Thursday, August 03, 2006

I wish for a slacker job in my internship company.

I am the unlucky one. It’s always me. It stinks.

Why do I say so?

My ITP (internship) for this holiday is screwed up.
Firstly, I never receive any notification about my internship. Everyone else has news except for me. I panicked.

Out of nowhere on a Friday evening, the director of a company called to ask for my resume. I have no clue as to what was going on so I took down his particulars and promised to reply him on Monday as soon as I’ve checked with my school. I sent my resume anyway, thinking that there’s not harm to it.

I went to the BA office and as usual, they have no access to anything. They always have no access to anything. The woman in the office took my number, student no. and told me to wait for her reply. In the evening, once again, I got her call and she said that the letter of notification has been sent and that I have 2 choices: 1. Wait patiently for the letter to arrive. 2. Go to Blk 16 to retrieve my letter manually. Pissed.

The next day, I talked to KPT about it. She couldn’t help me either. The director of the company called again. This time, he requested for an interview. INTERVIEW!!! WTH!!

So I went to look for Mr. Ong, the lecturer in charge of ITP. He dutifully printed my letter and advised me on the interview. I was told to proceed and do as the director requests. Grrr…

The director arranged to meet in NP canteen 1 for the interview at 2pm today. It’s approximately 12.30pm now, my class ended at 10.30am. I’m waiting alone, writing this, watching the lunch crowd for today. I’m so nervous. He wants to see my work on dreamweaver because I wrote in my resume that I know some basics on macromedia. Hope he doesn’t like my work.. then I wont have extra workload during my 8weeks of internship.

Now I hope that after going through all these trouble, I really want to spend my internship life peacefully and smoothly. No more problems arising, be it a mistake or deliberately (by the boss).

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