Monday, June 15, 2009

For once I don't want exams to be cancelled

Not because I'm fully prepared but because I'm prepared for what comes after exams.

Oh! I missed the main point: Why on earth is there a possibility of cancellation of exams!?

If you don't already know, Australia is infested with swine flu carriers. It is mostly affecting the Victoria state, more specifically the 2nd Aussie City Melbourne.
Oh and I should have known! With exams starting and the end of SWOTVAC, kids would be heading back to uni from wherever they fled to for "revisions".

I'll try not to pass judgments here. So a poor kid from St Leos College kena swine flu. He visited the uni clinic, which was where I got my flu vaccination a week ago. I sure hope I wasn't there the same time as he did.
Thankfully I stayed indoors and avoided books libraries during swotvac.

Anyways, the exec director of UQ sent an email stating Very Clearly that the uni is still operating as per normal, continuing all functions, and that includes exams. *Na hears the college kids next door jeering* (The cutest thing is how kids from other colleges are encouraging the Leos to watch the movie Quarantine tonight.)

C'mon! In times like this, if Aussies can go to the AFL, what's there to be afraid in an exam hall. Oh wait. There IS something to be afraid of; the exam paper.

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