First up, a pretty mediocre Korean Boyband.
To tell the truth, I've never heard of them until I found out that one of them is the brother of a SS501 member. Introducing:

Well, the 3rd guy frm the left is actually SS501 maknae Hyungjoon's brother.
Anyways, scroll back up and take a good look at the U-kiss picture again... anymore celebrity resemblence???
I'll give you a hint:
The 2nd kid from the left.
Any idea?
A random guess?
Oh alright!
Reveal the answer:

Am I the only 1 laughing?
Moving on to more traumatising news, the recent Inkigayo Wonder Boys (mixture of Wonder Girls and Girls Generation) stint was terrorising!
It started with Shindong's miracle (diet),
and then it was Sungmin's wig.
But if you take a closer look, or pause the video,
Get me some tranquilisers so that I don't have to watch anymore of this:

For more horrifying scenes of this
Although, I must say, SeungRi kept me eyes elephant glued to the screen.
That wouldn't beat my Dong Bang teaser pictures. My entire face (and maybe lips) were literally on the screen.
I can't believe how narrow-minded Singaporeans are.
If any of you can get your hands on subscription of (well, I guess you don't really have a point to bcuz you're not overseas), try reading the forum section. Not the letters that the readers write in, read the comments on the letters.
When I first heard of the news that the Govt wants to build hostels near Serangoon Gardens for Bangalas (My Dad's co. calls them that and they don't mind it at all), my first reaction was:
"Isn't that area filled with big houses? Wouldn't the property prices drop?"
Erm... well, not that I have a problem living near Bangalas, because for 1 thing, my neighbourhood is filled with them (because of the Expressway construction, and then the Circle Line construction).
And then, just a few moments ago, I read on's forum that there was a letter on how Singaporeans are pathetic to think that way and we should have some heart for the Bangalas.
The readers' comments were:
"Ask the govt to build a 1,500 dorm next to Mr.LetterWriter's (unrevealed name) house!"
Na: HaHa! That was funny.
Then there was one who digressed to how A&E in public hospitals are all packed and he/she had to go to private hospitals now, whom I assume is blaming the Bangalas for that.
Na: WHAT!?! Are you kidding me? This guy needs to go back to school! (or step back into reality.)
And another person, who's acc name ends with a "1977" says that this Mr.LetterWriter has vested interest bcuz maybe he has Bangalas to find housing for.
Na: Hmm.... wait a minute... that sounds familiar... Oh! My dad does that too!
Not that I'm discriminating or anything, but isn't there somewhere else to settle these people?
Because if the dorm is really built, the govt is really messing up the demographic stigma in residential estates.
To be fair, they should build a dorm in Bukit Timah as well.
Nah! Just kidding.
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