Saturday, January 14, 2006

It ain't so unlucky...

Today is a pretty dull day. Nothing much.

After lesson and project work, I went out with cw, sb, yk and kewei.
I've pon'd astro for 2 months and 1 week.

Had dinner @ v8 and saw 2 different kinds of shuai ge. One had a really cool hair and a cute badboy face. The other had a good boy decent looking face, tall and probably hunky.
Cw said I was being desperate, but I disagree, cuz whenever I see a cute guy, I will go crazy for a while and then forget all about him.
ok, not exactly forget totally, but i wont go crazy anymore. Its not a crime to spot shuai ges wat. Mayb I'm single for too long. Wahahaha!!

Watching WWE backdated Wrestlemania now. Triple H vs Batista. Triple H is bleeding profusely now. So disgusting. Wonder how can my kor be a fan. sigh

In all 17 years, I've only experienced one unlucky Friday the 13th. The rest were dull Friday the 13th's.

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