Sunday, June 21, 2009

Despite having 1 more paper undone,

Despite having 1 more paper undone, Na decided to let herself free and enjoy her last Saturday for this semester. Photos with descriptions comes later (or probably never, if I get too lazy).

Marilyn is gone. T_T
I'll probably never ever get to see her again. Unless my plans for higher education ends up in the US like I'm hoping to. But since when did my plans ever listens to me? I've always thought I'll squeeze my way into JC no matter how difficult it was but I ended up in Poly, which I ultimately thought was a better choice for me. I planned to take my degree in the US and I ended up in Brissy, which also turned out to be a better plan, since it's less far from home. Who knows? I might end up in UK or Canada or possibly SKorea for my masters. You can never be too sure about your future.

Okay, it's 8am, I woke up an hour ago to see Marilyn off and I only slept at 5am last night. I needed time to chill from all the fun and excitement that ended late last night. By the time I could relax, it was nearing 5am.

Na reads back: "Excuses, excuses, excuses."

Well, at least now we know that because of her partying, Na is no longer sleeping baby hours anymore.... I hope.

I just read an article that's probably whats keeping me from going back to bed right now.
The highlight here is to read what Changmin's secret is.
You know, instead of making him more manly, as a person who's super sensitive to scents, I can imagine how much of a turn off his "manly scent" is.
Based on my knowledge of TVXQ, Changmin sweats the most and is probably the hairiest in the underarms area.
Got my hint?
Go figure.

Credits: 神采奕譯@東方神起百度帖吧

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