Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Interesting facts

So, apparently Singapore is expensive to travel in.
But still cheaper than travelling to Japan.
However, SKorea gave us the most reason to travel to. (=
I've only been to Incheon once, but I've seen the arrival and departure gates of Incheon quite frequently in Youtube and photos, courtesy of Cassies of cuz. (=

I'm finding all sorts of reasons to pretend that I don't have to study. It is so much harder to study here as compared to college, despite more distractions from college kids, there were also more mood to mug in college since it is also a place filled with high achievers.

Na had a haircut by KOREAN hair stylists.
With the abundance of Korean immigrants in Australia, finding a Korean hair salon isn't difficult at all.
Okay, I know u can't see much from this photo. Na doesn't like taking photos in mirrors/toilets and apparently Lina isn't an expert either. I feel almost dumb and embarrassed doing something like that, but Na HAD to keep a momento of her Korean-styled hair.
I must admit, the stylist changed the shape of my hair, which I really didn't want to lose. Stylist in Singapore would normally blow ur hair straight, but koreans love to curl the ends. Na kinda liked it. Maybe I'd get soft curls/waves afterall.

Oh my. This korean thing is getting out of hand, isn't it.

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