the city, don't spend alot of $$ lighting up their streets. Aussie is nothing like Singapore's "Deepavali lights festival" every night.
So, our "unbalance ying yang" friend invites us to his super cheap but super good view place for a some photo taking action.
Despite having 1 more paper undone,
Despite having 1 more paper undone, Na decided to let herself free and enjoy her last Saturday for this semester. Photos with descriptions comes later (or probably never, if I get too lazy).
Marilyn is gone. T_T
I'll probably never ever get to see her again. Unless my plans for higher education ends up in the US like I'm hoping to. But since when did my plans ever listens to me? I've always thought I'll squeeze my way into JC no matter how difficult it was but I ended up in Poly, which I ultimately thought was a better choice for me. I planned to take my degree in the US and I ended up in Brissy, which also turned out to be a better plan, since it's less far from home. Who knows? I might end up in UK or Canada or possibly SKorea for my masters. You can never be too sure about your future.
Okay, it's 8am, I woke up an hour ago to see Marilyn off and I only slept at 5amlast night. I needed time to chill from all the fun and excitement that ended late last night. By the time I could relax, it was nearing 5am.
Na reads back: "Excuses, excuses, excuses."
Well, at least now we know that because of her partying, Na is no longer sleeping baby hours anymore.... I hope.
I just read an article that's probably whats keeping me from going back to bed right now.
The highlight here is to read what Changmin's secret is.
You know, instead of making him more manly, as a person who's super sensitive to scents, I can imagine how much of a turn off his "manly scent" is.
Based on my knowledge of TVXQ, Changmin sweats the most and is probably the hairiest in the underarms area.
Got my hint?
Go figure.
Credits: 神采奕譯@東方神起百度帖吧
Trans: shaine@sweetfig.blogspot.com
Marilyn is gone. T_T
I'll probably never ever get to see her again. Unless my plans for higher education ends up in the US like I'm hoping to. But since when did my plans ever listens to me? I've always thought I'll squeeze my way into JC no matter how difficult it was but I ended up in Poly, which I ultimately thought was a better choice for me. I planned to take my degree in the US and I ended up in Brissy, which also turned out to be a better plan, since it's less far from home. Who knows? I might end up in UK or Canada or possibly SKorea for my masters. You can never be too sure about your future.
Okay, it's 8am, I woke up an hour ago to see Marilyn off and I only slept at 5am
Na reads back: "Excuses, excuses, excuses."
Well, at least now we know that because of her partying, Na is no longer sleeping baby hours anymore.... I hope.
I just read an article that's probably whats keeping me from going back to bed right now.

You know, instead of making him more manly, as a person who's super sensitive to scents, I can imagine how much of a turn off his "manly scent" is.
Based on my knowledge of TVXQ, Changmin sweats the most and is probably the hairiest in the underarms area.
Got my hint?
Go figure.
Credits: 神采奕譯@東方神起百度帖吧
Trans: shaine@sweetfig.blogspot.com
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Stupid Excuse
Yea... I really should be studying.
My life is pretty screwed right now. I feel like my sleeping habits in Brissy is moving backwards with time/age.
I now sleep for only 3-4hours in intervals. Pretty much like an infant.
Anyways, I slept at 1-ish am and woke up at ard 4am. Laid in bed to see if I can sleep some more but to no avail.
At 6am, I decided to give up and see if books can bring me back to bed. No luck with that yet.
So I decided to blog about it. But somehow, I ended up changing the entire blogskin. I kept the old 1 though. It was too TVXQ-fied to delete. Rest assured that the old skin will return as soon as my life gets back on track.
Oh yea.. and my choice of the template is quite surprising. Like I said, my life/mind is screwed and mental atm. I still love Yunho the most, but I'm just feeling this Junsu "귀여-ness" (GweeYeo-ness, aka cuteness). Seeing these faces cheers me up during times like this.
FYI, I typed the Korean in this template. Word for word. Ooo.. I can count that as revising for my exam. (:
I really suspect this baby sleeping habit thing is getting to my head. Because I'm paying ALOT of attention to Changmin in the latest Incheon Airport photos.
There's something about him that is different from before, but I just can't pinpoint what exactly.
Sense of style?
Finally revealing his TVXQ persona for real?
I mean, he's been this tall and this sculptured for quite sometime already, but it's only since Mirotic that got him outshining.
I still don't get it. Why can't I keep my eyes off this photo of Changmin????
Na hears: "Please put your brain into better use for now."
Photo credits to DBSKnights & as tagged.
My life is pretty screwed right now. I feel like my sleeping habits in Brissy is moving backwards with time/age.
I now sleep for only 3-4hours in intervals. Pretty much like an infant.
Anyways, I slept at 1-ish am and woke up at ard 4am. Laid in bed to see if I can sleep some more but to no avail.
At 6am, I decided to give up and see if books can bring me back to bed. No luck with that yet.
So I decided to blog about it. But somehow, I ended up changing the entire blogskin. I kept the old 1 though. It was too TVXQ-fied to delete. Rest assured that the old skin will return as soon as my life gets back on track.
Oh yea.. and my choice of the template is quite surprising. Like I said, my life/mind is screwed and mental atm. I still love Yunho the most, but I'm just feeling this Junsu "귀여-ness" (GweeYeo-ness, aka cuteness). Seeing these faces cheers me up during times like this.
FYI, I typed the Korean in this template. Word for word. Ooo.. I can count that as revising for my exam. (:
I really suspect this baby sleeping habit thing is getting to my head. Because I'm paying ALOT of attention to Changmin in the latest Incheon Airport photos.

Finally revealing his TVXQ persona for real?
I mean, he's been this tall and this sculptured for quite sometime already, but it's only since Mirotic that got him outshining.
I still don't get it. Why can't I keep my eyes off this photo of Changmin????
Na hears: "Please put your brain into better use for now."
Photo credits to DBSKnights & as tagged.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Like as if the heat isn't enough to keep Na out of Singapore
Singapore's government has to announce another piece of "GREAT" news.
Singapore's total population grew to 4.84m in 2008, up 5.5% over previous year
Seriously, I never once thought this is possible, but it seems like the grass IS greener on the other side, Australia's side.
I'd suggest all of us to stop popping babies and ship our parents to suburban countries so that they can enjoy retirement with style. This way, we can keep our country young and spacious.
Na says: Did you just take me seriously!? I wouldn't trade anything to keep my family together. But I'm quite serious about stop popping too many babies... unless I marry a husband who absolutely adores kids, who coincidentally happens to be from a top selling SKorean boyband in both SKorea and Japan and all of Asia.
Shared via AddThis
Singapore's total population grew to 4.84m in 2008, up 5.5% over previous year
Seriously, I never once thought this is possible, but it seems like the grass IS greener on the other side, Australia's side.
I'd suggest all of us to stop popping babies and ship our parents to suburban countries so that they can enjoy retirement with style. This way, we can keep our country young and spacious.
Na says: Did you just take me seriously!? I wouldn't trade anything to keep my family together. But I'm quite serious about stop popping too many babies... unless I marry a husband who absolutely adores kids, who coincidentally happens to be from a top selling SKorean boyband in both SKorea and Japan and all of Asia.
Shared via AddThis
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Being 21 is Sinful!!
Turning 21 gives me a reason to swipe my credit card and wipe clean the hard earned years of effort in my bank.
Yea, and you'd think I'm not the kind of person who saves $$. Just because I never owned a piggy bank half filled with coins doesn't mean I never learn. I am generous with the people I love but I'm thrifty on myself.
Well.... at least up till last year.
So! All About TVXQ Season 3 is scheduled to be released in end of July/beginning of August!! And it's definitely gonna cost me another freaking 100SGD!!
A mailer just came in from one of my TVXQ product supplier handling me the (good) news, and I'm already racking my brains for an excuse to not succumb to pre-order priviledges (yet).
Did I mention that my 1st paper starts tomorrow?
I really am putting my brain into good use.
(Pretending she's her mother reading Na's Haven)
Na roars in anger : "GO STUDY LAR!!"
Did I also mention that for the first time in Na's Haven I'm actually gonna admit that I Hate Korean Right Now.
Seriously, what was I thinking, taking up Korean Language as a subject when I couldn't even master my own mother tongue + dialects I've been exposed to on a daily basis since birth. Even if I probably over-expose myself to the Korean Language for the past 4 years, I was most definitely out-of-my-mind when I thought it wouldn't hurt to take Korean as an exam.
Na's pleas to her friends: Please firmly stop me if I ever decide to take up level 2 Korean next semester. Thanks in advance.
Yea, and you'd think I'm not the kind of person who saves $$. Just because I never owned a piggy bank half filled with coins doesn't mean I never learn. I am generous with the people I love but I'm thrifty on myself.
Well.... at least up till last year.
So! All About TVXQ Season 3 is scheduled to be released in end of July/beginning of August!! And it's definitely gonna cost me another freaking 100SGD!!
A mailer just came in from one of my TVXQ product supplier handling me the (good) news, and I'm already racking my brains for an excuse to not succumb to pre-order priviledges (yet).
Did I mention that my 1st paper starts tomorrow?
I really am putting my brain into good use.
(Pretending she's her mother reading Na's Haven)
Na roars in anger : "GO STUDY LAR!!"
Did I also mention that for the first time in Na's Haven I'm actually gonna admit that I Hate Korean Right Now.
Seriously, what was I thinking, taking up Korean Language as a subject when I couldn't even master my own mother tongue + dialects I've been exposed to on a daily basis since birth. Even if I probably over-expose myself to the Korean Language for the past 4 years, I was most definitely out-of-my-mind when I thought it wouldn't hurt to take Korean as an exam.
Na's pleas to her friends: Please firmly stop me if I ever decide to take up level 2 Korean next semester. Thanks in advance.
Monday, June 15, 2009
For once I don't want exams to be cancelled
Not because I'm fully prepared but because I'm prepared for what comes after exams.
Oh! I missed the main point: Why on earth is there a possibility of cancellation of exams!?
If you don't already know, Australia is infested with swine flu carriers. It is mostly affecting the Victoria state, more specifically the 2nd Aussie City Melbourne.
Oh and I should have known! With exams starting and the end of SWOTVAC, kids would be heading back to uni from wherever they fled to for "revisions".
I'll try not to pass judgments here. So a poor kid from St Leos College kena swine flu. He visited the uni clinic, which was where I got my flu vaccination a week ago. I sure hope I wasn't there the same time as he did.
Thankfully I stayed indoors and avoidedbooks libraries during swotvac.
Anyways, the exec director of UQ sent an email stating Very Clearly that the uni is still operating as per normal, continuing all functions, and that includes exams. *Na hears the college kids next door jeering* (The cutest thing is how kids from other colleges are encouraging the Leos to watch the movie Quarantine tonight.)
C'mon! In times like this, if Aussies can go to the AFL, what's there to be afraid in an exam hall. Oh wait. There IS something to be afraid of; the exam paper.
Oh! I missed the main point: Why on earth is there a possibility of cancellation of exams!?
If you don't already know, Australia is infested with swine flu carriers. It is mostly affecting the Victoria state, more specifically the 2nd Aussie City Melbourne.
Oh and I should have known! With exams starting and the end of SWOTVAC, kids would be heading back to uni from wherever they fled to for "revisions".
I'll try not to pass judgments here. So a poor kid from St Leos College kena swine flu. He visited the uni clinic, which was where I got my flu vaccination a week ago. I sure hope I wasn't there the same time as he did.
Thankfully I stayed indoors and avoided
Anyways, the exec director of UQ sent an email stating Very Clearly that the uni is still operating as per normal, continuing all functions, and that includes exams. *Na hears the college kids next door jeering* (The cutest thing is how kids from other colleges are encouraging the Leos to watch the movie Quarantine tonight.)
C'mon! In times like this, if Aussies can go to the AFL, what's there to be afraid in an exam hall. Oh wait. There IS something to be afraid of; the exam paper.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Interesting facts
So, apparently Singapore is expensive to travel in.
But still cheaper than travelling to Japan.
However, SKorea gave us the most reason to travel to. (=
I've only been to Incheon once, but I've seen the arrival and departure gates of Incheon quite frequently in Youtube and photos, courtesy of Cassies of cuz. (=
I'm finding all sorts of reasons to pretend that I don't have to study. It is so much harder to study here as compared to college, despite more distractions from college kids, there were also more mood to mug in college since it is also a place filled with high achievers.
Na had a haircut by KOREAN hair stylists.
With the abundance of Korean immigrants in Australia, finding a Korean hair salon isn't difficult at all.
Okay, I know u can't see much from this photo. Na doesn't like taking photos in mirrors/toilets and apparently Lina isn't an expert either. I feel almost dumb and embarrassed doing something like that, but Na HAD to keep a momento of her Korean-styled hair.
I must admit, the stylist changed the shape of my hair, which I really didn't want to lose. Stylist in Singapore would normally blow ur hair straight, but koreans love to curl the ends. Na kinda liked it. Maybe I'd get soft curls/waves afterall.
Oh my. This korean thing is getting out of hand, isn't it.
But still cheaper than travelling to Japan.
However, SKorea gave us the most reason to travel to. (=
I've only been to Incheon once, but I've seen the arrival and departure gates of Incheon quite frequently in Youtube and photos, courtesy of Cassies of cuz. (=
I'm finding all sorts of reasons to pretend that I don't have to study. It is so much harder to study here as compared to college, despite more distractions from college kids, there were also more mood to mug in college since it is also a place filled with high achievers.
Na had a haircut by KOREAN hair stylists.
With the abundance of Korean immigrants in Australia, finding a Korean hair salon isn't difficult at all.
I must admit, the stylist changed the shape of my hair, which I really didn't want to lose. Stylist in Singapore would normally blow ur hair straight, but koreans love to curl the ends. Na kinda liked it. Maybe I'd get soft curls/waves afterall.
Oh my. This korean thing is getting out of hand, isn't it.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Map illiterate
Yes, Na can't read maps to save her own life. Which is precisely what's stopping her from her Hokkaido trip this July.
As it turns out, families that are touring Hokkaido will need to hire a car and navigate their way around the place. Unfortunately, only the felines in Ng Family are available, and so happens that the both of them are map illiterates. Sad to say, but the Men lead the way in this family.
So there's no way the patriarch is gonna allow us women to make a fool of ourselves in Japan.
I could see the disappointment in my mum's eyes while we were talking through the webcam. So I made a really stupid suggestion.
Na said, "Do you want to go Tokyo on the 4th and 5th of July?"
You may ask, why is that statement stupid?
Well, going to Tokyo on the 4th and 5th of July will eventually fulfill Na's NEW lifelong goal, which she only set for herself ONE Week ago.
Tohoshinki's Final Stop for their current The Secret Code Live Tour in Japan 2009 in Japan's Tokyo Dome on 4th and 5th of July!!!
Obviously my mother rolled her eyes and questioned the need to watch them AGAIN in less than a week span.
She OBVIOUSLY doesn't know and couldn't comprehend the difference of the 2 concerts.
I know it was a tough call having hopes that she will actually give in to me. But I should have known, the day she will become a fangirl is the day I marry Jung Yunho as his wife.
Na hears: "Keep dreaming."
As it turns out, families that are touring Hokkaido will need to hire a car and navigate their way around the place. Unfortunately, only the felines in Ng Family are available, and so happens that the both of them are map illiterates. Sad to say, but the Men lead the way in this family.
So there's no way the patriarch is gonna allow us women to make a fool of ourselves in Japan.
I could see the disappointment in my mum's eyes while we were talking through the webcam. So I made a really stupid suggestion.
Na said, "Do you want to go Tokyo on the 4th and 5th of July?"
You may ask, why is that statement stupid?
Well, going to Tokyo on the 4th and 5th of July will eventually fulfill Na's NEW lifelong goal, which she only set for herself ONE Week ago.
Tohoshinki's Final Stop for their current The Secret Code Live Tour in Japan 2009 in Japan's Tokyo Dome on 4th and 5th of July!!!
Obviously my mother rolled her eyes and questioned the need to watch them AGAIN in less than a week span.
She OBVIOUSLY doesn't know and couldn't comprehend the difference of the 2 concerts.
I know it was a tough call having hopes that she will actually give in to me. But I should have known, the day she will become a fangirl is the day I marry Jung Yunho as his wife.
Na hears: "Keep dreaming."
Thursday, June 04, 2009
My throat is super painful right now
Because I screamed too hard while watching this:
Heaven's Postman kissing teaser:
Thousands of Cassies reacted strongly to this short clip. They even said that they finally know how the male lead in Doushite MV felt after watching this. TOTALLY!!
Now I'm not sure if I can handle the entire show anymore. I'll probably get more than a sore throat at the end of the show.
Na wonders: Where does Han Hyo Joo want Jaejoong to go with her??? I thought she's suppose to have a boyfriend in the script!? Grrrr!!! Slut!
Credits to allkpop and ichigoKJJ@yt
Heaven's Postman kissing teaser:
Thousands of Cassies reacted strongly to this short clip. They even said that they finally know how the male lead in Doushite MV felt after watching this. TOTALLY!!
Now I'm not sure if I can handle the entire show anymore. I'll probably get more than a sore throat at the end of the show.
Na wonders: Where does Han Hyo Joo want Jaejoong to go with her??? I thought she's suppose to have a boyfriend in the script!? Grrrr!!! Slut!
Credits to allkpop and ichigoKJJ@yt
It's Yoochun's Day!!!
Our Yoochun has grown a year older today!!!
This post is specially dedicated to our dandy boy Yoochun!!
Despite being my least favourite member of TVXQ, I still have 170 pictures of Yoochun in my laptop. Na LOVES ALL OF TVXQ!!!
And truthfully, if he had a nice haircut, Na would love him as much as all the other members. REALLY!
See!! With a nice hairstyle or beanie/hat/cap/head accessory, Yoochun can look cute too!!!
And we can't deny that he's the source of our TVXQ self-composed songs. There are so many of my favourite TVXQ songs compsed by him!!
Love Bye Love and Kiss The Baby Sky are on Top 10 Most Played Songs on Na's Kpop Songlist.
Keep the creative juices flowing and...
Na says: 육월이십발일 마나십보요!
Interpretor Na: Let's meet on 28th June! (Loosely translated)
유천오빠 새일축아해!
Interpretor Na: Yoochun Oppa Happy Birthday!

Na says: 육월이십발일 마나십보요!
Interpretor Na: Let's meet on 28th June! (Loosely translated)

Interpretor Na: Yoochun Oppa Happy Birthday!
Na sidetracks alittle:
I MIGHT be going to Hokkaido this vacation!! WHOOOO!!! But that will mean less time in Singapore... I'm still considering if I should go Hokkaido or spend more time in Singapore. I'd seriously be on another immigration rampage if I accept the trip. 어떻게?
Interpretor Na: How?
I MIGHT be going to Hokkaido this vacation!! WHOOOO!!! But that will mean less time in Singapore... I'm still considering if I should go Hokkaido or spend more time in Singapore. I'd seriously be on another immigration rampage if I accept the trip. 어떻게?
Interpretor Na: How?
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Rush to blog about this ASAP
I'm on Crack!
and Junsu and Changmin is on Roll!!
They're shining so brightly recently!! Rising to become cuter than Yunjae!!
The first half is alittle boring.
But the 2nd half is *Cannot stop laughing!!*
Changmin totally lost it!! He couldn't stop laughing!! And his laughter sounds waaaay too evil!!! I love how Changmin stands out in Japan right now. He used to just look awkward and uninventive on stage. Now he talks so much more, often witty remarks targeted at Junsu that makes Bigeast crackle. He's not afraid of doing his thing on stage, no longer imitating his hyungs, but showing that he can also lead the stage. He's finally bravely showing his personality on screen!! Hip Hip Hooray!!!
Three Cheers for XiMin!!!
and Junsu and Changmin is on Roll!!
They're shining so brightly recently!! Rising to become cuter than Yunjae!!
The first half is alittle boring.
But the 2nd half is *Cannot stop laughing!!*
Changmin totally lost it!! He couldn't stop laughing!! And his laughter sounds waaaay too evil!!! I love how Changmin stands out in Japan right now. He used to just look awkward and uninventive on stage. Now he talks so much more, often witty remarks targeted at Junsu that makes Bigeast crackle. He's not afraid of doing his thing on stage, no longer imitating his hyungs, but showing that he can also lead the stage. He's finally bravely showing his personality on screen!! Hip Hip Hooray!!!
Three Cheers for XiMin!!!
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