Have you been Naughty or Nice this Christmas?
(Shite... I'm too obsessed with the roadshow)
I've added a new section for the convenience and benefit of all my Lovely Friends out there.
My WISHLIST in Blue! You Can't miss it!
I put it right under my profile!
Take a GOOD LOOK at it, Study It & Store it in your brain.
Finally, after 2 years of celebrating X'mas overseas, I'm back in Singapore for this Festive Season!!! I Miss Y'all sooo much!! =X ~ C=
Lastly, just like to add that I Sincerely LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCHHH!!!
*Grins Widely* Thank You!!
Do not expect too much from me. Afterall, I only do this to kill time. All trespassers will be shot on sight. All survivors will then be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Have a nice day!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Bad Bad Day
I started the day with a bad hair day, but it could be solved by just tying it up. As the day progress, I sinked deeper into the jinxed setting, troubles start to get tougher and tougher, and finally it reaches its limit, I'm facing something that's unsolvable now.
For the first time in a loooong time, I took a bus to school. I managed to wake up in time thanks to the annoying alarm tone I dl'ed. Nvm, that... I printed my sidenotes for the morning's (sickening) presentation for a bloody tutorial but I forgot to collect it at the printer b4 leaving the house.
I missed my last bus no. 10, so I had to take other buses and chase for my 2nd bus. Then, I miss my bus no. 151 and that was it. I thought it was alright, since I had TVXQ videos on my PSP. C=
Got to CMK's class, the lecturer I hated since last semester. My hatred for this CMK is Muchhh LARGER than my detest for Jamsey Boy. Thankfully this is our last tutorial with him, because I seriously can't contain my anger for any much longer.
He made frustrating comments on everyone's presentations and he wasn't appreciative of our efforts. Which lecturer will request for a presentation and report with proper citations for every single tutorial questions!?!?!?! How different does he expect the 4 group's answers to be!?!?!?! They are all from the same set of notes and textbook for crying out loud!!!!!
Was late for BPC, because of IB Game, but thankfully Ms Tan didn't bug us on that. X'mas Roadshow is still a burden on all of TB12's minds and if my other NP friends didn't remind me, I would have forgotten that Common Test is only 2 weeks away. My SAT is unsettled, because I need to call them and they gave me a freaking different time zone which I have no idea when the line is open so I keep getting dial tones.
The rain started pouring just when I was about to leave the school and on my way out, there was a freaking lightning+thunder so HUGE that I thought I was going to die. People out in the open near the bus stops will know which 1 I was referring to. Even if you're too blind or deaf to see/hear it, the very next second you would have heard everyone else around you swearing and screaming at the sky.
When I reached the terminal for me to change a bus, my brother called to ask me to roam the streets and not to go home.
Flood Ahoy!
The water level is above his knee level. (FYI, he's the same height as me). He swore that the water level is so high, if he was any shorter, he would have gotten his undies wet. So how did he get home, "walk"/"swim" through.
By the way, it was still raining and I happen to live in a slope-y area where my house is on the downhill.
I figured that since it was pouring and I couldn't go anywhere else (w/o an umbrella), it was either I waited in the terminal or at the bus stop outside my house, which makes no difference since I have TVXQ videos in my PSP. C=
When I reached, the police was already there and somehow the water level subsided. The lorry and bus was stuck inside the flood. That bus had kids from international schools in it and had to be towed away after the flood.
The Aftermath:
Bins lay open in the streets after floating on the waters. It's like the best moment to switch bins with our neighbours since our bin is broken. Thankfully there's an upward slope in my porch, so the water level didn't reach the inside of my house. But the houses before mine was on flat ground. I'm thinking they must be going crazy seeing their furnitures soaked in muddy water.
The only good thing was that it was the 1st time in my life I get my neighbours to stand along the streets welcoming me home and a police car parked in front of my gate receiving my arrival. =D
Things got worse just recently. I was photocopying receipts to claim for Red Camp. I seperated them on the table, turned around (as in literally turned my back) to fix the printer and in less than 1 minute, 1 receipt was missing.
I searched high and low for 2 whole hours and finally gave up. I called my assistant to check the receipt records. It was decided that I will have to fork out the $$ myself.
How can 1 slip of paper just disappear out of sight!! It was no where to be found. I even searched for obscure hidden corners but to no avail.
It's less than an hour till the day ends. What more could go wrong.
I had to find some ways to cheer myself up. This is the only thing to put a smile back on my face.
[DVD] DBSK Bonjour Paris - Yunho Cuts
Put your hands up, Put your hands up!
A rare sight of Yunho going high, must be the Junsu influence.
Btw, I dl'ed the raw video for Bonjour Paris. *Hints to DongBang Friends*.
Junsu is Uber Hyper in the entire trip and there's alot of YooSu moment. Jaejoong is busy being cool and himself as usual and Changmin is like the 2nd photographer and he's as composed as always.
Yunho and Junsu are super active in this DVD, just as I wanted it to be. My No. 1 and No. 2 =D
(No Fret to my No.3, he's very active as well but somehow a little toned down since he was always Super active.) YunJae love!!
TeiHanMingGook Bansei!! Uknow Yunho Bansei!!!
Just found this, thought I should add it in.
Impromptu Acapella (as usual)
Bonjour, Paris [Preview#5] - Whatever They Say [Acappella]
Here's another vid that I can't embed cuz the codes were disabled.
It started with Jaejoong's sexy outfit and then..
Jaejoong began complimenting Changmin's outfit and how he's model figure looks good in everything and the others agreed.
Then Jaejoong talks abt (SoulFighters Couple) meeting Changmin's parents w/o Changmin.
Yoochun (and members) tease Junsu again, commenting on how everyone (except Junsu) looks good in the suits.
And Yoochun's Toasted Steak..
Btw, I agree with Yoochun. Changmin really looks HOT in those glasses. Brains and Brawns, who can resist!!
For the first time in a loooong time, I took a bus to school. I managed to wake up in time thanks to the annoying alarm tone I dl'ed. Nvm, that... I printed my sidenotes for the morning's (sickening) presentation for a bloody tutorial but I forgot to collect it at the printer b4 leaving the house.
I missed my last bus no. 10, so I had to take other buses and chase for my 2nd bus. Then, I miss my bus no. 151 and that was it. I thought it was alright, since I had TVXQ videos on my PSP. C=
Got to CMK's class, the lecturer I hated since last semester. My hatred for this CMK is Muchhh LARGER than my detest for Jamsey Boy. Thankfully this is our last tutorial with him, because I seriously can't contain my anger for any much longer.
He made frustrating comments on everyone's presentations and he wasn't appreciative of our efforts. Which lecturer will request for a presentation and report with proper citations for every single tutorial questions!?!?!?! How different does he expect the 4 group's answers to be!?!?!?! They are all from the same set of notes and textbook for crying out loud!!!!!
Was late for BPC, because of IB Game, but thankfully Ms Tan didn't bug us on that. X'mas Roadshow is still a burden on all of TB12's minds and if my other NP friends didn't remind me, I would have forgotten that Common Test is only 2 weeks away. My SAT is unsettled, because I need to call them and they gave me a freaking different time zone which I have no idea when the line is open so I keep getting dial tones.
The rain started pouring just when I was about to leave the school and on my way out, there was a freaking lightning+thunder so HUGE that I thought I was going to die. People out in the open near the bus stops will know which 1 I was referring to. Even if you're too blind or deaf to see/hear it, the very next second you would have heard everyone else around you swearing and screaming at the sky.
When I reached the terminal for me to change a bus, my brother called to ask me to roam the streets and not to go home.
Flood Ahoy!
The water level is above his knee level. (FYI, he's the same height as me). He swore that the water level is so high, if he was any shorter, he would have gotten his undies wet. So how did he get home, "walk"/"swim" through.
By the way, it was still raining and I happen to live in a slope-y area where my house is on the downhill.
I figured that since it was pouring and I couldn't go anywhere else (w/o an umbrella), it was either I waited in the terminal or at the bus stop outside my house, which makes no difference since I have TVXQ videos in my PSP. C=

The Aftermath:

The only good thing was that it was the 1st time in my life I get my neighbours to stand along the streets welcoming me home and a police car parked in front of my gate receiving my arrival. =D
Things got worse just recently. I was photocopying receipts to claim for Red Camp. I seperated them on the table, turned around (as in literally turned my back) to fix the printer and in less than 1 minute, 1 receipt was missing.
I searched high and low for 2 whole hours and finally gave up. I called my assistant to check the receipt records. It was decided that I will have to fork out the $$ myself.
How can 1 slip of paper just disappear out of sight!! It was no where to be found. I even searched for obscure hidden corners but to no avail.
It's less than an hour till the day ends. What more could go wrong.
I had to find some ways to cheer myself up. This is the only thing to put a smile back on my face.
[DVD] DBSK Bonjour Paris - Yunho Cuts
Put your hands up, Put your hands up!
A rare sight of Yunho going high, must be the Junsu influence.
Btw, I dl'ed the raw video for Bonjour Paris. *Hints to DongBang Friends*.
Junsu is Uber Hyper in the entire trip and there's alot of YooSu moment. Jaejoong is busy being cool and himself as usual and Changmin is like the 2nd photographer and he's as composed as always.
Yunho and Junsu are super active in this DVD, just as I wanted it to be. My No. 1 and No. 2 =D
(No Fret to my No.3, he's very active as well but somehow a little toned down since he was always Super active.) YunJae love!!
TeiHanMingGook Bansei!! Uknow Yunho Bansei!!!
Just found this, thought I should add it in.
Impromptu Acapella (as usual)
Bonjour, Paris [Preview#5] - Whatever They Say [Acappella]
Here's another vid that I can't embed cuz the codes were disabled.
It started with Jaejoong's sexy outfit and then..
Jaejoong began complimenting Changmin's outfit and how he's model figure looks good in everything and the others agreed.
Then Jaejoong talks abt (SoulFighters Couple) meeting Changmin's parents w/o Changmin.
Yoochun (and members) tease Junsu again, commenting on how everyone (except Junsu) looks good in the suits.
And Yoochun's Toasted Steak..
Btw, I agree with Yoochun. Changmin really looks HOT in those glasses. Brains and Brawns, who can resist!!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I Need to Buy myself some Life
Red Camp is finally over. But we still have the X'mas Roadshow to work on. At least we found some fun in our work.
Beng and my creation: Sabrina the Mummy
Daisy and the Nivea Prizes, lucky Red Campers.
Our lunch for Day 1: KFC Crispy Chicken, fake shrooms burger and 1 whipped potato.
Day's 2 lunch: Hawaiian Pizza, 2 drumlets & 2 slices of Garlic bread.
On day 2, Felicia Chin came to our school to film a ChU Variety Program. Joyce saw her and took a photo with her, apparently Felicia Chin got too close and shocked Joyce. We screened her hilarious photo on the projector for all to share. =D
Day 3's lunch: Breeks! Terriyaki Chicken Pasta. Not bad, the lunches are getting better and better.
These Twisties were suppose to be in the Red Camper's goodie bags, but there were soooo many twisties (& oreos & mentose) and soooo little Red Campers, we couldn't resist ourselves.
Kapok Time!!! We each took 1 empty box and filled it up with food, stationeries & Nivea products.
The Nivea Men deodorant, which I diligently kapok-ed more than 20 bottles. *Evil Laughter*
My inventory of Mentose, Oreos, Twisties, other tidbits, deodorant, facial cleanser, BA luggage tags, pencils, erasers, double sided tapes at home is uncountable. My brother tried to help me do stock-taking, but he gave up halfway. Muahahaha!
Credits to Glawu's blogspot for the pictures.
Back to getting some life:
I wanna buy TVXQ's Bonjour Paris! But it costs $200+ lar!!! SM is leeching our wallets/bank accounts.

Click here for enlarged ver.
I am soooo into Junsu recently (btw, I'm wearing Junsu's designed Tee while writing this post *Grins*). He is just sooo adorable! Especially after watching Bonjour Paris DVD previews, Junsu is super Hyper in Paris!
I'll just introduce some videos that I think are more interesting. You can explore more on your own.
Super TVXQ moment!!
[DVD] Bonjour Paris Pbook TVXQ- Junsu arrival in Paris
Group Hug!! Yunho grabbed Junsu's face, Yoochun Hugged Junsu so tightly and Jaejoong poked Junsu's face. Big LOVE!!!
[DVD] Bonjour Paris Pbook Junsu and Yunho
You should watch the whole thing (preferably with subs) and you'll understand. They did something before the start of this video, but the person cut it off, so it makes things kinda blur. But anyways, Yunho and Junsu hugging is enough pleasure for the eyes.
Junsu and Yoochun's (+Jaejoong & Yunho at the end) cute remix of O.Jung.Ban.Hap and some French song.
[DVD] Bonjour Paris Pbook Junsu and Yoochun
Maxed Out Cuteness!!! I can watch this over and over again!
[DVD] Bonjour Paris Pbook Junsu Moments
Jaejoong omma feeding Junsu
Junsu in glasses = Cuteness!
Junsu playing his favourite Soccer with french kids.
PS. He looks like a bumblebee in that sweater.
Lastly, I can't neglect my no.3.
[DVD] Bonjour Paris Pbook Jaejoong moments
Adorable Jaejoong acting Cute!! What am I saying... He IS Cute!!
I'm going nuts, stuck in the school library on a saturday.
FYI, almost half the class is stuck in different corners/levels of the school library on a Saturday, nerding out.
This is my fate~ I Need My Life :C

My inventory of Mentose, Oreos, Twisties, other tidbits, deodorant, facial cleanser, BA luggage tags, pencils, erasers, double sided tapes at home is uncountable. My brother tried to help me do stock-taking, but he gave up halfway. Muahahaha!
Credits to Glawu's blogspot for the pictures.
Back to getting some life:
I wanna buy TVXQ's Bonjour Paris! But it costs $200+ lar!!! SM is leeching our wallets/bank accounts.
Click here for enlarged ver.
I am soooo into Junsu recently (btw, I'm wearing Junsu's designed Tee while writing this post *Grins*). He is just sooo adorable! Especially after watching Bonjour Paris DVD previews, Junsu is super Hyper in Paris!
I'll just introduce some videos that I think are more interesting. You can explore more on your own.
Super TVXQ moment!!
[DVD] Bonjour Paris Pbook TVXQ- Junsu arrival in Paris
Group Hug!! Yunho grabbed Junsu's face, Yoochun Hugged Junsu so tightly and Jaejoong poked Junsu's face. Big LOVE!!!
[DVD] Bonjour Paris Pbook Junsu and Yunho
You should watch the whole thing (preferably with subs) and you'll understand. They did something before the start of this video, but the person cut it off, so it makes things kinda blur. But anyways, Yunho and Junsu hugging is enough pleasure for the eyes.
Junsu and Yoochun's (+Jaejoong & Yunho at the end) cute remix of O.Jung.Ban.Hap and some French song.
[DVD] Bonjour Paris Pbook Junsu and Yoochun
Maxed Out Cuteness!!! I can watch this over and over again!
[DVD] Bonjour Paris Pbook Junsu Moments
Jaejoong omma feeding Junsu
Junsu in glasses = Cuteness!
Junsu playing his favourite Soccer with french kids.
PS. He looks like a bumblebee in that sweater.
Lastly, I can't neglect my no.3.
[DVD] Bonjour Paris Pbook Jaejoong moments
Adorable Jaejoong acting Cute!! What am I saying... He IS Cute!!
I'm going nuts, stuck in the school library on a saturday.
FYI, almost half the class is stuck in different corners/levels of the school library on a Saturday, nerding out.
This is my fate~ I Need My Life :C
Monday, November 19, 2007
For my Friends
For Dance Lovers:
Here's some clips I was introduced too.
Totally mind-blowing, and no worries, it's nothing idol-related, watch at ease.
PREPIX - streetjam 2005
Notice the mirror image they are trying to portray.
Winning performance by Prepix 2005
It gets insane at 2:30, not sure how much that is if the timer is counting down, but u can't miss it.
Credits to Dazzo for the recommendation and YouTube.
To all Show Luo Zhi Xiang Lovers out there:
羅志祥 (小豬) feat. Elva - 敗給你
A really cute song and MV, although I don't really like the tune, but Xiao Zhu makes it all worth watching. He's really cute!
敗給你 MV Behind The Scenes
Really Really Cute!! Although I'm not a big fan of Elva (I liked her, until she changed).
For my Jaejoong Lover friend:
Here you go, the video I owe you.
DBSK suprise phone call to Super Junior [ENG SUB]
I was wrong, he didn't pose as a little girl, the members asked him to pose as a young boy fan of SuJu. They disposed his idea of posing as an old man with a country accent. Watch on to find out..
I feel heart pain for Yunho in here.
For Yunho and Junsu Lovers (That's Me!!):
{GOE;SS} [DVD] 14th Dingle Forever Love 0ff-shot [SUBBED]
Yunho makes "Meow" sounds when he sees a cat. Cutes!!
Junsu does a Magic Card trick that stumps the brains (Changmin) of the group. I bet he's super proud of himself.. *Grins*
and Yoochun's "Junsu, come here babe" - AHHHH!!!
Junsu's News, Yunho the Korean Teacher, etc. etc.
Here's some clips I was introduced too.
Totally mind-blowing, and no worries, it's nothing idol-related, watch at ease.
PREPIX - streetjam 2005
Notice the mirror image they are trying to portray.
Winning performance by Prepix 2005
It gets insane at 2:30, not sure how much that is if the timer is counting down, but u can't miss it.
Credits to Dazzo for the recommendation and YouTube.
To all Show Luo Zhi Xiang Lovers out there:
羅志祥 (小豬) feat. Elva - 敗給你
A really cute song and MV, although I don't really like the tune, but Xiao Zhu makes it all worth watching. He's really cute!
敗給你 MV Behind The Scenes
Really Really Cute!! Although I'm not a big fan of Elva (I liked her, until she changed).
For my Jaejoong Lover friend:
Here you go, the video I owe you.
DBSK suprise phone call to Super Junior [ENG SUB]
I was wrong, he didn't pose as a little girl, the members asked him to pose as a young boy fan of SuJu. They disposed his idea of posing as an old man with a country accent. Watch on to find out..
I feel heart pain for Yunho in here.
For Yunho and Junsu Lovers (That's Me!!):
{GOE;SS} [DVD] 14th Dingle Forever Love 0ff-shot [SUBBED]
Yunho makes "Meow" sounds when he sees a cat. Cutes!!
Junsu does a Magic Card trick that stumps the brains (Changmin) of the group. I bet he's super proud of himself.. *Grins*
and Yoochun's "Junsu, come here babe" - AHHHH!!!
Junsu's News, Yunho the Korean Teacher, etc. etc.
Official No. 2 on my List

My heart haven't felt like these in a very long time since I first saw Yunho.

Spread the Xiah Junsu Love~
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I wanna Marry SuJu
I'm sinking deep into this song.
Super Junior - Marry U Live
Donghae(3rd rapper) looks so charming in all white!!
Kibum don't have a single close up at all!!! Unfair!
Arr~ Their Acapella is really good!!
RyeoWook is really good.
Wookie and Hyukie are hilarious!
B-Boy Championship 2007 - SuJu Dance Battle
Donghae has really good moves but EunHyuk wins hands down!
I thought Shindong and Donghae was excellent, until I saw EunHyuk and one of the BBoys.
EunHyuk's flip on the other guy's back got me astounded!
ParkKyungLim's Colourful Outing - SuJu Dance Show Cut
Sungmin's humorous dance,
KangIn's Joker dance with playful LeeTuek,
Donghae's hot dance (I like his Star tee),
Yesung's attention-seeking dance,
LeeTuek's cheeky dance,
7 SuJu dance to Don't Don and
My favourite Hip Thrust moment at the end. C=
This post is too SuJu for my liking, but I'm not too updated on TVXQ, so I'll add some bits & pieces of my life.
My cousin just gave birth to a baby girl. She's called Amanda, little Jazreel's baby sister.
After my parents + brother + extended family returned from Kukop, they called me up to join them in KKH for dinner.
Desmond, the newborn's father, showed us my cousin's cesarean video, which almost spoilt my appetite.
Heard from my cousins that Kukop was alot of fun, while I was stuck in school/home with alot to 煩.
I'm sure my ah ma would be happy for my cousin, blessing their family, watching over us. I miss her so much.
Super Junior - Marry U Live
Donghae(3rd rapper) looks so charming in all white!!
Kibum don't have a single close up at all!!! Unfair!
Arr~ Their Acapella is really good!!
RyeoWook is really good.
Wookie and Hyukie are hilarious!
B-Boy Championship 2007 - SuJu Dance Battle
Donghae has really good moves but EunHyuk wins hands down!
I thought Shindong and Donghae was excellent, until I saw EunHyuk and one of the BBoys.
EunHyuk's flip on the other guy's back got me astounded!
ParkKyungLim's Colourful Outing - SuJu Dance Show Cut
Sungmin's humorous dance,
KangIn's Joker dance with playful LeeTuek,
Donghae's hot dance (I like his Star tee),
Yesung's attention-seeking dance,
LeeTuek's cheeky dance,
7 SuJu dance to Don't Don and
My favourite Hip Thrust moment at the end. C=
This post is too SuJu for my liking, but I'm not too updated on TVXQ, so I'll add some bits & pieces of my life.
My cousin just gave birth to a baby girl. She's called Amanda, little Jazreel's baby sister.
After my parents + brother + extended family returned from Kukop, they called me up to join them in KKH for dinner.
Desmond, the newborn's father, showed us my cousin's cesarean video, which almost spoilt my appetite.
Heard from my cousins that Kukop was alot of fun, while I was stuck in school/home with alot to 煩.
I'm sure my ah ma would be happy for my cousin, blessing their family, watching over us. I miss her so much.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Nose Bleed
I finally have time for YouTube.
This post is dedicated to TVXQ and Yunho.
TVXQ- Dangerous Mind and Yunho dance performance
This was more than 1 year ago.
The title of this post says it all.
This is the reason why I LOVE Yunho sooo Very muchh!
I can't wait for this Saturday!! I want my Junsu/Yoochun Tee!!!
This post is dedicated to TVXQ and Yunho.
TVXQ- Dangerous Mind and Yunho dance performance
This was more than 1 year ago.
The title of this post says it all.
This is the reason why I LOVE Yunho sooo Very muchh!
I can't wait for this Saturday!! I want my Junsu/Yoochun Tee!!!
TVXQ New Single: Forever Love - Now On Sale
14th Japanese Single released on the 14th November.
How apt.
Tried finding DL links online and fans are much faster than I've expected. There were DL threads available early yesterday!
Listening to it now... Super Nice!!
Super Junior's Don't Don Repackage Single's Marry U MV is released!
Super Junior - Marry U
Really catchy, and cute MV/song.
My Kibummie is wearing glasses!!! ADORABLE!!!
They all look so Charming in White Suits!
My 白馬王子s!!!
Btw, if you find that girl in the MV familiar looking, maybe it's because she's Yoona from SNSD.
Still clueless abt who she is?
Maybe it'll be clearer after watching this, you probably have seen her here.
TVXQ - Magic Castle
Ahhh!!! White suits again!!!
My 白馬王子s too!!!!!
Yeps, Yoona 1st appearing in TVXQ's really old MV and then in Super Junior's new MV, where both boybands are 白馬王子s.
Good Korean Dancers seem to be my weak spot. I found another band who's excellent!
Big Bang - LaLaLa
A loooong ago MV, somewhere when they first debut.
TaeYang is superb!! and SeungRi is such a Cutie!!
Blasting Hot!!!
And then there's Big Bang's Hit single composed by TaeYang.
Big Bang - Lies ( 거짓말)
I love the song. He's really good at this.
This song has topped almost every online and offline charts in Korea for more than two months since the release. *WoWs*
Btw, Big Bang's average age is only 18 years old. Meaning that there are at least 2 members who are younger than me. And their oldest member is younger than Junsu.
Boybands in Korea are getting younger and younger. This is scary.
Today, I felt like I've taken a rollercoaster ride that drags throughout the day.
Right from the start, I was stressed out by WISP's presentation. 2 annoying group members whom I can't wait to kick out of my group after the presentation.
We negotiated with the teacher to remove them from my group, but because they cannot survive on their own with only 2 people in the group, she needs to re-evaluate the situation.
I was fuming when I left the class.
Then the rollercoaster slowed down during ISM (stocks market) class. Mrs Tay had to squeeze 3 topics in 1 session, we were all out-of-breath after class.
Next, the ride started spinning at the BPC meeting for Red Camp Collaterals packing session. We may look like factory workers, but we're in fact educated factory workers who has the knowledge of efficiency through production line, job rotation and operation management. Whew! We didn't throw away things that we've learnt in year 1/2.
We got High for being efficient factory workers, fighting to beat Guinness.
I think we did this to relieve stress, but after sharing ghost stories during the packing session, we've decided to visit Blk72 lvl 9 by taking the stairs. No ghost, just some construction workers fixing the roof.
Then Beng wanted to test drive Tina's car. Then it was Glawu's turn. And then the next-person-who-didn't-even-take-Basic-Theory's turn. I shan't put up his name here to get him into trouble. Only the 8 of us would know. Our heart almost stopped beating afew times. This is the 1st time I've witness wreckless driving. Even beginners in BBDC are not as bad as him.
People say this class is nerdy, but I think we're just enjoying ourselves in a "healthy" way. At least we have fun together, that's all that matters.
How apt.
Tried finding DL links online and fans are much faster than I've expected. There were DL threads available early yesterday!
Listening to it now... Super Nice!!
Super Junior's Don't Don Repackage Single's Marry U MV is released!
Super Junior - Marry U
Really catchy, and cute MV/song.
My Kibummie is wearing glasses!!! ADORABLE!!!
They all look so Charming in White Suits!
My 白馬王子s!!!
Btw, if you find that girl in the MV familiar looking, maybe it's because she's Yoona from SNSD.
Still clueless abt who she is?
Maybe it'll be clearer after watching this, you probably have seen her here.
TVXQ - Magic Castle
Ahhh!!! White suits again!!!
My 白馬王子s too!!!!!
Yeps, Yoona 1st appearing in TVXQ's really old MV and then in Super Junior's new MV, where both boybands are 白馬王子s.
Good Korean Dancers seem to be my weak spot. I found another band who's excellent!
Big Bang - LaLaLa
A loooong ago MV, somewhere when they first debut.
TaeYang is superb!! and SeungRi is such a Cutie!!
Blasting Hot!!!
And then there's Big Bang's Hit single composed by TaeYang.
Big Bang - Lies ( 거짓말)
I love the song. He's really good at this.
This song has topped almost every online and offline charts in Korea for more than two months since the release. *WoWs*
Btw, Big Bang's average age is only 18 years old. Meaning that there are at least 2 members who are younger than me. And their oldest member is younger than Junsu.
Boybands in Korea are getting younger and younger. This is scary.
Today, I felt like I've taken a rollercoaster ride that drags throughout the day.
Right from the start, I was stressed out by WISP's presentation. 2 annoying group members whom I can't wait to kick out of my group after the presentation.
We negotiated with the teacher to remove them from my group, but because they cannot survive on their own with only 2 people in the group, she needs to re-evaluate the situation.
I was fuming when I left the class.
Then the rollercoaster slowed down during ISM (stocks market) class. Mrs Tay had to squeeze 3 topics in 1 session, we were all out-of-breath after class.
Next, the ride started spinning at the BPC meeting for Red Camp Collaterals packing session. We may look like factory workers, but we're in fact educated factory workers who has the knowledge of efficiency through production line, job rotation and operation management. Whew! We didn't throw away things that we've learnt in year 1/2.
We got High for being efficient factory workers, fighting to beat Guinness.
I think we did this to relieve stress, but after sharing ghost stories during the packing session, we've decided to visit Blk72 lvl 9 by taking the stairs. No ghost, just some construction workers fixing the roof.
Then Beng wanted to test drive Tina's car. Then it was Glawu's turn. And then the next-person-who-didn't-even-take-Basic-Theory's turn. I shan't put up his name here to get him into trouble. Only the 8 of us would know. Our heart almost stopped beating afew times. This is the 1st time I've witness wreckless driving. Even beginners in BBDC are not as bad as him.
People say this class is nerdy, but I think we're just enjoying ourselves in a "healthy" way. At least we have fun together, that's all that matters.
Monday, November 12, 2007
My Week in a Nutshell
This was the dinner my mom prepared after hearing our complaints on boring dishes.
She prepared 50 mantou and 1 BIG pot of pork for that night. The maid made some fried Bee Hoon just in case. That dinner reminds me of Alvin, I've got 50 free KouRouBao compared to your $1.50/$2 (not-worth-it) KouRouBao you get outside.
This is my class's production line in preparation for Red Camp.
The effect of studying too much in a Business School really got onto us. We are practically applying what we've repeatedly learnt in the past 3 years: Saving Cost + Saving Time = Effective Manufacturing = Production Line
There's 1.5 more weeks to go before the start of Red Camp 4. There's more to do for Red Camp, and for the X'mas Roadshow.
In the mids of our hardwork, a rainbow was sent to remind us to take a break. Let's run towards the end of the rainbow to find our own pot of gold! TB12 Fighting!!
After much struggle, I finally managed to persuade myself to wear it out of the house. But believe me, it was such a nuisance to wear it out since every second I would check the sleeves/collar/back and the rest of the shirt for any stains/creases/dirt. I can't anyhow lean against a wall, sit on any chair and I must eat with caution. There were too much to be careful of.
If it's already so stressful wearing Changmin's tee, then I really can't imagine how hard it will be if it was Yunho's tee. I think I'll be as stiff as a woodblock and I'll probably refuse to eat anything or even drink anything to protect the shirt.
"Hello QP, I can see your eyes widening! lmao."
But anyhows, wearing this shirt made my mood really good for that day. =D
I apologise for not being able to make it for the finals next week, but I really had fun these 2 weekends. I've learnt alot, especially when I'm majoring in Marketing right now, implementing my project, I can really see the big picture more clearly.
The 2 people in the middle are the oldest and youngest finalist in the singing competition. 1 is 59 years old and the other is only 7 years old. Too bad I won't be around for their finals. Wish them luck. C:
The long awaited Smag has finally arrived. Due to much confusion of 2 'Sheena' customers and the AATVXQ2 problems, the delivery for my Smag was delayed by at least 2 weeks. But seeing it in my hands, admiring the A3 size Uknow and Hero photobook was all worth it.
No words, just A3 size pictures. You've probably seen 1 ver. (back cover) on my msn DP. This is the Jaejoong act cute ver. on the front cover of the photobook.
There's also a section of their fashion interview in the Smag itself. More pictures of the YunJae couple, but it's A4 size though. This is the only reason I bought it.
November's Smag is featuring Micky Yoochun and Max Changmin in their photobook and fashion interview.
I'm not interested, just informing those that probably are. *Hints*
This is definitely the most expensive Japanese Restaurant I've been to. Located in Chjimes, the minimum average per person can spend in this restaurant is S$55. My family spent an average of S$100 per person.
The occasion? My kor's Bday dinner.
This is the cheapest set meal they have in their menu: S$58
There's no exotic sashimi or ingredients, just that they are flown in from Hokkaido and apparently handled carefully throughout the entire journey to ensure it's freshness.
This is the most expensive set meal on the menu: S$145
It doesn't look very nice here in this picture, but this Foie Gras is definitely worth the amount it costs.
And the sashimi platter we ordered. I forgot to take the pictures before tucking in, so this is half of what was served. Nvm, still pretty enough to make me drool right now.
At the end of the dinner, my dad couldn't decide on which card to use.
He made this comment:
"This is the problem of having too many credit cards, don't know which one to use, so annoying."
I replied (cheekily):
"I can help you solve your problem, give one of them to me lar. I don't need platinum, the gold 1 can le, you don't use it anymore anyways."
My mom stared hard at me, I looked away immediately.
This is my class's production line in preparation for Red Camp.
After much struggle, I finally managed to persuade myself to wear it out of the house. But believe me, it was such a nuisance to wear it out since every second I would check the sleeves/collar/back and the rest of the shirt for any stains/creases/dirt. I can't anyhow lean against a wall, sit on any chair and I must eat with caution. There were too much to be careful of.
"Hello QP, I can see your eyes widening! lmao."
But anyhows, wearing this shirt made my mood really good for that day. =D
I apologise for not being able to make it for the finals next week, but I really had fun these 2 weekends. I've learnt alot, especially when I'm majoring in Marketing right now, implementing my project, I can really see the big picture more clearly.
The long awaited Smag has finally arrived. Due to much confusion of 2 'Sheena' customers and the AATVXQ2 problems, the delivery for my Smag was delayed by at least 2 weeks. But seeing it in my hands, admiring the A3 size Uknow and Hero photobook was all worth it.
November's Smag is featuring Micky Yoochun and Max Changmin in their photobook and fashion interview.
I'm not interested, just informing those that probably are. *Hints*
This is definitely the most expensive Japanese Restaurant I've been to. Located in Chjimes, the minimum average per person can spend in this restaurant is S$55. My family spent an average of S$100 per person.
The occasion? My kor's Bday dinner.

At the end of the dinner, my dad couldn't decide on which card to use.
He made this comment:
"This is the problem of having too many credit cards, don't know which one to use, so annoying."
I replied (cheekily):
"I can help you solve your problem, give one of them to me lar. I don't need platinum, the gold 1 can le, you don't use it anymore anyways."
My mom stared hard at me, I looked away immediately.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Big Bang
First got to know them on MTV.
And then through Se7en.
Now I seem to be too involved in Kpop.
Star King - BigBang + Guests does "Tell Me" Dance
You can't really tell here, but they can really dance.
Judging from YG Entertainment V.S. SM Entertainment, you can tell that BigBang is marketed differently from TVXQ.
BigBang, although found almost as similarly as TVXQ, is more hiphop and street style with a lot of rapping and RnB.
Next, a live perf. cut.
TVXQ - Forever Love (Live)
Finally a song I can accept at the first attempt of listening.
Btw, ASAMA Accessories are open for order again on JKpoppy!! WooHoo!
There's the ring that Yunho always wear for photoshoots/performances/music videos.
I'll get my hands on it no matter how broke I am.
And I think i'll conveniently get the LeeTuek earings as well.
I'm still surviving
My Roles in Life:
School + RedCamp + Projects + Work + SAT + Bday dinner planner + Housekeeper (mutually agreed in silence by the family members) - Driving (put on hold for the sake of my sanity)
I'm not doing a good enough job to get a A for life, I'm nearing a failure, struggling to get a borderline.
Life Report Card for this semester:
+ Missed 3 9am tutorials (Just because I can't wake up due to late nights)
+ barely achieving deadlines for redcamp
+ Haven't started for IS Projects, SMM Project, IB Project, BB Project!
+ Work clashing with Bday dinners
+ No money for Bday dinners/presents
- Time for SAT Revision, which is in less than a month's time (possible failure)
+ Things at home are taking turns to break down (and I'm responsible for the repairmen to come)
- Not fixing my driving lesson problems (sacrifice unwillingly)
Btw, I'm blogging during lesson time, I can't afford to blog any other time for now.
I finally understand the true meaning of "Time is Money"
Now, Time and Money have the highest priority in my Life List.
(That means TVXQ have been diminished to 3rd place *Frowns*)
I need to sleep early starting from next week. Compulsory bedtime at 1am.
Just found this and wanted to share it quite badly.
AnyBand Full CF (BoA, Xiah Junsu, Tablo, Jin Bora)
This is like a MV with an introlude as long as the MV itself.
The song is surprisingly nice (except that i still don't like BoA)
I love Junsu's hair here. Rocker style!
Junsu's Power Vocals!!!
I hate Jin Bora for hugging Junsu at the ending.
And then through Se7en.
Now I seem to be too involved in Kpop.
Star King - BigBang + Guests does "Tell Me" Dance
You can't really tell here, but they can really dance.
Judging from YG Entertainment V.S. SM Entertainment, you can tell that BigBang is marketed differently from TVXQ.
BigBang, although found almost as similarly as TVXQ, is more hiphop and street style with a lot of rapping and RnB.
Next, a live perf. cut.
TVXQ - Forever Love (Live)
Finally a song I can accept at the first attempt of listening.
Btw, ASAMA Accessories are open for order again on JKpoppy!! WooHoo!
There's the ring that Yunho always wear for photoshoots/performances/music videos.
I'll get my hands on it no matter how broke I am.
And I think i'll conveniently get the LeeTuek earings as well.
I'm still surviving
My Roles in Life:
School + RedCamp + Projects + Work + SAT + Bday dinner planner + Housekeeper (mutually agreed in silence by the family members) - Driving (put on hold for the sake of my sanity)
I'm not doing a good enough job to get a A for life, I'm nearing a failure, struggling to get a borderline.
Life Report Card for this semester:
+ Missed 3 9am tutorials (Just because I can't wake up due to late nights)
+ barely achieving deadlines for redcamp
+ Haven't started for IS Projects, SMM Project, IB Project, BB Project!
+ Work clashing with Bday dinners
+ No money for Bday dinners/presents
- Time for SAT Revision, which is in less than a month's time (possible failure)
+ Things at home are taking turns to break down (and I'm responsible for the repairmen to come)
- Not fixing my driving lesson problems (sacrifice unwillingly)
Btw, I'm blogging during lesson time, I can't afford to blog any other time for now.
I finally understand the true meaning of "Time is Money"
Now, Time and Money have the highest priority in my Life List.
(That means TVXQ have been diminished to 3rd place *Frowns*)
I need to sleep early starting from next week. Compulsory bedtime at 1am.
Just found this and wanted to share it quite badly.
AnyBand Full CF (BoA, Xiah Junsu, Tablo, Jin Bora)
This is like a MV with an introlude as long as the MV itself.
The song is surprisingly nice (except that i still don't like BoA)
I love Junsu's hair here. Rocker style!
Junsu's Power Vocals!!!
I hate Jin Bora for hugging Junsu at the ending.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Last Angel (Live)
Shy Junsu and Fidgetive Jaejoong.
*Ahem* Junsu looks away when Koda stares at him and Jaejoong keeps fidgeting. Notice that they are the ones sitting beside KodaKumi.
Changmin is especially quiet in a Japan interview, looking really shy and the boys are giggling among themselves when Junsu made a comment. Koda trying to ease the tension but apparently they are communicating with their "MoQi".
I didn't wanna show the above video, but since I've decided to post the next video, I'll convenient do both vids.
Aish.. Koda Kumi is so short beside Changmin and Yunho - HoMin couple that raises the average height of the group.
I Love Yunho in that Beanie and HipHop Street Style!!!
and Yunho is dancing!! He shouldn't!!! I'm so worried!!!
Notice how his moves are smaller and less distinct. (Yea, I investigate every move Yunho makes on stage/screen whenever he dances.)
And conveniently I'll add this in.
I was watching this in the school canteen and literally shouted out when Jaejoong fell, although I've been warned.
So, Jaejoong joined Yunho in the trip to the hospital after the concert.
Found some interesting videos while searching for Xiao Zhu's new MV.
Se7en V.S. Show Luo Zhi Xiang (Xiao Zhu)
This is quite sometime ago, definitely more than 1 year.
Xiao Zhu with Party Boys!
This is totally hilarious!
I love the imitation of F4 part best.
Lastly, the reason I was on YouTube:
羅志祥 SHOW - 一支獨秀 One Man SHOW
I think the dance special is like some tribal dance.
But on the overall, it's sexier than his previous dances.
I thought the ending dance part was pretty cool though.
*Ahem* Junsu looks away when Koda stares at him and Jaejoong keeps fidgeting. Notice that they are the ones sitting beside KodaKumi.
Changmin is especially quiet in a Japan interview, looking really shy and the boys are giggling among themselves when Junsu made a comment. Koda trying to ease the tension but apparently they are communicating with their "MoQi".
I didn't wanna show the above video, but since I've decided to post the next video, I'll convenient do both vids.
Aish.. Koda Kumi is so short beside Changmin and Yunho - HoMin couple that raises the average height of the group.
I Love Yunho in that Beanie and HipHop Street Style!!!
and Yunho is dancing!! He shouldn't!!! I'm so worried!!!
Notice how his moves are smaller and less distinct. (Yea, I investigate every move Yunho makes on stage/screen whenever he dances.)
And conveniently I'll add this in.
I was watching this in the school canteen and literally shouted out when Jaejoong fell, although I've been warned.
So, Jaejoong joined Yunho in the trip to the hospital after the concert.
Found some interesting videos while searching for Xiao Zhu's new MV.
Se7en V.S. Show Luo Zhi Xiang (Xiao Zhu)
This is quite sometime ago, definitely more than 1 year.
Xiao Zhu with Party Boys!
This is totally hilarious!
I love the imitation of F4 part best.
Lastly, the reason I was on YouTube:
羅志祥 SHOW - 一支獨秀 One Man SHOW
I think the dance special is like some tribal dance.
But on the overall, it's sexier than his previous dances.
I thought the ending dance part was pretty cool though.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Screams for Joy and Pain
This video got my blood pressure rising to danger zone.
Partly because I'm worried, but Mostly because I was aroused. *Blush Shyly*
He's always been so shy about his assets. Maybe he's doing it because he feels that he owes the fans alot and he needs to make up for it.
"Oppa, it's not your fault, please don't force yourself too hard."
This piece of news got my blood pressure exploding into unconsciousness.
Although he's last on my list, but he is still on my list.
As they've all emphasized that they won't be complete if anyone was missing.
"Local No.1 Idol group – Acappella boy band DBSK has always been very popular among teenagers since they debuted. Earlier after they debuted, group member of dbsk, Micky Yoochun was rumoured to be dating with one of the dancers, which caused a lot of attention from all local media. DBSK’s management company, SM, did publish an explanation on their official website thereafter. However, recentedly, on 23rd August, 9 pm, fans spotted Micky Yoochun with a Chinese girl in a newly-opened accessories shop at Jiangnan (Seoul)."
Click here for more of this article
credit: trax bar + konkonbubu@soompi + baBYunHo@CSSPF + shippou8765@asianfanatics
I've got a new tentative dong bang friend, but I'm not sure how long she'll last. She has changed focus on 3 different celebrities within a month.
But I'm still proud to say that my perseverance paid off, I managed to spread the TVXQ love.
Btw, she's currently a Jaejoong fan, and we both agree on who's last on our list. C=
Happy Holloween & Happy Birthday Shengbao (and brother)
Partly because I'm worried, but Mostly because I was aroused. *Blush Shyly*
He's always been so shy about his assets. Maybe he's doing it because he feels that he owes the fans alot and he needs to make up for it.
"Oppa, it's not your fault, please don't force yourself too hard."
This piece of news got my blood pressure exploding into unconsciousness.
Although he's last on my list, but he is still on my list.
As they've all emphasized that they won't be complete if anyone was missing.
"Local No.1 Idol group – Acappella boy band DBSK has always been very popular among teenagers since they debuted. Earlier after they debuted, group member of dbsk, Micky Yoochun was rumoured to be dating with one of the dancers, which caused a lot of attention from all local media. DBSK’s management company, SM, did publish an explanation on their official website thereafter. However, recentedly, on 23rd August, 9 pm, fans spotted Micky Yoochun with a Chinese girl in a newly-opened accessories shop at Jiangnan (Seoul)."
Click here for more of this article
credit: trax bar + konkonbubu@soompi + baBYunHo@CSSPF + shippou8765@asianfanatics
I've got a new tentative dong bang friend, but I'm not sure how long she'll last. She has changed focus on 3 different celebrities within a month.
But I'm still proud to say that my perseverance paid off, I managed to spread the TVXQ love.
Btw, she's currently a Jaejoong fan, and we both agree on who's last on our list. C=
Happy Holloween & Happy Birthday Shengbao (and brother)
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