Saturday, July 25, 2009

Everybody loves reviews

So I was told to give the american TV series, House, a try.
It wasn't the first time somebody tried to do so, but I've been pretty sick of hospital dramas (See the pun? no? Nvm, it wasn't planned).

Despite being extremely judgmental, I would normally give everything a 2nd chance.

Na's thoughts: "Maybe because she knows she is extremely judgmental, that's why she'd give everything a 2nd chance, in case she's wrong."

In any case, I gave the TV series a chance to prove itself.

The good things is, there's no "I love you, you love me, he loves me, I can't love him, she loves him, you cheat on me, I cheat on you" drama.

The bad thing is, without the drama above, this series is almost like sitting through advanced biology class with a little (ok, maybe a little more) suspense.

So why am I still watching it?
Na found a new person to look up to. Not exactly an idol, but someone she can learn from.
The lead character in the series happens to be a cynically sarcastic person filled with negativity. Sounds familiar?

Na answers: "Isn't that.... Na??"

No. Well, not really. The main character, Greg House, can get away from being cynical and sarcastic just because he's all fictional. And he's even a few notches above me, yet people love (watching) him!

Now I wish I was fictional, so I can flood all my thoughts out loud and everyone will still love (watching) me.

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