Sunday, May 14, 2006

Book Review no.2

Book Title: Tuesdays with Morrie - An old man, a young man, and their life's experiences.
Author: Mitch Albom
Also written by Mitch Albom: Five People You Meet In Heaven

People say that if you've read Five People You Meet In Heaven, you wouldn't enjoy Tuesdays with Morrie as much. I disagree.

"Five People.." keeps readers in suspension from the start until the very end. The suspension hangs in the air as soon as you pick up the book and reads the title. Who are the five people you'll meet afterlife? What's the author's analogy? Who is first? Who's the last?

Whereas in "Tuesdays with...", the author actually shares his last moments he's had with his most respected teacher. The book might get a little dready in the middle, but the ending of the book is really enlightening.

All the lessons I've learnt from "Tuesdays with..." is far better than the entertainment I've got from "Five People...". Both are self-enriching, but "Tuesdays with..." offers readers with more food for thought.

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