For the first time in a loooong time, I took a bus to school. I managed to wake up in time thanks to the annoying alarm tone I dl'ed. Nvm, that... I printed my sidenotes for the morning's (sickening) presentation for a bloody tutorial but I forgot to collect it at the printer b4 leaving the house.
I missed my last bus no. 10, so I had to take other buses and chase for my 2nd bus. Then, I miss my bus no. 151 and that was it. I thought it was alright, since I had TVXQ videos on my PSP. C=
Got to CMK's class, the lecturer I hated since last semester. My hatred for this CMK is Muchhh LARGER than my detest for Jamsey Boy. Thankfully this is our last tutorial with him, because I seriously can't contain my anger for any much longer.
He made frustrating comments on everyone's presentations and he wasn't appreciative of our efforts. Which lecturer will request for a presentation and report with proper citations for every single tutorial questions!?!?!?! How different does he expect the 4 group's answers to be!?!?!?! They are all from the same set of notes and textbook for crying out loud!!!!!
Was late for BPC, because of IB Game, but thankfully Ms Tan didn't bug us on that. X'mas Roadshow is still a burden on all of TB12's minds and if my other NP friends didn't remind me, I would have forgotten that Common Test is only 2 weeks away. My SAT is unsettled, because I need to call them and they gave me a freaking different time zone which I have no idea when the line is open so I keep getting dial tones.
The rain started pouring just when I was about to leave the school and on my way out, there was a freaking lightning+thunder so HUGE that I thought I was going to die. People out in the open near the bus stops will know which 1 I was referring to. Even if you're too blind or deaf to see/hear it, the very next second you would have heard everyone else around you swearing and screaming at the sky.
When I reached the terminal for me to change a bus, my brother called to ask me to roam the streets and not to go home.
Flood Ahoy!
The water level is above his knee level. (FYI, he's the same height as me). He swore that the water level is so high, if he was any shorter, he would have gotten his undies wet. So how did he get home, "walk"/"swim" through.
By the way, it was still raining and I happen to live in a slope-y area where my house is on the downhill.
I figured that since it was pouring and I couldn't go anywhere else (w/o an umbrella), it was either I waited in the terminal or at the bus stop outside my house, which makes no difference since I have TVXQ videos in my PSP. C=

The Aftermath:

The only good thing was that it was the 1st time in my life I get my neighbours to stand along the streets welcoming me home and a police car parked in front of my gate receiving my arrival. =D
Things got worse just recently. I was photocopying receipts to claim for Red Camp. I seperated them on the table, turned around (as in literally turned my back) to fix the printer and in less than 1 minute, 1 receipt was missing.
I searched high and low for 2 whole hours and finally gave up. I called my assistant to check the receipt records. It was decided that I will have to fork out the $$ myself.
How can 1 slip of paper just disappear out of sight!! It was no where to be found. I even searched for obscure hidden corners but to no avail.
It's less than an hour till the day ends. What more could go wrong.
I had to find some ways to cheer myself up. This is the only thing to put a smile back on my face.
[DVD] DBSK Bonjour Paris - Yunho Cuts
Put your hands up, Put your hands up!
A rare sight of Yunho going high, must be the Junsu influence.
Btw, I dl'ed the raw video for Bonjour Paris. *Hints to DongBang Friends*.
Junsu is Uber Hyper in the entire trip and there's alot of YooSu moment. Jaejoong is busy being cool and himself as usual and Changmin is like the 2nd photographer and he's as composed as always.
Yunho and Junsu are super active in this DVD, just as I wanted it to be. My No. 1 and No. 2 =D
(No Fret to my No.3, he's very active as well but somehow a little toned down since he was always Super active.) YunJae love!!
TeiHanMingGook Bansei!! Uknow Yunho Bansei!!!
Just found this, thought I should add it in.
Impromptu Acapella (as usual)
Bonjour, Paris [Preview#5] - Whatever They Say [Acappella]
Here's another vid that I can't embed cuz the codes were disabled.
It started with Jaejoong's sexy outfit and then..
Jaejoong began complimenting Changmin's outfit and how he's model figure looks good in everything and the others agreed.
Then Jaejoong talks abt (SoulFighters Couple) meeting Changmin's parents w/o Changmin.
Yoochun (and members) tease Junsu again, commenting on how everyone (except Junsu) looks good in the suits.
And Yoochun's Toasted Steak..
Btw, I agree with Yoochun. Changmin really looks HOT in those glasses. Brains and Brawns, who can resist!!
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