Sunday, August 10, 2008

Reasons behind: Tears of Homesick-ness

Everyone blogged about 080808, but I thought 090808 was a little bit more meaningful in my context.

You see, when u're alone overseas for a great period of time, an event like Olympic is really no tear-jerker when everyone else around you is showing enthusiasm and interest in what is possibly the world's greatest event/festival/competition/celebration.

So when it boils down to something less major in scale that only affect approximately 4.5 million of the world's population, it is kind of a big deal for a girl like me who left the 4.5 million other people whom I can (kinda) relate to, including those dearly missed (approx.) 40.5 people.

And when you exit the seemingly less impressive (but more heartfelt) parade live telecast at 11pm, welcomed by a bone-freezing chill on every inch of exposed skin, the 30 degrees celcius doesn't seem that bad after all.

So, on 090808, I paid IH (International House; my 1st choice college in the beginning but not anymore) a visit.
As you can see from the flags, and as the name suggests, the place is International (not Asian).
And why am I there?
They have this "food fair" going on, and everyone in school is invited. Since it's free-entry, why not go see how my ex-1st choice college looks like... and coincidently get an impromptu Henna as a souvenir.
I finally manage to get my self-designed initial Na's logo as a (temporary) mark on my body. And the other hand, is Lina's. She's my First Friend in Brisbane. How we met is quite a story full of coincidence. I'll leave that for another day.

And ever since people knew that I was coming to Australia to study, 1 friend realised that I was gonna miss NDP on TV this year. However, with advancing technolody throughout the world, this friend of mine insisted that I stream the NDP live in Aussieland. The reason being, she's performing.
Okays. I had a problem since I have download quotas. Thankfully, the Singapore Student Society in UQ has kindly organised a Live Telecast Event for the parade and so, this part of the post is specially dedicated to CZW.

To Zeewee: Evidence that I really did watch NDP.
Ok, bad evidence, but these are my alibis.
and the screen cap I chose to prove that I was watching.
These VIPs should be enough to prove my innocence.
And if you need a clearer picture of the alibis, just in case you wanna call them in for interrogation.....
Btw, we are the college kakis.

So, That's All Folks!

P.S. a random f.y.i.
This was found in the central laundry room in my college, and one of the college kaki (featured above) saw used oneS in her common toilet bin.
Please Practice Safe Sex.

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