Tuesday, February 12, 2008

TVXQ v.s. Elements



At the last gathering Elements attended, I realise the similarities we share with TVXQ.

From the oldest to the youngest.

Youngwoong Jaejoong -~- Fel
Uknow Yunho -~- Laine
Micky Yoochun -~- Na
Xiah Junsu -~- Shan
Choikang Changmin -~- Zeewee

Youngwoong Jaejoong -~- Fel
First and foremost, they both LOVE to COOK!
Next, despite being the oldest, they don't act their age. Together with the youngest of the group, the oldest have age identity crisis.

Uknow Yunho -~- Laine
one word describes them both.
The 4 boys Respect Yunho as their Leader.
The 4 girls Respect Laine as their Ah Ma.
We alway take Ah Ma's words seriously, just like how the 4 boys listen to Leader-shi.

Micky Yoochun -~- Na
I don't feel comfortable talking about myself.
But 1 thing is for sure.
We are both the most Temperamental kid in the group.
"So don't mess with us"

Xiah Junsu -~- Shan
We all have our own preferences,
but in my opinion,
Junsu and Shan have the best vocals in the group.
I can't tell you how much I LOVE Junsu's Voice!!!
and back in Sec 1, I thought Shan could sing the best among the 5 of us.

Max Changmin -~- Zeewee
Just like how the oldest don't act their age, the youngest don't act their age either.
But when you put the oldest and youngest together, you'll get the most childish pairing in the group.
TVXQ SoulFighters (Jae+Min) "fight" like little kids.
Fel and Zeewee play like little kids. (They are Suuuperr noisy whenever they start playing)

Maybe only I'll appreciate this thing we share with TVXQ.
The other 4 Elements probably wants to smack my head right this moment.

Happy 8th Anniversary!
Technically, every January should be our anniversary.
2 more years to the 10th Year of Elements!

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