Do not expect too much from me. Afterall, I only do this to kill time. All trespassers will be shot on sight. All survivors will then be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Have a nice day!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
I made a bet with my dad. He said my maid won't return, and I bet the opposite.
She has more reasons to return than not to return.
The money here beats every other reason.
Anyways, I'm glad she's back.
Star Show
First of all, a message to Qp, you really have to watch this one!
I'm guessing this producer likes Changmin. He's given more screentime in this show than all his previous appearances this year add up.
The main point is, Changmin is hilarious!
I totally love his witty adlib (counter)attacks.
This is what I mean:
When they are asked which member they would recommend their little sisters to date, Yunho gave an answer we would all expect of him. BUt Changmin's reply was just LMAO!
Then, the members were asked to dance individually:
Junsu is HAWT!!
I can't find Yunho's cut *frowns*
and if you can find Jaejoong's part, I'll say, that kid has been working out! Those arms are just DeLiCious!
Anyways, that's not the point.
Changmin revealed a joker dance they call "The Horizon Dance" that is rumoured to be choreographed by Yoochun.
Check out the slow-mo!
They are pretty tight for an unrehearsed dance!
Look at their legs! *Drools*
Now that my maid is back, I'm done complaining and returning to my TVXQ fandom with all the free time I'm getting back. Hehe ^^
Found it!
100% Burning Hot!
Hmm... abit different from his usual freestyles, but it's the type of "Wave" dance that Yoochun wants to learn from Yunho.
(So Qp, please don't say his dance is sissy cuz Yoochun requested it!)
Yunho is born to dance! His slender loooong legs are just To Die For!
There's More Than It Meets The Eye
2 weeks "Flew by" just like that, and...
YES! Na has conquered the washing machine!
except the occasional lizards popping out of the dustbin while I was emptying is really getting on my nerves. Anymore of these scares and I'll soon develop a phobia of dustbins.
And not to mention the nasty pungent smell of roaches in the backyard everynight, haunting my mom and I while we're doing the laundry. The men in the house have been avoiding that area ever since then. I believe the rain must have forced them out of the drain.
Anyways, in less than 24 hours, I MIGHT have my maid back.
I used the word "MIGHT" mainly because of 2 reasons.
Reason No.1
After my maid left, my neighbour's maid came to kaypoh. She probed my mom and I about my maid's reasons for leaving. She didn't get much out of me cuz I don't know how to tell her the ridiculous story of Black Magic, but my mom did manage to get the message across.
According to my neighbour's maid, during their few conversations (my maid's an Indonesian, my neighbour's maid is a Filipino) my maid mentioned that she hears children playing and crying in the house at night, she sees things.
My neighbour's maid suspect that my maid is mentally unstable because she's often seen talking and laughing to herself.
Erm... I know about that, but I always thought she's just lonely. My dad talks to himself sometimes, mostly when he's stressed flooding his mind with his projects. I thought my maid was just homesick...
Okays, so these few days, my mom has been thinking. She suspect that my neighbour's maid might be right - my maid is crazy.
*Na Rolls Eyes* She probably just got Depression.
So she starts worrying. She's afraid that there just might be this One Fine Day when my maid can't take it anymore and starts doing harmful stuff.
I quote her, "Anything can happen, you know?"
or what if her condition stabilizes after she returns, but how long will it last?
She might still be seeing and hearing things...
My mom is considering changing the maid... sigh.
Reason No.2
Before departing for a "vacation", domestic maids must go to the Indonesia embassy to get a stamp so that upon returning to Singapore, she will only need to pay S$40 to enter the immigration. Without the stamp, domestic maids will have to pay S$200.
Our family has always been sending maids back for good, we've never had anyone who wished to return to work. (Mainly because when my AhMa was still around, she used to be very demanding.)
Therefore, we didn't know of this policy until the day of her departure.
There wasn't time to get the stamp, so my mom gave my maid S$400 to bring home. S$200 to pay the immigration, and the rest for whatever else.
A few days ago, we received a call from my maid. At first, I thought she was being thoughtful, calling to see how we're
Seriously, how does she expect my mom to help her!? She has no money with us, because she used all her money she earned in Singapore (she only started making profits after finish paying her debts to the agent).
She don't expect my mom to lend her money because we're not that dumb!
My mom doesn't trust her enough to remit money over and risk the maid from "putting aeroplane" on the date she's suppose to arrive.
So, for whatever reasons, if my maid really doesn't appear in the airport tomorrow, my mom will be the least worried among us all. I'd probably be hit the hardest, because that would mean another (at least) 2 more weeks of Hell!
I've been the only one helping out with the chores, because I'm a girl. Grrrr!!!
Suddenly I feel like I should support Hillary for President.
I demand equal rights for women!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
It's only a Diploma
That's the problem when my maid is not around.
Anyways, my mom wants to take leave on Wed to attend my Grad Day and my dad is going to take time off his work to watch me take my Diploma.
But this is what I told them, "Don't need to come lar. It's just a Diploma. When I get my degree in Australia then the whole family come and watch me Graduate."
I don't know why, but I'm not at all interested in attending Graduation. But for the sake of my friends and to leave behind memories before departing, I feel obliged to turn up.
Anyways, check out ACW's blog. He just did an online quiz that got me O.o
Here's my result:
WHAT MAJOR IS RIGHT FOR YOU? created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Accounting/Finance/Marketing You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Accounting, Finance, Economics, Marketing, or related majors (e.g., Computer/Management Information Systems (CIS or MIS), Entrepreneurship, International Business, Operations Management, Public Administration, Real Estate, Risk Management, Sports Management).
I'm only posting this because I'm kinda surprise at how accurate it is.
Basically all the Majors that I can see myself doing appears at the top and those at the bottom are things I don't even wanna remember.
Okay, maybe the Quiz predicted that I should do the 5th choice because it kinda sensed my obsession of all things Korean and Japanese.
Oh, and many might find choice no.2 sounds off-track because I've lied low-profile all my life. But did you know that since young, I aspired to be an *Ahem* actress *Blush* and I've always loved dancing of sorts but I'm too lazy to take up any at all.
Choir and A cappella (Popcorn) was the nearest I've got to this category.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
It's been months since I've been so occupied.
After Nivea, classes and exams, I gave myself a break, and couldn't find the motivation to run my motor again.
Since my maid left, and the nearing of Aussieland, I find myself piled up with tasks and errands once again.
It feels kinda good to be occupied after stoning for too long.
Anyways, I've checked out my 1.5 years of study in Brisbane. It's been more or less confirm that I'd be spending my 21st overseas, but knowing me, I won't let it pass just like that.
I'm already planning for a make-up party, or maybe even coming up with excuses for a week off in school...
I'd most probably won't see the daylights of Sunny Singapore for 5 months after my first departure.
Expect me to turn up before X'mas, so get my presents ready!
And finally, Yes! It's been confirmed. University of Queensland is the place for me!
Buying the Bank Draft and submitting my acceptance forms tomorrow.
From 24th May 2008, 10am onwards, I'd be destined for Brisbane.
Na's S Bear finally has a face!
As of yesterday, I gave it a new face to live with and Na's S Bear is Loving It!! ☺
Anyways, TVXQ should be in NYC right now.
Apparently there were people who claimed to have seen them in Vegas, and just recently, the boys were spotted in NYC.
Therefore, they believe that they went Vegas right after LA and now they are in NYC.
One thing is for sure, their purpose of visit is still unknown.
Shan!!! Photos!!!
Friday, May 23, 2008
I Have The 'Cutest' Friends
I'm not sure if it's the new room's decor that inspired them to give me photos to put up, because I do have alot of pictures hanging on my walls (be it TVXQ or Not).
As I was about to start rearranging my collection of murals, I realise how "Cute" my friends can get.
This is the present I got from 4 Lovelies ❥
FYI, it was made by 2 "cute" friends:
1 who never seems to be ever going to get any pictures to blog after adding her tagbaord for a special someone,
and another who insists that we should agree with her that her bf is cute, literally.
Here's the issue:
My 2 'Cutest' friend actually glued the entire artwork to the backing of the frame UPSIDE DOWN.
Now tell me, am I suppose to hang the frame Upside Down as well??
How Cute (Not!).
Since I'm on the topic of presents already, here's the Yunhofied Birthday Gifts I've received.
Thank You So Much for Understanding Me So Perfectly! which isn't really hard to do so (:
One more thing, TVXQ is mysteriously missing right now.
Ever since they left the hotel in LA, supposedly headed for the airport, there's no more news of any fan sighting the boys on earth.
No appearances at Gimpo Airport, Incheon Airport & Narita Airport.
Dang! the sudden disappearance means no activities, means fans have nothing to talk about, and they all ended up fussing about the Junsu and SNSD girl's rumour (which I totally don't give a damn bcuz it's pretty baseless).
Some say they are in Vegas, then another said they might be in San Francisco, and then others suspect that they've gone on a cruise.
It makes perfect sense for LSM (their boss) to make use of the trip to do photoshoots or MV filming in a faraway foreign land. You save air tix for a separate trip and the boys don't have anything new to promote in Korea and Japan nowadays anyways.
So now I can concentrate on keeping the house (surface) tidy.
More deeper darker secrets on my maid's black magic coming soon!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I still can't start on Chapter Two
It's been almost a week and I find myself learning more than I did for the past few months.
The List of Things Na Learnt:
How to use a vacuum.
How to iron*.
How to mop the floor*.
How to do the dishes quickly*.
How to water the plants w min. spillage*.
*In Na's Context.
Unfortunately, I still didn't manage to figure out the bloody washing machine. I think the washing machine hates me, because the front-load door refuses to open for me!
But it's okay, since I've managed to sneak my clothes into the big pile for my mum to wash it unnoticeably. Hehe~
Btw, How to operate a Washing Machine is my ultimate goal for Australia.
Talking about Australia, I just found a way for all friends (and foes if i have any) to not miss me too much during this 1.5years.
Since all the guys are going to serve the nation bald soon, take it that I'm one of them (except tt I'm not shaving my brain) and the time will fly by quicker.... I think.
And as for me, because the guys are serving the nation bald longer than I'm gonna be away, I'll have half less friends to worry about, which means half less friends to keep in contact with during my stay in Aussieland. (:
But the only regret is that I'm gonna be missing out on the naked heads everyone has been anticipating for...
Calling out to all girlfriends out there. While I'm away, please do snap lotsa photos of all our baldy friends and send them to me in Aussieland.
(Just making sure that I don't miss out on all the fun ^^)
Back to work!
Temporary Full-Time Housekeeper/cleaner signing out!
Before I begin Chapter Two
Anyways, I said that I'll refrain from the Hollywood Bowl Fancams but apparently I lied.
How can I miss out on Junsu's solo opening to the event by singing the Korea National Anthem Live!!!
I can't miss Yunho's DongBangShinKi cheer during their introduction segment.
and they freaking sang the First TVXQ song I Fell In Love With, aka Tonight. According to the Fancam's lousy audio and heavy girlfan's screaming, they were perfect.
Heys! They did hit all the high notes safely, although Jaejoong looks like his having an awfully hard time hitting his Super Super High Note in one part of the song.
Yunho's hair is Hotter than Singapore's Heat Rays!!!
And there's been this rumour going on about Junsu dating SNSD's leader, Taeyon because they were spotted really close on stage during the Balloons performance. Hmm.. from the little pictures (I still refuse to watch the Fancam cuz I'm still in denial) I've see on Soompi, their hands touched for merely 10 seconds and Taeyeon had her hands around his waist for another 10 seconds in 2 separate occassions.
Anyways, I have nothing against the leader, although I don't exactly like her either... but Junsu is SM's gem and she better not try and ruin his bright future!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Elements Misses Each Other - Chapter One
The Heat Rays are Killing Me!!
My Dad complains about the upsurge in the PUB Bills because the air-con is running alot more recently.
I'm losing my patience and I can't stay still and concentrate on something for too long.
TVXQ went LA for Hollywood Bowl and I'm stuck in Scorching Singapore.
I'm not watching the fancams because I can't bear seeing more of TVXQ and SNSD on the same stage, singing and dancing to Balloons tgt.
I'm resisting myself from the fan accounts because I'm growing green w envy at every word that registers in my head.
I'm sick and feeling terrible but I still have so many gatherings to go where I have to gobble down food that feeds the sick viruses in my body.
I've been talking about Australia so much that I feel like cooping at home and not meet any new people who doesn't know about it.
My maid is only gone for 2 days and my family is in a chaos.
It's only been 2 days and I feel like my room is in a mess. There's 2 more weeks to go!!
I missed TVXQ on TV just afew hours ago because I was not at home!!
That's about all I have to rant for now... I'm too lazy to work my brain for anything at all. Blame it on the Heat Rays.
Anyways, Elements seem to be missing each others companion alot lately. The number of times we've met up this month is more than the times we've seen each other last year. And when I mean meet up, I meant the entire Elements.
First it was 12th May where we all gathered for the May Babies Bday Dinner.

This year is so Yunhofied for me❣❣

And lastly, the most organised shot of the night...
May I present to you Elements from the oldest on the right to the youngest on the left.

There are really too many crazy photos that I'm itching to share... but nvm...
Photo credits to Zeewee and Shan.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Dead and Dumb
My whole family is going to go Maid-less for 2 entire weeks because my maid is going back home.
Her contract isn't up yet, but my parents are letting her home for 2 weeks because of insecurity.
According to her, she's possessed by Black Magic (suspected to be casted on her by her Admirer who she rejected because of her husband).
Apparently, this Black Magic is so powerful that the (I have no idea what it's called, but I shall call it...) Shaman knows about her location and the people in the family she's working for.
My mom freaked out!
So she needs to go back to Indonesia, find a priest and get rid of the Black Magic.
I got suspicious, but being a bummer at home for so many months, I did realise that she's getting abit sloppy these few weeks. I thought she was just in a bad mood.
She said there were people in the village who got cursed before and had to go to the priest to clear the dirty magic. After staying at the priest's house for a few days, they went home and their lives were back to normal again.
When we ask her how she know she's cursed, she said she have panadol-incurable-headaches, sore all over the body, giddiness, feels tired easily, and there's been quite a few injuries since she came to our house.
I must admit that in 20 years of my life, she's the most accident prone maid we've hired.
Okays, so since my mom is feeling insecure about the Black Magic in the house, and she's not efficient with the Black Magic in her, then we'll get her cured asap.
and she's really interested in continuing her work here, I mean she barely earn anything after paying the agency and working for only a year. It'll be pointless to return home for good and not gaining any profits.
Okays... after more than a year of being a student at BBDC, I just realise that I can transfer money into my BBDC account through Internet Banking at Now I only have 1 month left to use this service. -_-
Lastly, more TVXQ dogs. This time, it's just the Kim Family quite a few months back.
As in Kim Junsu and Kim Junho.
Shaki is such a bully!!
Yeps, he's the oldest among the DongBang Dogs and Hoki is just adorable!!
There're ppl saying that that human hand belongs to Junho, but I'm having my reserves. and they say that's Junsu's home and the lady voice might be Junsu's mom, but who knows...
anyway, I conclude that Shaki is Violent.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Doggie Lovers
Recently, TVXQ is back in Korea, and their actions really show how much they miss their dogs.
Here's a series of Fancams of TVXQ and their Dogs.
Only 3 members were there. Jaejoong, Yunho and Junsu.
There were 4 dogs. Vick, Taepung, Xiaki and Hoki belonging to Jaejoong, Yunho, Junsu and Junho (Junsu's Twin).
I recognise 1 of them in the 3rd Video in white cap and shirt as one of their A to Z dancers.
Yunho picks up Taepung and passes it to Junsu.
Taepung looks like it's getting horny with Hoki... Oh No!! Privacy Please!!
Vick is not as obedient as Taepung. :D
This is Jaejoong focused with fan stalkers all around him.
You'll see 1 second of Harang (Yoochun's dog), Vick and Hoki.
The guy in blue blocking Jaejoong is Junho. He's freaking Tall la!! So much taller than Junsu!! Junho has always been bigger than Junsu since they were toddlers.
and the guy in Orange with the hair pulled back is Yoochun.
Hmm.. he tied his hair, not v nice, but it beats the gold highlights sticking out. >.<

I Want MangDung!!!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The Ponytail Moves!!
The ponytail is not gonna haunt this blog, so no pictures for you. Go to the www to search it for yourself.

Only Yoochun has done nothing to the horrible highlights, I thought I was seeing him in the T Live Tour when the Taiwan Concert pics were out.
Doesn't Jaejoong look SEXY in those frames?
And I realise that Yunho can't seem to put his hands down in every picture. I swear in all the Taiwan airport picture I've seen in Soompi, Yunho's hand is always up. I'm guessing he really misses the Taiwan fans.
How I know? Check out the outfits in this video and the pictures above.
Translations on the video's More Info pane.
Omg.. I'm fighting with Japan Ajummas (Aunties) for Yunho's Love. *Frowns*
and Yes, SNSD should know better not to meddle with TVXQ's fans. They are giving TVXQ such a headache now..
And I was laughing so much at the ending. Junsu Yah! Is Kenya even in Asia???
Saengilchukahamnida Shan!!
and Happy Mother's Day to everyone's Mummy!
All picture credits to Soompi and as tagged.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I miss my Darlings
The fans are probably super excited right now.
Here I am, at 6.53pm, stuck at home, with the little luck I'm having, managed to catch their Purple Line MV on MTVChinese.
This is the closest I can get to my Lovelies.
Life Sucks.
I Miss My TVXQ.
This is definitely just the beginning
Well, the air tickets are not confirmed but the destination is.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Na is going to Australia to change her life.
I wasn't sure before because all I had was an Acceptance Letter, but now my mind is more or less settled on setting foot in Aussie Land. Although I've not yet replied the offer letter, but I'm looking for accommodation, checking out air-rates and most importantly, my mom is striking out the dates on the calender to take leave for her daughter's life changing experience.
This is worth celebrating, but I can think of alot of other reasons to cry about.
Putting myself aside, I think I'm gonna miss everyone's 21st Coming Up Party.
Oh... I might be able to make it back for December Babies Parties though. Cuz school ends on 29th November 2009 for me.
Thank goodness it's not the 10th anniversary of Elements I'm gonna miss.
I probably won't know how well/badly my brother is gonna do for his As until I'm back for a visit. But if it's so bad that he can't go local but needs to cross the seas then I'll definitely be the first person they'll come to.
I wonder how is my family gonna survive w/o "Na the Housekeeper" at home to keep it safe. I am not embarrassed to admit that I'm the person who notes the birthdays, entertain the repairmen and amuse my brothers. On the other hand, "Na the Housekeeper's" part-time job as the Bosses' secretary (or PA) will have to start worrying about the vacancy.
And finally, TVXQ (or even Kpop) is so much harder to come by in Australia, much less the suburbs. Thinking about it just makes me shrug.
But on a lighter note, if I fail my Driving Test in June, I can always go to Australia to get my license, which is 10times easier than Singapore and totally convertible when I return.
Concisely, my future is more or less settled for.
and to those who are truly concerned, I have approximately 1.5 more months before setting off. Exact date to be confirmed much later on.
I'll blog more about it after I've paid the fees, because that's when everything is for sure.
Friday, May 09, 2008
My Darling is BACK!!!
I'm guessing my Yunho chopped off his ponytail for the 'O' Asia Concert image. They need to be consistent, you know?

My mood has improved so much since I heard of this news.

Since the start of the T Live Tour, Yunho's ponytail has been haunting me.
I've slowly left the soompi thread and because the thread moves so quickly, I'm at least 50 pages behind!
Because of this news, I'm currently back-tracking nearly 20pages of the thread to update myself a little.
Yunho's long hair made me dread looking at pictures in the forum... but now that I know Yunho is back to the previous hair, I'm so looking forward to seeing new pictures of Yunho.
Have I shared this yet?
Changmin's dog is the highlight!
But Junsu and Jaejoong is kinda right. When you put all 5 dogs together, you'll probably only see 4.
Qp, if you're reading this, be happy that Changmin is shining in Japan. (:
Btw, TVXQ's next single is in July. Wow... probably their last single before returning to Korea for their 4th Korean album.
Picture credits to Seungri@Soompi
Thursday, May 08, 2008
How to Laugh and Cry At The Same Time
Video Version 1
I totally love Yoona in here (the 1 paired with Yoochun). She's definitely SNSD's CF (Commercial) Queen. A natural.
I happy that TIFFANY SLUT is not suppose to take interest in Yunho, but it hurts to see Yunho trying so hard for the SLUT.
JESSICA WHORE should keep her hands off Changmin! He's still a virgin!!
But the part where Changmin fall off the bike was just LMAO!
The BESTEST Part of the video has gotta be Junsu.
When Junsu caught the rest in the act, he takes out the phone, takes pictures and threatens the others to reveal them.
Junsu totally OWNS the entire CF.
After watching it, everyone would totally forget about anything before and only remember Junsu's Acting.
Video Version 2
This is probably the version I hate the most.
Reason 1: The YoochunJaejoongWHORE moment was just Grrrrr!!!
Why must Jessica stand infront of Jaejoong!?
Why must it be Yoochun to push Jaejoong!?
Why must Jaejoong fall and hit Jessica!?
It's all a Scam!!
Reason2: The part where Yunho went to Hug TIFFANY SLUT!!!
People who know me well enough will know how much I'm FUMING at that moment!!! I'm ERUPTING!!!!!
Still, Junsu owns this CF.
How he enters into the picture by singing (SNSD's song) and dancing to it.. AH!!! I was SCREAMING as hard as I was fuming. And the door opens and Junsu's shocked face!! Classic!
And he runs off threatening the people in the lift again...
Video Version 3
This is definitely the most subtle one, therefore, the most acceptable one. Only because of it consists of my Top 3 Favourites with so much YunJae and HoSu in it.
But that TIFFANY SLUT has to ruin it all.
Junsu comes in questioning Yunho, who runs off feeling so embarrassed.
Junsu was a Rocker in Anyband, and now he Rocked the Anycall Haptic CF.
and there's no SNSD around to corrupt him.
My conclusion is, if this phone ever comes to Sg, I'm definitely getting it.
Just because....
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Turning Point
I'm not ready to announce anything yet.
But let me just clue you in a little...
I think I'm gonna fly again.
Ladies and Gentlemen, unfasten your seat belts and get ready for a celebration!
Na wants to tell TVXQ how much she loves them.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
It'll take ALOT of effort to out-do today for my 21st.
It's the first time in a day, I'm sending people out of my house.
and It's the first time in a day I'm receiving uninvited (but welcomed) guest at my home.
Everyone is appearing in my house, trying to pop a surprise on me.
And everyone is not doing a good job at it.
My 2nd "Surprise" for the day.
Last night, shan kept reminding me that she'll give me a wake-up call at 9.30am for breakfast with her.
Assuming that I normally sleep like a dead corpse until late afternoons, she decided to launch her surprise visit.
But haiz.... some pointers for shan (Detective Na on the job) :
1stly, don't you guys already know that the more unnatural you guys act, the more suspicious I get?
2ndly, after the 1st surprise attack, I'm already having my guard against anything suspicious.
3rdly, your constant reminders last night just gave you away.
4thly, which is why I woke up at 9am, waiting for something exciting to happen.
and when there was no call at 9.30am, it's pretty obvious that there was no morning call at all.
I stationed at my desk, with the curtains up, turning my head whenever I see a passer-by at my gate.
But my cutie pie SuJu boys on YouTube were just too distracting. I missed Shan sneaking outside my house and climbed the gate to get into my house.
Anyways, I was already up re-watching SuJu's Full House, laughing my ass off when she enters my room w/o knocking.
The best part is always about the presents.
According to this, I was suppose to realise that shan hid something in my room after chancing upon her blog. And I'd have to go ard looking for it.
But of all places, she had to hide a CD in the fridge.
Hello? CDs and moisture is like Fire & Water.
Because she got worried that the CD will freeze to death by the time I realise anything, she finally relent and gave it away.
Thank goodness nothing happened to the CD.
It's freaking the Bigeast Fanclub Edition!!!
I really didn't know how to express myself at that moment.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!
(although this wld make my CD collection abit wrong bcuz if you realise, I don't own any Singles at all....)
btw, BigEast is TVXQ (Tohoshinki)'s Japan Fanclub...
(like a dedicated Cassiopeia for the Japanese)
and the BigEast always have a bunch of official merchandises and this is one of them!!
It's Limited (i think...)!!!
Now, I wanna dedicate this song to everyone who tried to launch a surprise on me.
Especially Shan, whom my kor wants to sue because according to him, you were trespassing.
This is for all of you.
Unforgettable - Chinese version for all the non-Kpop lovers out there.
This is dedicated to you, so listen whether you like it or not.
Thank You U
April Fool's Revenge Mission Failed
It was no different from any other nights. It was 11pm and I'm slacking in the living room alone with the TV and Laptop as my company.
I received a call frm zw, which "coincidentally" was beside me because shan "unintentionally" made me get it from my room.
She sounded solemn, because she just quarreled with her family and needs a place for refuge. She's outside my gate.
A few pointers for zw (and accomplices) :
1stly, you're not a v skilled liar. You should've gotten some1 else to do it.
2ndly, you r not the kind of person to run away from home. Maybe you were once, but not anymore.
3rdly, if you really do quarrel and run away from home, I'm not the 1st person you will confide in, and this is definitely not the 1st place you will go to for refuge.
4thly, if you're thinking that maybe Shan's place is not convenient, I was chatting with Shan on MSN and she is super Free. She wld probably be frowning so badly if you quarreled with your family. And yes, she's 99% the first person you'll go to in situations like this.
So, yes. When you said you quarreled with your family and needs a place to refuge for the night, the first thing that came to my head, "Shan doesn't look like she knows anything." <-- This kinda gave away your surprise (and of course + the long hair girl lurking ard my neighbour's gate).
Yeps, 5 people appeared at my doorstep with a cake and 2 candles at 11.15pm.
You did surprise me by coming over at this time of the night.
But I still think I did a better job at lying on April Fool's Day. (;
(which is something I shouldn't be proud of, but I can't help myself)
Anyways, the best part of the Surprise was the presents.
Believe me, when I say that the presents are a BIGGER surprise than the Surprise Visit itself, I really mean it.
It's as shocking as the [Marcus photo] or even more shocking!
I literally fell off my chair even before I take a proper look at it.
Just one glance is enough to put me to death.
Now I know how you feel when you got my present a few months ago...
Thanks Shan+Zw for making the pictures (that are enough to put me into coma) for me.
It feels good to know that someone puts in effort for me. =D
I'm definitely gonna display the presents in my room, no matter how shocking it is and no matter how long it'll take me to feel numb to the photos (probably a very very loooong time).
It's just that Cw is poking/pinching him from behind so that Alv can make a face in the camera.
Thank you all so much!
You guys are the next best thing that ever happened to me ♥
(Don't start questioning me about who's first yet! Because my family comes 1st ☺)
Friday, May 02, 2008
The reason behind my Screaming and Yelling.
I almost tear down the entire building + my neighbour's.
I'm having a terrible headache right now.. all because of these 2 videos.
Jessica was suppose to be paired up with Jaejoong, but I don't know why Tit-less Tiffany ends up with YunJae.
This is so MADDENING!!!!!!
Must be because of their past... because Jaejoong & Yoochun (& Heechu + KangIn + Donghae) finally realised that Jessica is actually a WHORE in disguise... but they didn't realise that Jessica's BFF, Tiffany is a BIGGER WHORE!
I'm sorry, I can't bash these people anywhere else but here. Let me just let it all out. All those who disagrees, just stop reading and leave. It's none of your business that I hate SNSD and call them Bitches and Sluts.
On to lighter updates, I've been trying to divert my focus to other things other than TVXQ to lessen my pain.
Such as....
They are just sooo cute and funny.
I think I might just rewatch the whole thing again.
Oh, and btw, just to rant a little bit more... my dad's company is recently facing some major manpower changes. And I think I might lose my slacker life anytime soon if the situation doesn't get any better.
So please, if anyone is interested in a job as an Accountant, or anyone has any friends to recommend, please please holler asap.
I can't do any Accounting, my dad knows that.
But he will need me to do Payroll... which means HR.
I take Marketing for Christsake!
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Popular male vocal group TVXQ recently reached the top of the Japanese Oricon Chart.
The group's 22nd single "Beautiful You" ranked number one on the Oricon daily chart the day it was released on April 23. The song also ranked number one on the May 5 weekly chart.
With "Beautiful You" topping the Japanese Oricon Chart, TVXQ has become the first Asian group to do so in the 24 years and five months since "Love is Over," sung by a Taiwanese female artist, topped the chart in December, 1983.
TVXQ is currently on a nationwide tour in Japan, performing in a total of 17 concerts in front of 150,000 fans. The grand finale of TVXQ's "TVXQ 3rd Live Tour 2008-T" will take place at the Super Arena in Saitama on May 6.
Asian and even European fans are expected to flock to the final performance which will be held over Japan's long weekend.
Source : KBS World
Credit: ciarain@Asianfanatics
No words can express my joy for the boys at this moment.
This makes TVXQ's value rise 1,000,000,000 times!
QP was asking who's SNSD.
I don't wanna introduce any of them cuz I'd be giving them free publicity.
I found a fancam of the Sluts filming Samsung's Anycall CF with My TVXQ, which is what made me erupt.
The user disabled the embedding, but I wouldn't wanna contaminate my blog either, so I'll just add a hyperlink.
This is the best fancam I've found. The rest were atrocious.
There's quite abit of SoulFighters in this fancam.
First they team up to carry Yoochun, as instructed by the director I suppose.
Then Changmin tries to strangle Jaejoong...
And the other fancams just made me feel violently terrible.
One one hand, I wanna see this video badly because it's been awhile since TVXQ is in Korea. But on the other hand, SNSD's presence just ruins everything.
My dad's company is looking for an Accountant urgently.
Nice working environment.
(Woodlands Area)
Salary is negotiable.
Anyone interested please do not hesitate to holler.
Reality Check
30minutes ago, I just realised that it's already 1st May.
I'm dreading the next 2 days to come.
I've decided to coop at home and hide under covers (cowardly like an ostrich),
hoping that time will stop if I prevent myself from seeing daylight.
Before you know it, I'm qualified for a kid to call me "Auntie".