Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ekka 2009

She ate, she watched, she entertained, and she searched.
I know I look the same in the photos, but I had a horrible wound on the other side of my face due to bad climate.
There were car stunts, motorbike stunts, almost as if I'm watching the X Games live.
Everybody knows that Na Loves Chicken.
Since she's been experiencing a dry spell in the love department, Na decided to search for her Mr. KFC at Ekka.

First, we have Mr. Handsome Cock.
Then we have Mr. White Kentucky
Contestant No.3 is Mr. Dark Knight.
Contestant No.4 is not a chicken, but a bird "dressed" like cruella.
Those are real feathers from the bird itself. The (maybe deformed) bird was born like this.

And our last contestant is Mr. Na's-Only-Love.
And the winner of Na's Ekka Mr. KFC Pageant is........ *Drumrolllll*

Mr. Na's-Only-Love Chicken!!!!!!!!!!!
And they live happily ever after.
*Pops Champagne*

Yunho photo credits to tagged labels & sharingyoochun@wordpress.

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