Rants Corner
I knew what I was going into from the moment I accepted the job, but I didn't have a choice.
So I still have my rights to complain.
I'm sick of my assistant. Delegating work is almost impossible.
Hope she doesn't read my blog. =x
Ngee Ann's School of BA is too free (or maybe lazy).
The purpose of self-selecting timetable is to allow students to choose their desired modules and timeslots.
But when the students are halfway through their FYPs and are in the mids of implementing their assigned tasks within a class, do they still have a choice to choose a different class? And what will happen if they didn't manage to stay in their usual class? Does that mean that they have to sacrifice their hardwork and efforts and start from scratch in a new class?
NP School of BA seriously have to reassess their system.
I don't know if I should shout for rejoice or cry in pain.
In life, I've never felt so confused.
My mom (and family) forced me to choose between my 2 most desired holidays for this Xmas Vacation.
Remember that I once mentioned that there's a possibility of me going Taiwan?
It's finally coming true. My mom bought the air tickets. It's gonna be a 9 days Taiwan Tour.
I should be happy because that's the place I really wanna go, it's a place I've been begging my parents to go. But why now? Why must they always put me in a spot?
Our departure date is on the 15th December, which is the day TVXQ hits Thailand for their "O" 2nd Asia Concert. Argh!!!! All my hopes of watching TVXQ Live is gone!
*Heart Pain*
This arrived in the mail on Saturday, but I only managed to write this down today.
I thought I was going to stop online (TVXQ) shopping for awhile, but since my dream of going to Thailand in December are dashed, I don't see the need in saving up.
I've made my order to buy this necklace.
Qp suggested on buying it, and I was reluctant at first. But after the gathering on TVXQ's day, an idea struck me. The reason for me not buying is because I don't see the point.. there's no picture and the boys did not design it or sign it. The necklace is just a gimmick for the company to earn money using the boy's names. But I was looking for the perfect necklace that I could wear daily. The Yunho pendant would be too plain.
Zw... I'll arrange a date with you for a trip to Chinatown and your place... I'm thinking of getting a silver locket.. =D
When I was making my order, I saw this and got tempted.

Btw, I'm not thinking of buying because of LeeTuek, although I really think he's hot, but the star earings are hotter!
More Videos to share...
Real Dong Bang Fans must Not miss out this one!
TVXQ on Happy Day (eng subbed)
They talked alot about themselves and the fans.
Changmin's mama appeared!!
Junsu's parent's appeared!! IN JUNSU's BEDROOM!!!!! and Junsu's papa's pizza shop. I wanted to see Junsu's twin brother (Junho) though... I want to know how he looks like now..
Oh.. and TVXQ's year 2007 fortunes were told.. Jaejoong is expected to meet with an accident this coming October... I'm praying so hard for him to be safe...
Get the rest of the videos here (for your convenience).
Yunho's doing alot of talking, since he's the leader.
I always can't help but cry and feel sad whenever Jaejoong talks about his parents. Even he himself can't put his emotions in words... Aish~
Behind all the Glitter and Glam is where their tough lives live. Their road to stardom is not all smooth sailing. In fact, I think I have a better childhood than the 5 of them.
But they've sacrificed so much for their dream, to be on the stage.
That's why we should Spread the TVXQ Love (:
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