Thursday, April 16, 2009

Long time no see Sunnybanks :)

Straight after the easter holidays, a group of 9 girls headed to Sunnybank for Dim Sum at Landmark Restaurant.
Sunnybank is a asian-fied town 30-40mins bus ride away from uni.
After Yum Cha, we split into our own groups to do shopping. I, obviously joined the M&Ms club.
Next stop, dessert!!
There's a taiwan/hongkong-ish dessert shop nearby, so we stopped by for tauhua.
We did our asian mart shopping, buying stuff like frozen pandan leaves, fishballs, rock sugar that cannot be found in Coles or Woolies (local supermarkets).
Nearly 4-5 hours later, Bel had to leave for her Zefron movie and so it was just the Lodge Trio left for dinner.

Just a little trivia.
M&Ms gang = Lodge Trio + Bel.
Lodge Trio = Ambassadors of Unit 3/5/6 of Campus Lodge.
And we're all Singaporeans.
Which brings me to my next photo.
Our dinner place: Little Singapore in Sunnybank.
The menu looks absolutely fine at a first glance.
The usual Nasi Lemak, Laska, Curry, etc.
But when you take a closer look and read the menu intently, you'd realise that OBVIOUSLY A SINGAPOREAN DIDN'T WRITE THIS MENU!!
How Ironic!!
*Hint: Try finding Roti Prata in the menu.
We took a loooooooong time to decide on what to eat. It's been a while since we had anything Singaporean-ish. So long, that all the waiters/waitresses had each came up to us to ask if we were ready to order.
Ooo! And guess what??
You get Korean staff in a Korean restaurant,
Japanese staff in a Japanese restaurant,
Thai staff in a Thai restaurant,
Vietnamese staff in a Vietnameses restaurant, and
Taiwanese staff in a Singaporean restaurant!!!
Ash: Chicken Char Siew Curry Dry Noodles
Rach: Laksa
Na: Seafood Horfun

You'd think that judging from the photo, laksa would taste the best.
But Nooooooo. I thought mine was the best. ^^

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