Sunday, May 13, 2007

Little Devils

It's been such a long time since I've had so much contact with so many kids. The last time I had interaction with children was when I was one myself.

I was asked to tend the inflatable playground in a Carnival, an inflatable that wasn't well-designed for kids. It stood at the height of 2 storeys, had really high steps (nearly the height of a 5 year old), a pretty steep slide and a very small landing ground.

I stationed myself on the top of the inflatable, regulating the traffic flow. It was total chaos at first. Fights, bullies, pushing and crying. I thought I could be a nice big sister and persuade them to play nice. But no, none listened and things got worse. Parents started intruding and shouted orders at me from below. Curses.

I have a natural stern face to start off with, so being one wasn't tough. Boys used to shun me because of that. Just a little screaming and commanding was all I need.

There were 3 boys who left quite an impression at the end of the day.

1st was Darren, 6years old. Yeps, I even got his name (: He's really cheeky and smart. He knows how to suck up to me to get away with all the naughty deeds. It started when he was bullied on his way up and I went to his rescue. He came up again offering me a candy. From then on, on every turn, he would run up and shine his bright smiley face at me, 'smooth talking' his way through whenever he cuts the queue.

He reminds me of InHwan. *Cuteness!*

2nd was a toddler. He's really small, but very brave. Most probably only 3 years old or maybe younger. He doesn't talk or smile and can't seem to follow instructions very well. I felt abit irritated at first, he was very unresponsive. It was only until his XX no. of turns when I realise he was still in diapers. All along I thought he just had a smaller build but no, he's just a brave toddler.

3rd is another boy, probably around Primary 4. He came up to me and tried to make conversations like an adult, but failed terribly.

Boy: So when is the President coming?
Na: The President is not coming.
Boy: Then who is coming?
Na: The Prime Minister is coming. (There was a printing error on the stage backdrop, which I wasn't aware of.)
Boy: Then can take knife and stab him?
Na: For what? You want to go jail ah?
Boy: Nevermind one, the ambulance is just there, he won't die de.
Na: .....
And it was the boy's turn to play on the slide.

Was he trying to be funny?


Heard from Qp that ShuHsien is a potential TVXQ fan. Most importantly, all the credit goes to Na's Haven. Woots! It proves that all my hardwork pays off, and there ARE people who actually read and WATCH my entries.

The thing is, according to Qp, ShuHsien seems to have more interest in Yunho. On one hand, I feel happy cuz Finally some1 thinks like me. But then again, it hurts to share Yunho with one more person. (Okays, I see people rolling their eyes already. Try stopping me from being emo.)

SH, if you're reading this, I welcome you with open arms to the TVXQ World.

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