Thursday, April 16, 2009

Southbank Movies Are REALLY Cheap!!!

On Good Friday, when all the aussies are spending time with their family, homesick people would look for other activities to entertain themselves.

So Southbank here we come!!
That's a Possum up on a tree taking a nap. They look really cute like that, but they are such irritants at night while fighting with the Turkeys for who knows what.

The weather was...... cloudy. It rained for almost 2 weeks straight in Brissy.
Na got herself another airbrush in the Lifestyle market. It has been decided that there will be no inks. Just random airbrushes/henna whenever Na gets the opportunity.
And off to the movies we go!
In Brissy, students get concession movie tickets!
Sg should learn from them!
But did I mention that it's free seating in the theatres here?
I guess we should all learn from each other.
Yea, I know.. It's the kind of movie that you'd least expect Na to go watch. But seriously, there weren't much to choose from and Lina is a huge HSM fan... so yea.
Na did get her Zefron drools for the rest of the day.
My Brissy Family... well, part of it (household).

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