Monday, June 30, 2008

Mad Maid 2 (Sequel)

10 minutes ago, my maid gave the family another shock.

My (big) brother was downstairs alone, watching tv, when my maid's alarm clock started ringing in her room. In a normal situation, an alarm clock is set to wake a person up. It would usually take the person awhile to hear the alarm and turn it off, but in this case, the alarm just kept ringing, which got my brother irritated.

The doors were closed, so he didn't dare to check on her. My brothers came to me, since I'm a girl and all, it's safer for me to go kick her door down.

We yelled for her name, but there was nobody there.

First Panic, did the maid faint or something?

I yanked the door opened and I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.
There was nobody there.
We checked the toilets, the kitchen, backyard, bedrooms, and porch.
No sight of the maid at all.

Second Panic, where did she disappear to?

I shouted for my parents, who were already asleep, locked up in their room. I knocked hard on their door, and my dad came out looking cranky.
You know how my brain malfunctions on Panic Mode, and my dad's cranky face made me even more scared.
To hit him out of cranky and into alert mode, I summarised the whole search party episode into 1 sentence:
"THE MAID IS MISSING!" in a I'm-freaking-out-so-what-to-do face.

My mom's a light sleeper, obviously she heard me talking at the top of my voice, thinking that it'd be easier to drill the message into my parent's sleepy heads.

I stammered the search party that my brothers and I formed and went back into action, allowing my parents some time to digest and think of a solution.

It's obvious that the maid is out of the house, cuz I found the set of keys in the kitchen missing.
My (big) brother decided to make a trip out to check if she's hiding somewhere.

He walked to the left, and I walked to the right.

Just two blocks away, parked a van owned by a family who does catering. I wanted to give up when I thought the coast was clear, but somehow, my instincts told me that something was behind the van.

She was there, squating behind the van, not noticing my existence beside her, while she carefully peeps over to see if we were still roaming around the gates.

I kinda gave her a shock, cuz she wasn't expecting anyone beside her, or maybe she thought I was a spirit, or maybe the blackmagic was back, or.... you know what I mean.

I walked back to the house to find the entire family standing at the porch with faces of expectation, as if they were waiting for my catch after returning from hunting.

My parents' brain just woke up from sleep mode, so they'll do the questioning another day.
My (big) brother was the most curious one of all, questioning her about her wherebouts, and she just smiled and laughed (shyly) her way through.

This is the most problematic maid we've ever engaged.

My house is getting alot more exciting with this maid around.
I'll miss all the excitement/commotion when I go to Australia.

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