All my diet plans before the vacation went down the drain.
- Dunkin Donuts every morning, since it's just outside my hotel.
- Red Pearl Milk Tea every morning, since it's just beside Dunkin Donuts
- Ding Tai Feng (Originally from Taiwan) Dinner, which includes 50 xiaolongbaos on top of 1 bowl of noodles each pax.
- Ah Zhong Mee Sua (Most Famous Mee Sua in Taipei) just nearby the hotel
- Taiwan's ver. of Oyster Omelette (don't know how to write that down in here), specially from the store that 小猪 learnt to cook for the show 转交遇到爱.
- 牛肉面 is everywhere.
- 炸鸡排 is excellent.
- (麻辣) Steamboat is the best on a chilly night.
I like the food in Taiwan more than the place itself.
The TV was also Fantastic!! I can watch TV all day and be more than satisfied for that day. =D
Best of all, coincidentally, we celebrated my parent's 25th Wedding Anniversary in the country where they had their 1st Honeymoon.
Except this time, they dragged 3 bothersome fat kids along with them. We had our most sumptuous dinner in Taipei that night and drank to our hearts content.
Next, I'll start off with my Trophies from the trip.
Well, didn't manage to get the converse sneakers Yunho wore in the Smag photoshoot, but I got 2 things better. C=
My dad thought these pair were more worth his money. Whatever, he's the one with the credit card.
To console myself and make up for the Thailand Concert I missed on the 15th and 16th, I got this.
Bonjour Paris Boxset at a super price!
Promised the uncle not to leak out how much he was selling me at, since it's his last set.
Well, the calender is an unofficial item, but what the heck, they did a good job printing it. It's not as cheapo as those you'll probably find in places like Comics Connection.
And remember this picture from the Smag photoshoot? Yunho was wearing the converse sneakers, which I didn't get in the end because I found something else.
The watch! It was my 2nd Best Buy on the trip =D
First of course was the Bonjour Paris boxset.
There were a whole load of other things, but they can't be shown on film since it's presents for my lovely friends.
There was quite abit of stardom fantasy during the trip.
The biggest star I probably have met was F4's Ken Chu (not sure if I spelt his name correctly, but he's the 'fattest' member). He's actually not very fat in real life. In fact, he's freaking tall and big. Average size for a man his height, that means the other 3 members are too skinny.
The other 2 stardom fantasy are for people who catches on the Taiwan Entertainment News.
2nd on the list is a member from 星光帮 (第一班).
I'm not sure of how to write his name in mandarin, but he's our age and the guy who left the group and joined another company to venture solo in the biz. I would probably spell his name as Ru Xue Rui.
3rd is another band whom only those who watch Taiwan shows will know. 强辩乐团 was performing somewhere in Taipei. Couldn't take a picture of them, since there was quite a crowd, but I admit I wasn't really interested. I was more engrossed in the Converse shop beside the stage.
There probably won't be any trip photos posted, since I'm not very keen on sharing scenery shots, mountains and rivers to bore everyone to death.
But I am however, Suuuuperr deprived of Kpop. So this is what I'll be offereing to my Kpop friends.
A little back-dated, but I can't be blamed since my hotels either don't provide free internet service or even if they do, their computers suck.
Big Bang - 2007 golden disk awards perf. Last farewell
G-Dragon's wearing a police hat. Nice~
I've got to say, these boys have good stamina. Despite sounding alittle breathless here and there, this is really quite an achievement already. Look at how much they are running around!
F.T Island @ 2007 Golden Disk Awards
I prefer bands who dances, but a boyband that really is a band can't go too wrong.
The TV was also Fantastic!! I can watch TV all day and be more than satisfied for that day. =D
Best of all, coincidentally, we celebrated my parent's 25th Wedding Anniversary in the country where they had their 1st Honeymoon.
Except this time, they dragged 3 bothersome fat kids along with them. We had our most sumptuous dinner in Taipei that night and drank to our hearts content.
Next, I'll start off with my Trophies from the trip.
My dad thought these pair were more worth his money. Whatever, he's the one with the credit card.
Bonjour Paris Boxset at a super price!
Promised the uncle not to leak out how much he was selling me at, since it's his last set.
Well, the calender is an unofficial item, but what the heck, they did a good job printing it. It's not as cheapo as those you'll probably find in places like Comics Connection.
First of course was the Bonjour Paris boxset.
There was quite abit of stardom fantasy during the trip.
The biggest star I probably have met was F4's Ken Chu (not sure if I spelt his name correctly, but he's the 'fattest' member). He's actually not very fat in real life. In fact, he's freaking tall and big. Average size for a man his height, that means the other 3 members are too skinny.
The other 2 stardom fantasy are for people who catches on the Taiwan Entertainment News.
2nd on the list is a member from 星光帮 (第一班).
I'm not sure of how to write his name in mandarin, but he's our age and the guy who left the group and joined another company to venture solo in the biz. I would probably spell his name as Ru Xue Rui.
3rd is another band whom only those who watch Taiwan shows will know. 强辩乐团 was performing somewhere in Taipei. Couldn't take a picture of them, since there was quite a crowd, but I admit I wasn't really interested. I was more engrossed in the Converse shop beside the stage.
There probably won't be any trip photos posted, since I'm not very keen on sharing scenery shots, mountains and rivers to bore everyone to death.
But I am however, Suuuuperr deprived of Kpop. So this is what I'll be offereing to my Kpop friends.
A little back-dated, but I can't be blamed since my hotels either don't provide free internet service or even if they do, their computers suck.
Big Bang - 2007 golden disk awards perf. Last farewell
G-Dragon's wearing a police hat. Nice~
I've got to say, these boys have good stamina. Despite sounding alittle breathless here and there, this is really quite an achievement already. Look at how much they are running around!
F.T Island @ 2007 Golden Disk Awards
I prefer bands who dances, but a boyband that really is a band can't go too wrong.
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