Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I musn't be selfish

I had a 4 hours long chat with my didi.
We haven't talked like that in a loooong time since I moved to level 2.
Btw, our chats always take place in the middle of the night, when the adults are asleep.

I've decided to give up my dream of studying in USA.
I did my calculations and summed up my parent's expenses on our university tuition fees.
Our family will be able to survive for my 1st 2 years of studies abroad, but once my didi ORD and starts his undergrad course, my parents would have double the burden.
Btw, the fat boy is also thinking of going overseas, which makes me a selfish person if I still insist on going to USA.

The school fees for 1 year in USA is enough for 2 years of studies in Australia it's approximately equivalent to the cost of 1 degree in Singapore.

Among the three of us, I'm the only 1 who knows the family's monthly income best, and I dare say we may be able to live comfortably, but that was until our education expenses grew.

I checked my bank book, I could afford a degree in Australia with just a little help from the folks.

But I swear I'll regret So Very Much if my didi ends up studying in S'pore.

Anyways, I'm talking like the Australian Universities have accepted me.
For all I know, I might end up in SIM. *Crosses Fingers*


2 Videos to share.
They are both cuts from the latest History in Japan Vol.3

Yoochun and Changmin

These 2 were separated from the others for promos in some part of Japan.
All Changmin can think about is the Crab meal.
Either that, or food. *Sigh*

Tohoshinki's 5-Way Call

I'm getting a headache.
A whole load of random-ness.
Changmin imitates Yoochun's voice and starts babbling in English, annoying Jaejoong. Yunho practically gave up speaking to Changmin.
Jaejoong's bright idea to connect Changmin and Junsu through speakers.
and he's really confusing everyone when he tries to talk to 2 phones at a time.
and poor Junsu totally unaware of what's going on. Sometimes I even think that he's kinda neglected in the 5-Way Convo.
(who's Yunho speaking to in Korean!! I'm have no idea why am I feeling so sour. rofl!)

I've tried watching the whole thing w/o subs but to no avail. I almost fell asleep cuz I didn't understand a thing. But I must admit, there are definitely cute and funny moments. I mean seriously, this is TVXQ we're talking about. How boring can they get!? (No, non-TVXQ fans don't answer this question.)

This brings me back to my WishList. It's nearly April. *Ahem*
(maybe I should do abit more of editting before it's too late)

Btw, after Tohoshinki's 3rd Live Tour in Japan, I've demoted Yunho to my No. 3 (I can't bear drop him below the median). OMG, it hurts when I was typing No.3. If you're really curious as to why I made this decision, go search for their 3rd Live Tour Pictures in Yokohama, Japan. My heart was literally bleeding, and there were people in forums consoling each other, saying that it could be worse. IT'S A NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!
If he's going to wear that style for the entire Tour season, I'll have the worse birthday ever this year!!! He better change his hair by the performance on 3rd May!!

Note: This demotion is only temporary. Junsu is currently No. 1 with Jaejoong at No.2, simply because somehow, Jaejoong's 3rd Live Tour pictures give off a sense of cuteness. Check them out to see what I mean.

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