Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I really wanna know how big this is

So if the mrbrownshow uses this song, then it must mean it's pretty huge.

Sunye's imitated adlib part at the end was funny.
The BEST was Yubin's rap at the end that cracked the hell out of me. Suddenly add Kim Jongil into the picture...
Msg to ppl who will misunderstand: Please don't be mistaken. The WGs are S.Korean hor..

And right at the end, ".... and it's always for nobody but cheu"
Well, the girls are studying english really hard right now and there's obviously some improvement:

(Their boss) JYP, aka the dancing gorilla, is trying to push them into Hollywood.

Na says: *tsk tsk!*

Looks like I can only return to Sg to find out for myself.

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