Tuesday, June 03, 2008


It was only for a few days (less than 3 days) I've not been visiting Soompi (a Kpop fan forum) and when I went back, I saw the most heart-racing, blood gushing, goosebump-ing video.
This video kept me awake the entire night yesterday.

Here it goes.
TVXQ went to Shanghai for their 'O' Concert Asia Tour (A tour that stretched into a year) on the 30th May.
As usual, they sang in Korean, and did their solo stage.

and Junsu definitely made the headlines this time.
It's pretty hard to use words to describe my feelings after watching this video.
I'm still recovering from aftershock (after more than 24hrs later).
(You might want to turn down your volume and ignore the screams, or like me, my scream drowned everything you're hearing in max volume.)

One word: Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because of this video, Soompi is back into another roar of hot-blooded horny fangirls cleaning up their drools and nosebleeds.
Me included.
I'm even taking panadol to urge my head from splitting because my heart is beating in lightning speed.
Okays, exaggerated.
But it is really that Drastically Big Deal to all TVXQ fans, Junsu's fan especially.

Thank Goodness Junsu is only No.2.
I think I might faint and go into coma if Yunho ever does that.

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