It was no different from any other nights. It was 11pm and I'm slacking in the living room alone with the TV and Laptop as my company.
I received a call frm zw, which "coincidentally" was beside me because shan "unintentionally" made me get it from my room.
She sounded solemn, because she just quarreled with her family and needs a place for refuge. She's outside my gate.
A few pointers for zw (and accomplices) :
1stly, you're not a v skilled liar. You should've gotten some1 else to do it.
2ndly, you r not the kind of person to run away from home. Maybe you were once, but not anymore.
3rdly, if you really do quarrel and run away from home, I'm not the 1st person you will confide in, and this is definitely not the 1st place you will go to for refuge.
4thly, if you're thinking that maybe Shan's place is not convenient, I was chatting with Shan on MSN and she is super Free. She wld probably be frowning so badly if you quarreled with your family. And yes, she's 99% the first person you'll go to in situations like this.
So, yes. When you said you quarreled with your family and needs a place to refuge for the night, the first thing that came to my head, "Shan doesn't look like she knows anything." <-- This kinda gave away your surprise (and of course + the long hair girl lurking ard my neighbour's gate).
Yeps, 5 people appeared at my doorstep with a cake and 2 candles at 11.15pm.
You did surprise me by coming over at this time of the night.
But I still think I did a better job at lying on April Fool's Day. (;
(which is something I shouldn't be proud of, but I can't help myself)
Anyways, the best part of the Surprise was the presents.
Believe me, when I say that the presents are a BIGGER surprise than the Surprise Visit itself, I really mean it.
It's as shocking as the [Marcus photo] or even more shocking!
I literally fell off my chair even before I take a proper look at it.
Just one glance is enough to put me to death.
Now I know how you feel when you got my present a few months ago...
Thanks Shan+Zw for making the pictures (that are enough to put me into coma) for me.
It feels good to know that someone puts in effort for me. =D
I'm definitely gonna display the presents in my room, no matter how shocking it is and no matter how long it'll take me to feel numb to the photos (probably a very very loooong time).
It's just that Cw is poking/pinching him from behind so that Alv can make a face in the camera.
Thank you all so much!
You guys are the next best thing that ever happened to me ♥
(Don't start questioning me about who's first yet! Because my family comes 1st ☺)
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